

Construct Name: Anderson-NodC(optimized)-HIS-dblTerminator Anderson Promoter Length: 35 bp

NodC: 591 bp

Dbl terminator: 129 bp

Description: This construct contains the constituent Anderson promoter and a codon-optimized sequence for a chitin synthase homolog gene NodC. NodC was codon-optimized for E.coli. When expressed in E.coli, chitin should be produced.

Construct Name 1: Pc-E2Crimson-T4

PC promoter: 273 bp

T4 terminator 267 bp

Description: This construct contains the constituent promoter Pc, E2 Crimson a Red Fluorescing Protein(RFP), and a T4 terminator. When this construct is transformed and expressed the vector it is expressed in will fluoresce red.

Construct Name 2: Pc-NodC(optimized)

PC promoter: 273 bp

NodC: 591 bp

T4 terminator: 267 bp

Description: This construct contains the constituent promoter Pc, the codon optimized sequence for the chitin synthase homolog gene NodC. NodC was codon-optimized for Pseudomonas fluorescens. When expressed in Pseudomonas, chitin should be produced.

Construct Name 3: PpsbA-NodC(optimized)-T4

PpsbA: 222 bp

NodC(optimized): 591 bp

T4: 267 bp

Description: This construct contains the inducible promoter PpsbA, the codon optimized sequence for the chitin synthase homolog gene NodC. NodC was codon-optimized for Pseudomonas fluorescens.