Team:Pasteur Paris/test/Attributions

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    Picto Sciences




    We would like to thank all those that contributed to making our project possible this year. We want to express our deepest gratitude to the Institut Pasteur who hosted us and contributed to bring our team together, to all the contributors, may they be for funding, giving material, technical support or advice. Finally, we want to give a special thank you to our PI (Principal Investigator) and our coaches who were always there to help, guide, and advise us.

    None of us has an iGEM course in its institution. Tara and Léa had a synthetic biology course in their institution from February 7th to May 2nd, Marie have had one since September 2019, Alexandre since February 2019 and Ronan had one from Septembre 2016 to June 2018. None of these courses are freely available online and neither are their syllabus. All of us did iGEM in the Institut Pasteur, in parallel of our studies in our respective institutions. Some classes of basic biology were given by our PI at the beginning to all the members. We applied to be part of iGEM Pasteur Paris 2019 in January or February 2019 and started to brainstorm on February 5th. We started to work on the project DIANE on March 19th. Finally, we started to work in the lab on July 22nd.


    C. Charendoff M. de Jode M.V. Mazzuoli D. Gopaul D. GopaulM.V. MazzuoliC. CharendoffM. de Jode

    Although the project is completely elaborated and conducted by the members of the team, this incredible journey would never have been possible without our PI and our coaches. We want to particularly thank them:

    • Deshmukh Gopaul: PI of the team, he is the reason why iGEM Pasteur could take place once more this year. He assembled the team, supervised it and let its members express the best of themselves to elaborate and carry out this project. Thanks to his experience of the iGEM competition and his contacts we were able to meet a lot of people to help develop and present our project.

    • Chloe Charendoff (PhD Student): She gave us a great help in the lab thanks to her knowledge in molecular and cellular biology. She allowed us to test a PCR purification kit from Qiagen and a purification by gel extraction kit during the SELEX process. She also helped a lot during the SELEX experiments, especially for the characterization of our aptamers using flow cytometry. She gave us advice to turn a good presentation into a great one. She also spent time reading and correcting several presentation supports and the wiki content.

    • Maria Vittoria Mazzuoli (PhD Student): She gave us help, support and advice in the lab and all along the development of our project thanks to her knowledge in biology. She gave us the appropriate culture medium (THY) and helped us for the culture of S. aureus. She provided us the pMK4Pprot, a derivative of shuttle vector pMK4 used to transformed S. aureus with BBa_K3176000 and helped us make S. aureus competent with a specific strain (RN4220) she provided us. She also gave us illumina G-25 microspin GE Healthcare purification columns to test this method of purification during the SELEX procedure.

    • Mathieu de Jode (PhD Student): He helped us all along the development of our project, gave us help and advice in the lab thanks to his knowledge in molecular biology. He helped us in choosing the most appropriate bacterial strains, gave us the protocol to make P. aeruginosa competent. He helped us to characterize the BBa_K1073022 biobrick and gave us advice during the SELEX procedure. He also provided us a purification kit for our experiments during the enhancement of the biobrick BBa_J04450. President of Stapa (Association of Young Researchers of Institut Pasteur) he gave us the opportunity to present our project during the YRLS (Young Researchers in Life Sciences) Congress and a Stapa talk.

    Members of the team

    Laurence Lea Tara Elise Clara Alexandre Marie Ronan Quentin Vincent AlexandreQuentinEliseClaraRonanLéaLaurenceTaraVincentMarie


    • Biology: Tara and Lea elaborated all the protocols in biology and spent all summer doing bacterial cultures and the SELEX method to select all aptamer candidates. They sent the aptamers to be sequenced and analyzed the results. Ronan, Alexandre, Elise and Quentin run bacterial cultures characterization.

    • Chemistry: Ronan, Laurence and Quentin worked to elaborate the protocols. Ronan and Laurence ordered the electrodes and the necessary reactants. Laurence and Quentin carried out the fixation of the aptamers on the electrodes. Ronan, Laurence and Quentin characterized the electrodes by cyclic voltammetry. Laurence and Quentin realized the detection tests.

    • Electronic: Alexandre programmed an arduino uno board to measure and record the voltage of our electrodes, he made sure the range of measurement was closest to the actual potential difference in order to achieve greater precision.

    • Design: Ronan supervised the design of our prototype with the help of Marie and Laurence. Laurence, Ronan, Elise and Alexandre realized the design of our different communication supports. All team members collaborated to define the visual identity and the name of the project.

    • Wiki: Alexandre, Quentin and Elise worked on the wiki. Together they thought about the artistic direction of the wiki and sketched the visual of the pages by hand. Alexandre was the main programmer of the wiki: he realised most of the code and the whole animations. Quentin was Alexandre's right-hand man and coded the other pages. Elise created the illustrations except for the banner, which was created by Laurence. All the members of the wiki team helped each others to do the corrections of fails or bugs. All the members of the team contributed to write the content of the wiki.

    • Entrepreneurship: Ronan, Clara, Marie, were in charge to elaborate a business model and think of how to make a potential thriving startup out of our project. Ronan and Clara wrote the whole study of market analysis and entrepreneurship. Marie studied the potential competitors through a Benchmark. All the members of the entrepreneurship team worked with a professional which helps scientists transform their research into a commercial product. They studied how to create and deliver their product.

    • Fundraising: Tara, Léa, Ronan, Clara, Marie and Vincent worked to find sponsors to fund our project. Clara and Marie created the presentation report and Clara and Elise solicited the sponsors. Quentin and Marie were in charge to create and communicate our crowdfunding campaign on the platform Thellie with the advice and the approval of Deshmukh Gopaul and Clementine Schilte, head of scientific communication at the CRT of the Institut Pasteur. Quentin contacted several companies in order to try to get private funds. All the members relayed the campaigns on their social networks.

    • Communication: Marie and Ronan were responsible of the communication on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and on the campus of the Institut Pasteur. Quentin and Tara were in charge of all the videos editing.

    • Contacts & Interviews

      Clara, Elise, Alexandre, Ronan and Quentin have contacted professionals in order to ask them some questions on our project. In that way, they prepared the whole interviews and exchanged directly with the professionals by telephone call or face to face. Ronan, Clara, Quentin and Elise went to the Ministry of Health to meet Sylvie Renard Dubois.


    • European Meet-up: Tara, Léa and Alexandre were in charge of the organization of the inParis European Meet-up and all the members took part as a member of the staff.

    • iGEM Spring Festival: Léa, Tara and Alexandre participated from May 3rd to the 5th 2019 at the iGEM Spring Festival organised by the iGEM Bonn team.

    • Cité des Sciences: Elise and Alexandre worked on the supports to present during the sessions. Ronan, Clara, Elise, Alexandre, Vincent, Laurence and Quentin ensured the presentations. Ronan created the poster.

    • Collège Germaine de Stael: Laurence created the visual support for the presentation to middle school students and Ronan, Laurence, Alexandre, Elise, Clara, and Quentin ensured the presentation.

    • Start Me Up: Laurence and Elise participated in the event.

    • H+ for good: Ronan, Vincent, Quentin, Léa, Tara and Elise participated to the event and presented the project.

    • YRLS: Ronan and Laurence created the poster for the poster sessions during the meet-ups and during YRLS and they also created the flyers. Both of them and Quentin ensured the presentation at the YRLS.

    • Opening Day at Institut Pasteur: Ronan allowed us to present our project during a day of presentation to the general public of many projects run by researchers at the Institut Pasteur. Ronan, Vincent, Marie, Quentin and Alexandre ensured the presentation.

    • Investment conference - BPI: Ronan, Tara and Lea participated to this conference, which was organized by BPI, a public bank of investment which supports French startups from their creation to their international development by investing or providing grants.

    • Presentation of DIANE to PhD students from Institut Pasteur: Vincent, Quentin, Ronan, Clara, Laurence, Tara and Léa participated to the event and presented the project to PhD students who are currently working at the Institut Pasteur.

    • Pasteur Don: Vincent, Marie, Ronan, Quentin participated to the annual national call by the Institut Pasteur and all its researchers for public donations to fight against diseases that threaten our health. During this day, they have presented the project.

    • Pasteur Mutualité: All students participated to the oral presentation in front of the Pasteur Mutualité group on avril 13. An application form has also been completed. Finally, on October 10, Alexandre, Marie, Ronan, Quentin and Elise had the honour of being accredited by Pasteur Mutualité for the award ceremony alongside other students, bringing in €20,000 for the team's prize pool. On this occasion, they were able to discuss the progress of the project.

    • Innovation Challenge Day – Sup’Biotech: Tara and Léa participated to this event, which is a competition between the students of their school, Sup'biotech. Tara and Léa won the 3rd prize of the professional jury.

    • SMC: Alexandre, Ronan, Quentin and Marie visited the company and the factory during the Laboratory Exhibition Day at the Institut Pasteur and collected advice for our device.

    • Collaborations

    • Aptamer Hub: Ronan and Marie have written a description focusing on why and how aptamers were used during our project. They also made an overview of the methods and protocols used in order to fill in the resource catalogue, which aims at providing help and tips to next iGEM teams.

    • iGEM IISER Bhopal: Ronan and Marie communicated with the iGEM Bhopal team from India.

    • InParis European Meetup: To make this event possible, we collaborated with three other parisian iGEM teams which are Evry Paris-Saclay, GO Paris-Saclay and Ionis Paris.

    • Challenges

    • 1 minute Challenge: The whole team participated to do this challenge. Quentin, Alexandre and Marie were in charge of the technical aspect (image, sound, editing). Laurence, Ronan, Clara and Elise appeared in the explanatory video.

    • 6 pics Challenge: Alexandre and Elise worked together on the comic book plans. Alexandre wrote the scripts and Elise drew the comic strips.

    • The Haïku Challenge: Marie and Vincent wrote the haïku.

    • Clara and Elise were in charge of all legal part aspects of our project: intellectual property strategy, confidentiality agreements. They also wrote a brief essay on the legal protection of personal data. Elise wrote the Ethics part.

      Presentations and poster sessions: All the members contributed at some point to the presentations or poster sessions.

    External support


    • Dr. Marcel Hollenstein, Fabienne Levi-Acobas, Marie Flamme: They helped elaborate our SELEX protocol and gave his expertise on DNA and aptamer synthesis and chemical modifications.

    • The Education Center of the Institut Pasteur: They let us access to their lab, equipment and materials during the whole summer. We want to express our gratitude to Hervé Waxin, Director of the Teaching center and the lab technicians Murielle Almoussa, Corinne Fayolle, Angélique Godfin, Guylène K’ouas, Isabelle Lequeutre, Gautier Puime, Abdelhak Sandal, for their support.

    • Eurofins Genomics: We ordered from them the aptamer libraries and sent our aptamers obtained after the SELEX method to be sequenced.

    • Dr. Tobias Sahr: He is a research engineer from biology of intracellular bacteria unit. He helped us acquiring fluorescent images of E. coli transformed with BBa_K1073022 to express eforRed chromoprotein.

    • Pierre-Henri Commere: He is an engineer at the cytometry and biomarkers platform who helped us to perform flow cytometry experiments as well as…

    • Fiona Legrand: She is a young student from IUT de Créteil-Vitry that helped us with DNA amplification and plasmid preparation of BBa_K1073022 and BBa_J04450.


    • Dr. Sophie Griveau: She let us use the material needed to run the cyclic voltammetry and gave us support on the electrochemical aspects of our project.

    • Dr. Cyrine Slim: She let us use the material needed to run the cyclic voltammetry and gave us support on the electrochemical aspects of our project.


    • Claire Dumont: She trained members of the team in graphic and industrial design and helped to design the prototype of our device and transformed our logo sketch into a vectorised one on Illustrator.


    • Guillaume Berteloot: He allowed us to construct a realistic business plan with the help of his precious advice and his experience in startup coaching. He also helped us with the redaction of our wiki page for the entrepreneurship special prize.