Results Attributions
We took part in numerous events: meeting, conferences and competitions. The meet-ups allowed us to get feedback from experts but also to share our iGEM experience with the other teams in the competition and discover their projects, each ones are unique. Participation in several conferences has improved our knowledge of some aspects of the project. Finally, we defended DIANE before investors in order to obtain funding.
- InParis European Meet-up
- iGEM Spring Festival
- iGEM French Meet-up
We collaborated with iGEM IONIS, iGEM Evry Genopole, and iGEM Go Paris Saclay, to host the official European Meet-up from July 26th to 27th.
We could first discuss our project during a poster session. Later, we gave a 20-minute oral presentation about DIANE in front of a jury and an audience composed of the other iGEM teams. Our presentation was followed by 15 minutes of questions and comments from the judges. We got a nice feedback and constructive criticism from the judges.
In parallel with presentations, two workshops and little challenges were also organized to foster mixing between teams.
Finally, we all discovered Paris by night. This meet-up was a great opportunity to discuss with teams that we already met during previous meetings about the improvement they had made over the summer.
Our first meet-up of the iGEM season took place in Bonn, from May 3rd to the 5th 2019. iGEM Bonn team was responsible for this highly anticipated event, in collaboration with Nemanja Stijepovic, the European ambassador. The spirit of the meet-up was to discover each other’s projects and to connect with other teams in a fun way.
We attended several talks from research scientists and participated in exciting workshops. A poster session was also organized for us participants to present our projects, share ideas and receive feedback from the other teams.
Finally, we had the opportunity to visit some of the city’s most pleasant places.
Organized by IGEM Poitiers, on June 22nd, 2019, the French meet-up took place at the University of Poitiers. It gathered 9 teams from Paris, Nantes, Poitiers, Montpellier, Grenoble and Strasbourg.
In the morning, teams presented their projects via poster presentations and exchanged ideas about planned experiments.
After an appreciated lunch under the sun, we got to know each other by going for a swim and playing volleyball.
This meet-up was a great opportunity to meet French teams, build relationships and discuss in a friendly atmosphere.
- Intellectual Property conferences – WIPO, INPI
- Investment conference - BPI
- Innovation Challenge Day – Sup’Biotech
- Pasteur Mutualité
Our two law students attended a conference organized by the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and the INPI (Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle). The goal of this conference was to learn how to protect intellectual property abroad, where they discovered the different international protection systems used : safeguard inventions, trademarks, domain names and destinations of origin. They also discovered the WIPO’s Global Brand database, a general database of brands that allows one to compare logos with those that already exist and are similar.
All of the team also had the opportunity to attend a talk from Pénélope Couture, an intellectual property expert from INPI.
She detailed for us the different components that can be protected within a project. She also emphasized the importance of traceability and attribution to the different inventions.
As part of our business development, we attended a conference organized by Jeremy Berthuin from Bpifrance. The Bpi is a public investment bank that supports French start-ups from their creation to their international development by investing or providing grants. We learned about these two different ways of funding work. Grants don’t require a return of investment while investments involve that the investors take shares of the company. It was interesting for us to learn about “deeptech plans” which promote technological transfer between laboratories and companies. With all this information, we were able to create a sound development plan for a start-up company centered around our device.
Innovation Challenge Day is an annual event that takes place in July for students in their 3rd and 4th years at Sup’Biotech. Sup’Biotech is an engineering school of biotechnology where Tara and Léa are currently studying in their 4th year. This event is an opportunity for two distinct promotions (3rd and 4th years promotions) to discover the Sup'Biotech Innovation Projects carried out within the various student teams.
They had to present DIANE to an audience composed of biotechnology experts and professionals. Their presentation included our scientific results, the 3D prototype, summaries of the interviews we carried out with doctors, the information we’ve learned about protecting intellectual property, and finally our business model.
During this day, 4th year students also evaluate the projects of their 3rd year counterparts and inversely. It was a good way to gather constructive criticism and advice, but also to understand what members of a jury can expect. At the end of the day, the three best projects of each promotion, competing in two different categories, are awarded a trophy by the professional jury, and the school's administrative and pedagogical teams also deliver three other trophies.
Tara and Lea won the 3rd prize of the professional jury!
Villa M donation funds, supported by Pasteur Mutualité, award medical research grants to interns, young health researchers or practitioners from different specialties: pharmacy, medical biology, general medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Each winner may receive a grant of up to €20,000. It encourages high-level scientific research conducted by health professionals and the development of international exchanges. Pasteur Mutualité is a leading mutual insurance group managed by healthcare professionals.
We had the opportunity to meet with them to present our iGEM project. They encouraged us to submit an application for the grant, and we subsequently won €20,000 to develop DIANE!
They organized an event for an award ceremony where we met other interns and young researchers.