
UoM iGEM | Project Cutiful

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That’s it, folks!

We hope you’ve enjoyed our journey through iGEM, full of sleep deprivation, last minute scrambling and a great deal of laughter. We’ve cried (more than once), we’ve gone home far too late (for a variety of reasons), and we’ve shared our food. The latter is, truly, the mark of our friendship.

From now onwards, we have to polish off our presentation, go out as a team once more before Boston (but only after we’ve caught up on all our sleep) and hope to see you all at the Jamboree. We’ll be found in Zone 3, Poster number: 263, and are presenting on Saturday in Room 304 at 3pm. Make a note: come and find us! Sara will be more than happy to give you cooking tips (her food, really, was delicious) and Jonathan will probably have a comment or two regarding how to keep fellow team-members from snatching your cookies. If you think you can dethrone Camilo’s place as #1 bowling champion, then please come along. We have ten days to manage it before Boston.

And after that?

Who knows. Let’s survive this first!

(Here be Manchester iGEM 2019.)