Team:Lambert GA/Model


Overexpression is a prevalent issue in synthetic biology circuits and can create false positives. Last year, Lambert iGEM utilized the BBa_J23100, a strong promoter that created leakiness in a previous toehold switch. While constructing this year’s Toehold Biosensor for C. elegans, we decided to use a weaker promoter to prevent this “leakiness”. We changed our promoter from the strong constitutive BBa_J23100 to a medium promoter, BBa_J23106. We employed the Ribosomal Binding Site BBa_K2550200, the same as the one implemented in last year’s toehold switch. However, we needed to demonstrate that a difference in the strength of components of the transcriptional unit caused a change in protein production to validate our change of promoter. With the aim of establishing a relationship between the strength of promoter and RBS and the protein production from the gene enclosed, we set out to create a system of validating our assumptions.


We utilized the Carolina’s BioBuilder iTune Device Kit to obtain and test 10 unique cellular strains, each with a different combination of different strengths of promoter and RBS. The strain promoters and ribosomal binding sites encode the LacZ gene; naturally, the gene is repressed. The inhibition is relieved in the presence of the molecule Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG). For the purposes of our experiment, we insert IPTG into cells to begin transcription of the LacZ gene by a particular promoter, after which the mRNA is translated by a particular RBS. This produces the enzyme β-galactosidase (β-gal). When ortho-Nitrophenyl-β-galactoside (ONPG) is added, β-gal cleaves ONPG into ortho-Nitrophenol (ONP) and galactose. ONP creates a yellow color, the concentration of which is indicative of the total enzymatic activity of β-gal. We assume that evaluating the yellow coloration of ONP will give us a comprehensive measurement of the strength of each promoter/RBS combination. Below are the combinations of BioBricks and strength classifications.

Strain # Promoter Registry # RBS Registry # Relative strength
2-R BBa_J23115 BBa_B0035 Reference/Reference
2-1 BBa_J23113 BBa_B0031 Weak/Weak
2-2 BBa_J23113 BBa_B0032 Weak/Medium
2-3 BBa_J23113 BBa_B0034 Weak/Strong
2-4 BBa_J23106 BBa_B0031 Medium/Weak
2-5 BBa_J23106 BBa_B0032 Medium/Medium
2-6 BBa_J23106 BBa_B0034 Medium/Strong
2-7 BBa_J23119 BBa_B0031 Strong/Weak
2-8 BBa_J23119 BBa_B0032 Strong/Medium
2-9 BBa_J23119 BBa_B0034 Strong/Strong

BioBrick parts were classified by Carolina Science iTune Device.

We varied both the promoter and the ribosomal binding site within our experiments to simulate differences in strength of both RBS and promoter. We utilized the available quantitative values for these biological components that could best capture their impact.

Promoter strength varies due to differences in nucleotide sequence between a particular promoter sequence and a consensus promoter. A promoter with more differences in nucleotide sequences than the consensus promoter is considered “weaker”. We quantified our promoter strengths with the measured values from the iGEM Parts Registry for Anderson Promoters.

Promoter Strengths
BioBrick Relative Strength Promoter Value
BBa_J23119 Strong 1
BBa_J23106 Medium 0.47
BBa_J23113 Weak 0.01
BBa_J23115 Reference 0.15

To quantify the strength of our ribosomal binding sites, we utilized the Salis Lab’s RBS Calculator. The RBS Calculator is a software that predicts translation rates of specific start codons within an mRNA sequence. We measure the translation rate of an mRNA sequence corresponding to the LacZ.GFP fusion, BBa_E0051. We analyzed four different RBSs, each attached to our tested promoters, to measure their translation rate of this protein.

RBS Classifications
BioBrick Relative Strength
BBa_B0031 Weak
BBa_B0032 Medium
BBa_B0034 Strong
BBa_B0035 Reference
Strain Translation Rates
BioBrick Promoter Strength RBS Strength Translation Rate
BBa_J10050 Weak Weak 571.38
BBa_J10051 Weak Strong 2346.02
BBa_J10052 Weak Medium 284.43
BBa_J10053 Medium Weak 307.05
BBa_J10054 Medium Medium 234.39
BBa_J10055 Medium Strong 1205.21
BBa_J10056 Strong Weak 683.05
BBa_J10057 Strong Medium 246.1
BBa_J10058 Strong Strong 1343.64
- Reference Reference 330.15

We theorized that the promoter constructs affected the translation rate of the RBSs. Below is graphed the relationship between the strength of the promoter and its effect on RBS.

This graph was made using GraphPad Prism. The values for promoter strength are from Registry of Standard Biological Parts, and translation rates were calculated with the RBS Calculator from the Salis Lab.


Ordinary Differential Equation Model

An assumption we made in creating this model was that the enzymatic coloration of ONP was indicative of the transcriptional and translational strengths of our promoter and RBS, respectively. To predictively show that the change in promoter and RBS affinity will have a tangible effect on the production of ONP, we used an Ordinary Differential Equation Model with Law of Mass Action Kinetics to simulate biochemical reactions inside the cell and varied the transcription and translation coefficients to observe the effect on the production of ONP after a set amount of time (30 minutes). The goal of this model was not to accurately calculate the amount of ONP produced after a certain amount of time, but rather to observe the relative differences in production between the strengths. Since the Beta Galactosidase amount varied and would not always be in excess, we could not use Michaelis-Menten Kinetics and used a more complex Law Mass Action model for the enzyme reaction.

We assumed that since the culture had been growing for 24 hours prior to the test, the cell amount in the sample would have reached its logistic growth limit, so we kept the cell number constant and produced results for a single cell, which is proportional to the total output. We also assumed that since the concentrations of IPTG and ONPG were far in excess of what would be used in the reaction, the diffusion of these components into the cell would be high enough such that the concentrations of each are constant within the cell. Also, since IPTG prevents the binding of the inhibitor to the promoter, we consider the IPTG as binding to the promoter in the reactions.

This diagram depicts the biological production of ONP.

From the reaction diagram, we derive the following biochemical reactions:

These reactions model the construction of ONP.

Parameter Description Value
Kf IPTG - Promoter “Association” coefficient 0.1 s-1
Kd IPTG - Promoter "Dissociation" coefficient 0.08 s-1
Kt Transcription coefficient Varied in Analysis
Kcf β-Galactosidase.ONPG complex formation coefficient 20.0 s-1
Kcd β-Galactosidase.ONPG complex dissociation coefficient 5.0 s-1
K2 β-Galactosidase.ONPG cleavage and ONP and Galactose formation coefficient 20.0 s-1
Kmd Coefficient of mRNA degradation 0.041 s-1
Mbd Coefficient of β-Galactosidase degradation 0.026 s-1
Kl Translatioin coefficient Varied in Analysis

From this, we get 7 differential Equations.

Variable Biochemical Species Initital Value
n1 Promoter 12.0 molecules
n2 Activated Promoter 0.0 molecules
n3 mRNA 0.0 molecules
n4 β-Galactosidase 0.0 molecules
n5 ONP 0.0 molecules
n6 β-Galactosidase.ONPG Complex 0.0 molecules
n7 Galactose 0.0 molecules
ONPG ONPG 3.612E4 molecules (constant)
IPTG IPTG 3.612E7 molecules (constant)
RBS RBS 12.0 molecules (constant)

These Differential Equations aim to model the reactions occurring in the production of ONP.

Defining this model in MATLAB and choosing mid-range values for the transcription and translation constants, we can simulate the amounts of each species over time.

These graphs pictured above illustrate Species vs. Time for Mid-range Transcription and Translation Constants.

To demonstrate the effects of these constants and therefore the effect of promoter and RBS strength on the ONP production, we wrote a script to simulate the results of the reaction after 30 minutes for a wide range of parameter values.

This is a 3D Graph of the ONP Expression as a function of Promoter and RBS strength, created using MATLAB.

The side view, created Using MATLAB.

As we can see, the graph has a rough tilted hyperbolic paraboloid shape and shows the trend that increasing Promoter and RBS strengths both have appreciable effects on the ONP production from the cell. Specifically, the expression becomes exponentially higher with both constants increasing proportionally. Unaccounted for variables show some degree to which the promotor has a greater effect on the outcome as we will see in the following regression model.

Multivariate Regression Model

An ANOVA test in SAS was performed on the data from the tuning lab. ANOVA assesses the significance of one or more factors, which in this project are the nine different combinations of promoter strength and RBS translation rate, by comparing the responses at different factor levels. This test is appropriate for the data collected because the factor levels do not have overlapping membership and can be considered independent. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference between factor level means, while the alternative hypothesis is that at least one is different.

Four assumptions were taken into account:

  1. The expression is continuous and normally distributed for each factor.
  2. Factors levels are independent of each other and do not overlap.
  3. There are no major outliers.
  4. Testing for unequal variances determines which version of the one-way ANOVA is appropriate.

Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr>F
Model 6 22.22921752 3.70486959 4.58 0.0006
Error 65 52.54432998 0.80837431 - -
Corrected Total 71 74.77354750 - - -

The p-value associated with the F statistic is 0.006. Given alpha=0.05, we reject the null hypothesis, concluding that there is a statistically significant difference in levels of ONP expression across varied promoter strengths and RBS translation rates.

Source DF Anova SS Mean Square F Value Pr>F
Promoter 3 17.30860619 5.76953540 7.14 0.0003
RBS 3 4.92061132 1.64020377 2.03 0.1185

This graph was made using GraphPad. This graph shows the B-gal expression levels for all 10 iTune strains.

The test result shows that the translation rate is not an important factor in the determination of expression of ONP; however, the promoter is a significant factor. In other words, expression values are statistically significantly different with different promoters, but changing the RBS did not affect the expression significantly.

This graph was made using GraphPad. The graph shows the expected expression versus the actual expression in terms of miller units.

To represent how the strength of the promoter impacts expression ONP, we built a simple multivariate linear regression on the data without considering many theoretical assumptions. The algorithm selected the promoter strength as the only significant variable in the model. The expression of ONP can be modeled by the expression:

From the positive coefficient of the promoter, we concluded that higher promoter strength yields higher expression.

Biological systems are extremely complicated, and a model developed from a small sample with very limited additional information may yield values inconsistent with what was observed; however, the impact of the strength of the promoter on the expression of ONP should be valid.


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