
iGEM Groningen 2019 :: Attributions


QRoningen has been an intensive project and we would not have been able to do this without the help of different parties. In this page, we would like to acknowledge and thank the contribution and support from everyone that has made this project possible.

1. Supervisors

  1. Prof. Dr. Jan Kok (University of Groningen), for giving general advice and provide resources throughout the project
  2. Dr. Dirk Jan Scheffers (University of Groningen), for giving general advice, in particular to give access to the Typhoon imager and plate reader
  3. Dr. Andreas Milias Argeitis (University of Groningen), for giving general advice throughout the project, in particular to provide insight in the Modelling process
  4. Sonja Billerbeck (University of Groningen), for giving general advice throughout the project, in particular to and to provide us with pSEVA-GFP and pSEVA-RFP plasmid

2. Wetlab

  1. Amanda van Tilburg (University of Groningen), for providing the pJOE8999 CRISPR plasmid and consult on CRISPR design
  2. Haoqi Chen (University of Groningen), for giving a crash course on CRISPR
  3. Fleur Ruijne (University of Groningen), for giving general advice in lab protocols
  4. Harma Karsens (University of Groningen), for technical help in the lab and providing plasmids and parts to play around with
  5. Amanda van Tilburg (University of Groningen), for providing the pJOE8999 CRISPR plasmid and consult on CRISPR design
  6. Siger Holsappel (University of Groningen), for technical help in the lab, support with orders, consumables and lab equipments
  7. Rogier Houwerzijl (University of Groningen), for support with the lab equipments
  8. Dr. Marleen Otzen (University of Groningen), , for giving a training in biosafety
  9. Dr. Anne S. Meyer (Technical University of Denmark), for the discussion and inputs on bio-printing
  10. Dr. Srikkanth Balasubramanian (Delft University of Technology), for providing us with rhamnose inducible CsgA plasmid pAM413 and pAM419
  11. Tanya Tschirhart, Ph.D (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory), for sharing protocols and help to troubleshoot with V. natriegens transformation
  12. Matthew Weinstock (AbSci), for sharing protocols and help to troubleshoot with V. natriegens transformation
  13. Enoch Yeung, Ph.D (University of California Santa Barbara), for discussions on V. natriegens
  14. iGEM Marburg team, for providing Vibrio natriegens strain
  15. New England Bioscience, for providing competent Escherichia coli DH5-alpha, enzymes and other lab consumables
  16. Doulix, for providing competent Escherichia coli BL21
  17. Jenna Bioscience, for providing lab consumables, kits and enzymes
  18. New England Bioscience, for providing competent Escherichia coli DH5-alpha, enzymes and other lab consumables
  19. IDT, for providing free gBlocks and fragments
  20. Eurofins, for providing free sequencing service

3. Hardware & Software

  1. Prof. Dr. Gert Jan Euverink (University of Groningen), for providing 3D printers and laser machine, and to advise us on stamping and replica plating
  2. Simon Busman (University of Groningen), for providing Arduino Mega
  3. Tilman Wolf (University of MassachusettsAmherst), for discussions on cybersecurity and encryption process
  4. Ashwin Ramanujam (Bangalore, India), for helping us with mathematical modelling

4. Collaboration, Outreach and Sponsorship

  1. iGEM Thessaloniki 2019 team, for the continuous and fruitful collaboration, we would like to give you a special thank you for being with us since spring, we loved every Skype call. We wish you the best with your project and we look forward to meeting you at the Jamboree.
  2. iGEM Leiden 2019 team, for co-hosting the Dutch Meetup
  3. iGEM Maastricht 2019 team, iGEM Rotterdam 2019 team, iGEM TU Eindhoven 2019 team, iGEM Wageningen 2019 team, for participating in the Dutch Meet-up
  4. Korienke Smit and Cécile van der Vlugt (Dutch Governmental Institute for Public Health and Environment: RIVM), for the guidance and discussion during the safe-by-design assignment
  5. Theo Jurriens (Science LinX), for the opportunity to work together in Zpannend Zernike and the Night of Art and Science
  6. Thom G (UPS), for the opportunity to have an interview regarding delivery of bio-hazard materials
  7. Dutch National Cyber Security Centre, for the opportunity to have an interview regarding data and cyber security
  8. Derk Bosker (The Ubbo Emmius fund), for assistance in setting up our crowdfunding page
  9. Douwe van der Tuin (Scholierenacademy), for giving us connections to schools and giving advice on our educational activities

5. General Team Organization

  1. Manon Dusseljee (University of Groningen), for helping with administrative matters and travel arrangements
  2. Daniek Gortmaker (University of Groningen), for helping with the publication of iGEM Groningen 2019 team, especially for our introduction video
  3. VCK travel, for helping with travel arrangements
  4. Dr. Mirjan Petrusma and Dr. Ton Linssen (University of Groningen), for giving a workshop in patenting and help with patent-related issues
  5. Nataliya Migulina, for taking photographs of our team members
  6. Thom Easix, for our introduction videos
  7. iGEM Dresden 2019 team, for the parameter to source .js files in wiki