Team:Freiburg/Labbook/In Vitro Corporation

Lab Book: In vitro incorporation

Click on an item for a detailed description

Cloning and PURExpress System


Set up two PCR reactions with primers that contain mutations to insert an AMBER- and a phenylalanine  mutation inside the chromophore of sfGFP at residue 66 in the plasmid pBAD


Settings PCR:

Initial Denaturation 95°C for 30 seconds

Denaturation 95°C for 10 seconds

Anealing 55°C for 20 seconds

Elongation 72°C for 90 seconds

Ending Elongation 72°C for 120 seconds

in total 30 cycles


Load PCR samples on a 1% agarose gel and run it for 25 minutes

Cut out the specific band and perform a gel extraction with QIAGEN Gel Extraction Kit


For ligation mix:

17 µl PCR product

2 µl T4 DNA Ligation Buffer

1 µl T4 Ligase

incubate overnight at 4°C


Digest template DNA by adding 1 µl DPN1 enzyme to ligation product from yesterday

Perform a transformation with 5 µl of each plasmid (sfGFP in pBAD) in 50 µl Top10 competent cells. 

Plate 100 µl of each plasmid on an agar plate with chloramphenicol and incubate overday at 37°C.

1. Plate: sfGFP with AMBER mutation inside the chromophore at residue 66 (pBAD plasmid)

2. Plate: sfGFP with L-Phe mutation inside the chromophore at residue 66 (pBAD plasmid)

Pick three colonies from each plate and grow a 4 ml culture in LB + Chloramphenicol and incubate overnight at 37°C


Perform a Miniprep with both cultures with QIAGEN Miniprep Kit and send 10 µl to Eurofins for sequencing.

Results: Cloning worked, mutations are introduced in both constructs.


In vitro protein expression with PURExpress Kit from NEB

Assemble following reactions:

1. Positive control

10 µl solution A

7.5 µl solution B

5.5 µl nuclease-free water


2 µl RNasin RNase inhibitor


2. minC

10 µl solution A

7.5 µl solution B

3 µl nuclease-free water

4.5 µl minC DNA in pET28

2 µl RNasin RNase inhibitor


mix gently and spin down

incubate for 2 hours at 37°C

stop the reaction by placing samples on ice


Run samples on a 12% tris-tricine precast gel:

15 µl of the sample

5 µl Lämmli buffer 

denaturation for 5 minutes at 95°C

run the gel for 1 hour at 100-120 V

Stain the gel with Instant Blue solution for 1 hour

Gel 1

Result: No specific band was distinguishable. 

Repeat expressions with and without RNase inhibitor.


In vitro protein expression with PURExpress Kit from NEB

Assemble following reactions:

1. Positive control

10 µl solution A

7.5 µl solution B

3 µl nuclease-free water

4.5 µl minC DNA in pET28

2 µl RNasin RNase inhibitor


2. minC

10 µl solution A

7.5 µl solution B

5 µl nuclease-free water

4.5 µl minC DNA in pET28


mix gently and spin down

incubate for 3.5 hours at 37°C

stop the reaction by placing samples on ice


Run samples on a 12% tris-tricine precast gel:

15 µl of the sample

5 µl Lämmli buffer 

denaturation for 5 minutes at 95°C

run the gel for 2 hour at 100-120 V (comment: samples got stuck at the middle of the gel)

Stain the gel with Instant Blue solution for 1 hour

Gel 2

Result: The samples got stuck in the middle of the gel, therefore the gel was run for a longer time which led to the samples running out of the gel. The gel is uninterpretable. Also there was no negative control as a reference. 

Repeat the expression with a negative control. Also only load 2.5 µl of each sample on the gel. 


Protein Synthesis Reaction using PURExpress (E6800)

expression was performed as described in the protocol

following amounts were used:


Solution A: 10 µl

Solution B: 7.5 µl 

Murine RNase Inhibitor NEB: 1 µl

Nuclease-free water: 6.5 µl 


DHFR = Dihydrofolatereductase (control template provided by NEB in the kit):

Solution A: 10 µl

Solution B: 7.5 µl 

Murine RNase Inhibitor NEB: 1 µl

Nuclease-free water: 4.5 µl

DHFR DNA template: 2 µl



Solution A: 10 µl

Solution B: 7.5 µl 

Murine RNase Inhibitor NEB: 1 µl

Nuclease-free water: 0.5 µl

minC DNA template: 6 µl 

Comment: wrong amount of DNA template was used because of a calculation mistake


Electrophoresis of Mini Protean TGX 12 Precast Gel from BioRad:

Sample preparation:

Take 2.5 µl of each sample

Add 2.5 µl Laemmli 4X Buffer 

Add 5 µl bidest. H2O

cook at 95°C for 3 min. 

Load gel with 7 µl Color Protein Standard Broad Range from NEB and the samples

Run the gel at 200 V for 1.5 h

Comment: samples got stuck in the middle of the gel because the wrong buffer (TBST) was used


Electrophoresis of Mini Protean TGX 12 Precast Gel from BioRad (12% Tris-Glycine):

Sample preparation:

Take 2.5 µl of each sample

Add 2.5 µl Laemmli 4X Buffer 

Add 5 µl bidest. H2O

cook at 95°C for 3 min. 

Load gel with 7 µl Color Protein Standard Broad Range from NEB and the samples

Run the gel at 200 V for 30 minutes


Instant Blue Staining

pour Instant Blue Solution on the gel so that it is covered

incubate it for 30 min - 1 hour

Gel 3


Amplification of eYFP in a pet28 plasmid with Kanamycin resistance

Transformation as described in the protocol


Protein Synthesis Reaction using PURExpress (E6800):

expression was performed as described in the protocol

following amounts were used:


Solution A: 10 µl

Solution B: 7.5 µl 

Murine RNase Inhibitor NEB: 1 µl

Nuclease-free water: 6.5 µl 


DHFR = Dihydrofolatereductase (control template provided by NEB in the kit):

Solution A: 10 µl

Solution B: 7.5 µl 

Murine RNase Inhibitor NEB: 1 µl

Nuclease-free water: 4.5 µl

DHFR DNA template: 2 µl



Solution A: 10 µl

Solution B: 7.5 µl 

Murine RNase Inhibitor NEB: 1 µl

Nuclease-free water: 3 µl

minC DNA template: 3.5 µl 


Electrophoresis with Mini Protean Precast Gel 16.5% Tris-Tricine:

2.5 µl of each sample (Cntrl., DHFR, minC)

Add 7.5 µl 2X TSB Loading Buffer 

cook at 95°C for 4 minutes 

Take 5 µl of Color Protein Standard and mix it with 5 µl 2X TSB Loading Buffer

load 10 µl of each sample on a Mini-Protean Precast Gel 16.5% Tris-Tricine

Run the gel at max 100 V for 2 h

stain the gel with Instant Blue for 30 minutes


Troubleshooting Electrophoresis:

Take more 2X TSB Loading Buffer if the sample go up in the well

Gel 5


Amplification of eYFP plasmid:

colonies were picked and incubated at 37°C on the shaker for 6 hours as described in the protocol


Miniprep with eYFP Plasmid containing bacteria done by a QIAGen robot:

Sent 10 µl sample to Eurofins for sequencing


Clonation of AMBER mutation outside the chromophor of sfGFP:

Set a PCR as described in the protocol with following primers:



and sfGFP in pBADfp plasmid as DNA template


PCR settings:

Initial Denaturation 95°C for 30 seconds

Denaturation 95°C for 10 seconds

Anealing 55°C for 20 seconds

Elongation 72°C for 90 seconds

Ending Elongation 72°C for 120 seconds

30 cycles in total


Electrophoresis with agarose gel:

Use a 1% agarose gel 

mix it with 5 µl Ethidiumbromid


Add 5 µl Gel Loading Dye Purple (6X) to the PCR product

Load the first well of the gel with 5 µl Gene Ruler 1 kb DNA Ladder

Run the gel at 150 mV for 25 minutes


Gel extraction:

Use QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit Protocol



17 µl extracted PRC product

add 2 µl 10X T4 DNA Ligation Buffer 

add 1 µl T4 DNA Ligase

incubate over night at 4°C


Repetition of electrophoresis with expression samples from 02.07.19 using a Mini Protean TGX Precast Gel 12% Tris-Glycine

2.5 µl of each sample (Cntrl., DHFR, minC)

Add 2.5 µl 4X Laemmli  Sample Buffer

Add 5 µl bidest. water

cook for 3 minutes at 95°C 

load gel with 5 µl of Color Protein Standard and 10 µl of each sample on a Mini-Protean Precast Gel 12% Tris-Glycine 

Run the gel at max 200 V for 35 minutes

stain the gel with Instant Blue for 30 minutes - 1 h

Gel 4


Clonation of AMBER mutation outside the chromophor:

Transformation in plates with antibiotics:

Add to ligated DNA samples:

0,5 µl DPN1

incubate for an hour at 37°C


Thaw bacteria on ice (Top 10 competent E. Coli (Ag Di Ventura, BIOSS))

take 50 µl bacteria

add 5 µl ligated PCR DNA

incubate 30 minutes on ice

heat shock at 42°C for 45 seconds

put them back on ice for 2 minutes 

add 500 µl LB medium (make  sure it’s transparent)

incubate on shaker at 37°C for 45-60 min (not longer)

start worming plates (Chloramphenicol plates should be prewarmed for 60 minutes)

plate 100-200 µl bacteria on the plate


In vitro protein expression with PURExpress Kit from NEB:

Used amounts:

Solution A: 5 μl 
Solution B: 2.75 μl 
RNase Inhibitor: 0.5 μl 
Nuclease-free H2O:  4.25μl
Total: 12.5 μl 


Solution A: 5 μl 
Solution B: 2.75 μl 
RNase Inhibitor: 0.5 μl 
Nuclease-free H2O: 2.6 μl
Template DNA: 1.65 μl
Total: 12.5 μl 


Electrophoresis of Mini Protean TGX 12 Precast Gel from BioRad (12% Tris-Glycine):

Sample preparation:

Take 2.5 µl of each sample

Add 2.5 µl Laemmli 4X Buffer 

Add 5 µl bidest. H2O

cook at 95°C for 3 min. 

Load gel with 7 µl Color Protein Standard Broad Range from NEB and the samples

Run the gel at 200 V for 30 minutes


Instant Blue Staining

pour Instant Blue Solution on the gel so that it is covered

incubate it for 30 min - 1 hour

Gel 6



Run a native gel with the in vitro expression samples from 04.07.19

Visualize the fluorescence with the Typhoon

Gel 7


Clonation of AMBER mutation outside the chromophore:

pick one colony in a glass tube with 2 ml LB medium with antibiotics

incubate at 37°C in an incubator on a shaker for a few hours


Clonation of AMBER mutation outside the chromophore:

miniPrep, as described in the Qiagen Protocol.


Use 750 µl for a Glycerol stock

add 250 µl Glycerol 

store it at  -80°C 

you may use it for amplification of your plasmid (after it was sequenced)

take a little bit of it and let it grow in the incubator at 37°C with LB medium

sent 10 µl sample to Eurofins for sequencing 


In Vitro Expression of eYFP (pET28a Plasmid) with NEB PURExpress delta RF123 Kit:


Solution A: 10 µl 

Solution B: 7.5 µl 

Release factor 1: 0.5 µl 

Release factor 2: 0.5 µl 

Release factor 3: 0.5 µl 

Murine RNase Inhibitor: 0.5 µl 

Nuclease-free H2O: 2.92 µl 

DNA Template: 2.58 µl



Solution A: 10 µl 

Solution B: 7.5 µl 

Release factor 1: 0.5 µl 

Release factor 2: 0.5 µl 

Release factor 3: 0.5 µl 

Murine RNase Inhibitor: 0.5 µl 

Nuclease-free H2O: 5.5 µl 


Mix all components and incubate for 2 hours at 37°C (more information available in protocols)


Run a native gel (6%) with the samples and measure fluorescence signal with the Typhoon 

6% native gel:

MQ 13 ml 

Acryl amide 2 ml 

5X TBE 2 ml 

20% Glycerol 1 ml 

APS 10% 150 ml 

TEMED 15 ml 

Gel 8


Gibson Assembly

Backbone: pET28-minC

Insert: sfGFP, sfGFP-AMBER66, sfGFP-Phe66



1,5 µl Primer  forward (20 µM)

1,5 µl Primer reverse (20 µM)

1 µl DNA Template

11 µl bidest. H2

15 µl Phusion Flash Master Mix


Settings PCR:

Initial Denaturation 95°C for 30 seconds

Denaturation 95°C for 10 seconds

Annealing 52°C for 20 seconds

Elongation 72°C for 90 seconds

Ending Elongation 72°C for 120 seconds

in total 30 cycles



Gibson Assembly:

Backbone: pET28-minC

Insert: ASLOV-Domain



1,5 µl Primer  forward (20 µM)

1,5 µl Primer reverse (20 µM)

1 µl DNA Template

11 µl bidest. H2

15 µl Phusion Flash Master Mix


Settings PCR:

Initial Denaturation 95°C for 30 seconds

Denaturation 95°C for 10 seconds

Annealing 50-55°C (gradient) for 20 seconds

Elongation 72°C for 90 seconds

Ending Elongation 72°C for 120 seconds

in total 30 cycles


Electrophoresis with agarose gel:

Use a 1% agarose gel 

mix it with 5 µl Ethidiumbromid


Add 5 µl Gel Loading Dye Purple (6X) to the PCR product

Load the first well of the gel with 5 µl Gene Ruler 1 kb DNA Ladder

Run the gel at 150 mV for 25 minutes


Gel extraction:

Use QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit Protocol


Gibson Assembly 

Continuation from 11.07.19 

measurement of PCR construct concentrations

calculation of neccesary amount of backbone and inserts with NEBio Calculator

Name Concentration [ng/µl] Lenght [bp] Ratio (insert:backbone)
Backbone pET28 24.2 5369 3:1
Insert sfGFP 51.7 717 3:1
Insert sfGFP-Phe66 54.5 717 3:1
Insert sfGFP-AMBER66 52.5 717 3:1


Set up following reactions:

Sample 1 2 3
Backbone pET28 [µl] 2 2 2
Insert sfGFP [µl] 2.5 0 0
Insert sfGFP-Phe66 [µl] 0 3  
Insert sfGFP-AMBER66 [µl] 0 0 3
HiFi Master Mix 4.5 5 5

Incubate 15 min at 50°C 

Perform a DPN1 digest by adding 0.5 µl to each sample and incubate it for 1 hour at 37°C

Perform a transformation:

Thaw bacteria on ice (Top 10 competent E. Coli (Ag Di Ventura, BIOSS))

take 50 µl bacteria

add 5 µl ligated PCR DNA

incubate 30 minutes on ice

heat shock at 42°C for 45 seconds

put them back on ice for 2 minutes 

add 500 µl LB medium (make  sure it’s transparent)

incubate on shaker at 37°C for 45-60 min (not longer)

start worming plates (Chloramphenicol plates should be prewarmed for 60 minutes)

plate 100-200 µl bacteria on the plate

incubate at 37°C overnight


Repetition transformation with Gibson Assembly DNA from 13.07.019:

Gibson product: pET28-sfGFP, pET28-sfGFP_Phe66, pET28-sfGFP_AMBER

Thaw bacteria on ice (Top 10 competent E. Coli (Ag Di Ventura, BIOSS))

take 50 µl bacteria

add 5 µl DNA

incubate 30 minutes on ice

heat shock at 42°C for 45 seconds

put them back on ice for 2 minutes 

add 500 µl LB medium (make  sure it’s transparent)

incubate on shaker at 37°C for 45-60 min (not longer)

start worming plates (Kanamycin)

plate 100-200 µl bacteria on the plate

incubate at 37°C over night


pick one colony from each plate and put it in a glass tube with 2 ml LB medium with Kanamycin

incubate at 37°C in an incubator on the shaker for a few hours


pET28-sfGFP 1

pET28-sfGFP 2

pET28-sfGFP 3

pET28-sfGFP_Phe66 1

pET28-sfGFP_Phe66 2

pET28-sfGFP_Phe66 3

pET28-sfGFP_AMBER66 1

pET28-sfGFP_AMBER66 2

pET28-sfGFP_AMBER66 3


Use 750 µl for a Glycerol stock

add 250 µl Glycerol 

store it at  -80°C 

you may use it for amplification of your plasmid (after it was sequenced)

take a little bit of it and let it grow in the incubator at 37°C with LB medium


Performed a MiniPrep with the QiaGen machine


Sequencing showed that Gibson Assembly worked for all constructs. MinC is still in the plasmid but should not be translated

Order a second sequencing to see if mutation is still correct as previous sequencing was too short


Cloning of AMBER mutation outside the Chromophore of sfGFP

Set 4 different PCR samples:

1. with both primers (forward and reverse)

2. with only the forward primer and pBAD-sfGFP as template

3. with only the reverse primer and pBAD-sfGFP as template

4. with both primers and the pET28-sfGFP plasmid as template 




Sequence (5'->3')


Physical Property
  • Length : 33bp
  • Weight :10257.7g/mol
  • Tm :69.5°C
  • GC :48.5%



Sequence (5'->3')


Physical Property
  • Length : 33bp
  • Weight :10008.5g/mol
  • Tm :69.5°C
  • GC :48.5%


DNA Template:




samples 1. and 4.:

1,5 µl Primer  forward (20 µM)

1,5 µl Primer reverse (20 µM)

1 µl DNA Template

11 µl bidest. H2

15 µl Phusion Flash Master Mix


samples 2. and 3. :

1,5 µl Primer  forward/reverse (20 µM)

1 µl DNA Template

12.5 µl bidest. H2

15 µl Phusion Flash Master Mix


Settings PCR:

Initial Denaturation 95°C for 30 seconds

Denaturation 95°C for 10 seconds

Annealing 69°C for 20 seconds

Elongation 72°C for 90 seconds

Ending Elongation 72°C for 120 seconds

in total 30 cycles


Mix samples 2. and 3. to bring complementary strands together and get a whole plasmid construct (25%)

Heat to 98°C and let cool down to room temperature to enable the binding.

Put on ice and perform a DPN1 digest:

Add 0.5 µl DPN1

incubate for an hour at 37°C



Thaw bacteria on ice (Top 10 competent E. Coli (Ag Di Ventura, BIOSS))

take 50 µl bacteria

add 5 µl PCR DNA (1, 2+3, 4)

incubate 30 minutes on ice

heat shock at 42°C for 45 seconds

put them back on ice for 2 minutes 

add 500 µl LB medium (make  sure it’s transparent)

incubate on shaker at 37°C for 45-60 min (not longer)

start worming plates (2 Chloramphenicol plates and one Kanamycin)

plate 100-200 µl bacteria on the plate

incubate at 37°C over night


Result next day: no colonies grew. 
--> repeat transformation 

--> order 5’Phos-Primers


Repetition transformation with the cloning product of AMBER outside the chromophore:


Thaw bacteria on ice (Top 10 competent E. Coli (Ag Di Ventura, BIOSS))

take 50 µl bacteria

comprise the DNA in the vacuum centrifuge to 5 µl

add 5 µl PCR DNA (1, 2+3, 4)  

incubate 30 minutes on ice

heat shock at 42°C for 45 seconds

put them back on ice for 2 minutes 

add 500 µl LB medium (make  sure it’s transparent)

incubate on the shaker at 37°C for 45-60 min (not longer)

start worming plates (2 Chloramphenicol plates and one Kanamycin)

plate 100-200 µl bacteria on the plate

incubate at 37°C overnight


Result: no colonies. Repeat the whole cloning.


Repetition Cloning of AMBER mutation outside the Chromophore of sfGFP

Set up a PCR :

1. with both primers (forward and reverse)



Sequence (5'->3')


Physical Property
  • Length : 33bp
  • Weight :10257.7g/mol
  • Tm :69.5°C
  • GC :48.5%



Sequence (5'->3')


Physical Property
  • Length : 33bp
  • Weight :10008.5g/mol
  • Tm :69.5°C
  • GC :48.5%


DNA Template:



sample 1. 

1,5 µl Primer  forward (20 µM)

1,5 µl Primer reverse (20 µM)

1 µl DNA Template

11 µl bidest. H2

15 µl Phusion Flash Master Mix


Settings PCR:

Initial Denaturation 95°C for 30 seconds

Denaturation 95°C for 10 seconds

Annealing 69°C for 20 seconds

Elongation 72°C for 90 seconds

Ending Elongation 72°C for 120 seconds

in total 30 cycles

Electrophoresis with agarose gel:

Use a 1% agarose gel 

mix it with 5 µl Ethidiumbromid


Add 5 µl Gel Loading Dye Purple (6X) to the PCR product

Load the first well of the gel with 5 µl Gene Ruler 1 kb DNA Ladder

Run the gel at 150 mV for 25 minutes


Gel extraction:

Use QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit Protocol



17 µl extracted PRC product

add 2 µl 10X T4 DNA Ligation Buffer 

add 1 µl T4 DNA Ligase

incubate over night at 4°C


Miniprep with the Qiagen Robotor:

sample: E.coli culture with pBAD-sfGFP

resistance: Chloramphenicol


Use 750 µl for a Glycerol stock

add 250 µl Glycerol 

store it at  -80°C 

you may use it for amplification of your plasmid (after it was sequenced)

take a little bit of it and let it grow in the incubator at 37°C with LB medium


Cloning AMBER outside the Chromophore in sfGFP:

PCR Protocol:




Phusion Flash Master Mix (dilute 1:1)


0,5-2 µM Primer 

up to 100 ng Template

fill up to 15 µl with bidest. H2O

1,5 µl Primer  forward (20 µM)

1,5 µl Primer revers (20 µM)

1 µl DNA Template

11 µl bidest. H2

15 µl Phusion Flash Master Mix


Settings PCR:

Initial Denaturation 95°C for 30 seconds

Denaturation 95°C for 10 seconds

Annealing 59.5°C for 20 seconds

Elongation 72°C for 90 seconds

Ending Elongation 72°C for 120 seconds

in total 30 cycles

Electrophoresis with agarose gel:

Use a 1% agarose gel 

mix it with 5 µl Ethidiumbromid


Add 6 µl Gel Loading Dye Purple (6X) to the PCR product

Load the first well of the gel with 5 µl Gene Ruler 1 kb DNA Ladder

Run the gel at 150 mV for 25 minutes


Gel extraction:

Use QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit Protocol



17 µl extracted PRC product

add 2 µl 10X T4 DNA Ligation Buffer 

add 1 µl T4 DNA Ligase

incubate overnight at 4°C


Transformation in plates with antibiotics:

Add to ligated DNA samples:

0,5 µl DPN1

incubate for an hour at 37°C


Thaw bacteria on ice (Top 10 competent E. Coli (Ag Di Ventura, BIOSS))

take 50 µl bacteria

add 5 µl ligated PCR DNA

incubate 30 minutes on ice

heat shock at 42°C for 45 seconds

put them back on ice for 2 minutes 

add 500 µl LB medium (make  sure it’s transparent)

incubate on shaker at 37°C for 45-60 min (not longer)

start worming plates (Chloramphenicol plates should be prewarmed for 60 minutes)

plate 100-200 µl bacteria on the plate

incubate at 37°C overnight


AMBER cloning outside the chromophore of sfGFP:

pick one colony in a glass tube with 4 ml LB medium with chloramphenicol

incubate at 37°C in incubator on shaker for a few hours.


Mini Prep with Qiagen Robotor of AMBER outside Chromophore samples 

Elution volume 30 µl

sent 10 µl of each sample (overall 4 samples) for sequencing to eurofins

a glycerol stock of each sample is stored at -80°C

Cloning and Cell Lysate Protein Expression


Cell Extract Preparation:

C321A delta AMBER control
450 mL of TB medium 450 mL of TB medium
450 µl Ampicillin  
80 µl C321A competent cells 80 µl MG1655 competent cells

incubate bacteria overnight in this media at 30°C and 180 rpm 


Set up Tris acetate:

meassured pH = 8.08

component amount concentration [mM]
Trisma base 30.25 g 303 
Acetic acid (100%) 10 mL  
dd H2O 90 mL  


Set up a S30 Buffer:

component amount concentration [mM]
Tris-acetate pH 8.08 33 mL 10 
Magnesium acetate 2 g 12 
Potassium acetate  5.89 g 60
Dithriotheitol (1 M 2 mL
dd H2O 965 mL  


Set up the culture:

C321A delta AMBER control
450 mL of TB medium 450 mL of TB medium
450 µl Ampicillin  
80 µl C321A competent cells 80 µl MG1655 competent cells

incubate bacteria overnight in this media at 30°C and 180 rpm 

cells reached overnight only an OD 600 of 0.34 (C321deltaA) and 0.6 (MG1655)


set up a new culture (500 ml) in a 2 L flask to provide bacteria with enough oxygen

C321A delta AMBER control
450 mL of TB medium 450 mL of TB medium
450 µl Ampicillin  
80 µl C321A competent cells 80 µl MG1655 competent cells

cells have an OD 600 of 2.8 after incubation overnight but already reached the plateau. That is why I will set up a new culture. 


set up new cultures with TB and LB

C321A delta AMBER control
500 mL of TB medium 500 mL of TB medium
500 µl Ampicillin  
80 µl C321A competent cells 80 µl MG1655 competent cells


C321A delta AMBER control
500 mL of LB medium 500 mL of LB medium
500 µl Ampicillin  
80 µl C321A competent cells 80 µl MG1655 competent cells


ODs were measured after 6 hours. 

MG1655 strain grown in LB reached an OD 600 of 3.3 after 8 hours. 

Bacteria were centrifuged for 15 min at 5000 x g and 4°C

washed 3 times with S30 buffer, transferred to a 2 mL microfuge tube and stored at -80°C


Strain C321deltaA grown in TB reached an OD of 2.4 after 29 hours. 

Cells were centrifuged and washed with S30 as described above (same treatment as for MG1655)


Cells were suspended in 800 µl per 1 g of wet cell mass. In this case it was:

strain mass [g] volume of S30 [µl]
MG1655 in TB 1.32  1056
C321deltaA in TB 1.08 864
MG 1655 in LB 1.53 1224

1.4 mL was lysed via sonication (3x 6 cycles 30 sec)

centrifugation for 10 minutes at 12000x g and 4°C

supernatant was flash-freezed in liquid nitrogen


set up a 50 mL culture (LB + chloramphenicol) of sfGFP in pBAD


Performed a Midi-Prep with the QiaGen Kit and the sfGFP culture from yesterday evening

  1. Harvest overnight bacterial culture by centrifuging at 6000 x g for 15 min at 4°C.
  2. Resuspend the bacterial pellet in 4 ml Buffer P1.
  3. Add 4 ml Buffer P2, mix thoroughly by vigorously inverting 4-6 times and incubate at room temperature (15-25°C) for 5 min. 
  4. Add 4 ml prechilled Buffer P3, mix thoroughly by vigorously inverting 4-6 times. Incubate on ice for 15 min. 
  5. Centrifuge at 14000 x g for 10 min at 4°C. Centrifuge at 20000 x g for 30 min at 4 °C. 
  6. Equilibrate a QIAGEN-tip 100 applying 4 ml Buffer QBT, and allow column to empty by gravity flow.
  7. Apply the supernatant from step 5 to the Qiagen-tip and allow it to enter the resin by gravity flow. 
  8. Wash the QIAGEN-tip with 2 x 10 ml Buffer QC. Allow Buffer QC to move through the Qiagen-tip by gravity flow. 
  9. Elute DNA with 5 ml Buffer QF into a clean 15 ml vessel. 
  10. Precipitate the DNA by adding 3.5 ml roomtemperature isopropanol to the eluted DNA and mix. Centrifuge at 15000 x g for 30 min at 4°C. Carefully decant supernatant. 
  11. Wash the DNA pellet with 2 ml room-temperature 70% ethanol and centrifuge at 15000 x g for 10 min. Carefully decant supernatant.
  12. Air-dry pellet for 5-10 min and redissolve DNA in a suitable volume of appropriate buffer. 


Set up cloning:

We want to have the AMBER66-, Phe66- and AMBER mutation outside the chromophore in a sfGFP behind a AraC promotor to induce it with arabinose. Other mutations are behind light induced promotor and need to be light induced.

Plasmid: sfGFP in pBAD behind AraC promotor 

Set up 3 PCRs:

1,5 µl Primer  forward (20 µM)

1,5 µl Primer revers (20 µM)

1 µl DNA Template

11 µl bidest. H2

15 µl Phusion Flash Master Mix


Sample 1: Phe66 mutation



Anneal at 54°C


Sample 2: AMBER66 mutation



Anneal at 54°C


Sample 3: AMBER outside the Chromophore 



Anneal at 62°C


Electrophoresis with agarose gel: (continue cloning from yesterday)

Use a 1% agarose gel 

mix it with 5 µl Ethidiumbromid


Add 5 µl Gel Loading Dye Purple (6X) to the PCR product

Load the first well of the gel with 5 µl Gene Ruler 1 kb DNA Ladder

Run the gel at 150 mV for 25 minutes


Gel extraction:

Use QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit Protocol



17 µl extracted PRC product

add 2 µl 10X T4 DNA Ligation Buffer 

add 1 µl T4 DNA Ligase

incubate over night at 4°C


Set up in vitro expression of sfGFP with cell lysate:

Mix following samples:

Component amount [µl] end concentration
ATP (100 mM) 0.18 1.2 mM
Plasmid (sfGFP in pBAD behind light inducible promotor) 5 13.3 ng/µl
Dtt (1M) 0.15 10 mM
RNase inhibitor  
Lysate  13.17  

Three different samples were set up with 3 different cell lysates:

1. MG1655 grown in LB

2. MG1655 grown in TB

3. C321deltaA grown in TB


A fourth sample was set up containing MG1655 grown in LB and PURE Kit

Component amount [µl] end concentration 
RNase inhibitor  
Plasmid  14 13.3 ng/µl
Solution A PURE kit 5  
Solution B PURE kit 3.5  
Cell lysate MG1655 grown in LB 13.17  

Samples were poured into a 96-well plate and incubated at 30°C for 20 h and under 450 nm blue light with intensity 90 for promotor induction. 


DPN1 digestion with ligated PCR product (mutations in sfGFP behind AraC):


0,5 µl DPN1

incubate for an hour at 37°C



Thaw bacteria on ice (Top 10 competent E. Coli (Ag Di Ventura, BIOSS))

take 50 µl bacteria

add 5 µl DNA

incubate 30 minutes on ice

heat shock at 42°C for 45 seconds

put them back on ice for 2 minutes 

(forgot to add 500 µl LB medium)

incubate on shaker at 37°C for 45-60 min (not longer)

start worming plates 

plate 100-200 µl bacteria on the plate

incubate at 37°C over night


measurement of in vitro samples from yesterday with the plate reader to see if some sfGFP was expressed

Excitation: 488 nm

Emission: 512 nm

Diagramm 1


As there was no negative control (cell lysate without plasmid) we can’t tell if the signal (compared to water) is not an autofluorescent signal. Therefore the expression is repeated with the proper negative control.

Set up in vitro expression of sfGFP with cell lysate:

Mix following components for the positive reaction:

Component amount [µl] end concentration
ATP (100 mM) 0.36 1.2 mM
Plasmid (sfGFP in pBAD behind light inducible promotor) 16.2 13.3 ng/µl
Dtt (1M) 0.3 10 mM
RNase inhibitor  
Lysate (MG1655 or C321deltaA) 12.2  

An additional sample was prepared containing addtionally to all other components 5 µl of solution A and 3.5 µl of soltion B from the PURExpress deltaRF123 Kit

Mix following components for negative control:

Component amount [µl] end concentration
ATP (100 mM) 0.36 1.2 mM
H2O 16.2 13.3 ng/µl
Dtt (1M) 0.3 10 mM
RNase inhibitor  
Lysate (MG1655 or C321deltaA) 12.2  

Two 96-well plates (black) were loaded:

H2O MG1655 C321deltaA
  MG1655 + Plasmid C321deltaA + Plasmid
  MG1655 + Plasmid + PURE  


measurement with the plate reader of 96-well plate light-induced and -uninduced. 

Excitation: 488 nm

Emission: 512 nm

Diagramm 2


Diagramm 3

Result does not show a specific fluorescence signal in the positive reactions as the signal is stronger in those samples without the plasmid. 


Picking 2 colonies from each plate (Phe66, AMBER66, AoCH) and let it frow in 4 ml LB + Chloramphenicol at 37°C on the shaker for min 6 hours.


Run a gel (12% Tris-glycine Mini Precast) with the cell lysate reactions from yestserday to see if there really is no GFP or if the problem is detection:

Loaded the gel with different amounts of the samples.

MG1655 MG1655+Plasmid MG1655+PURE C321deltaA C321deltaA
2.5 µl sample 5 µl sample 2.5 µl sample 5 µl sample 2.5 µl sample 5 µl sample 2.5 µl sample  5 µl sample 2.5 µl sample 5 µl sample 
5 µl H2O 2.5 µl H2O 5 µl H2O 2.5 µl H2O 5 µl H2O 2.5 µl H2O 5 µl H2O 2.5 µl H2O 5 µl H2O 2.5 µl H2O
2.5 µl Lämmli Buffer 2.5 µl Lämmli Buffer 2.5 µl Lämmli Buffer 2.5 µl Lämmli Buffer 2.5 µl Lämmli Buffer  2.5 µl Lämmli Buffer 2.5 µl Lämmli Buffer 2.5 µl Lämmli Buffer  2.5 µl Lämmli Buffer 2.5 µl Lämmli Buffer 

Loaded the wells in the gel in following order:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Color Protein Standard MG1655 (2.5 µl) MG1655 + Plasmid (2.5 µl) MG1655 + PURE (2.5 µl) C321deltaA (2.5 µl) C321deltaA + Plasmid (2.5 µl)  MG1655 (5 µl) MG1655+Plasmid (5 µl) MG1655+PURE (5µl) C321deltaA+Plasmid (5 µl)

Ran the gel for 30 min at 200 V

Stained the gel with Instant Blue for 1 hour.



Amplification of the sfGFP under pBAD promotor (AraC contained in this plasmid) to run a cell lysate reaction with arabinose induction. 

Thaw bacteria on ice (Top 10 competent E. Coli (AG Di Ventura, BIOSS))

take 50 µl bacteria

add 5 µl ligated PCR DNA

incubate 30 minutes on ice

heat shock at 42°C for 45 seconds

put them back on ice for 2 minutes 

add 500 µl LB medium (make  sure it’s transparent)

incubate on shaker at 37°C for 45-60 min (not longer)

start worming plates (Chloramphenicol plates should be prewarmed for 60 minutes)

plate 100-200 µl bacteria on the plate

incubate at 37°C over night



Mini prep with Phe66, AMBER66 and AoCH mutations in sfGFP under pBAD promotor (with AraC containing)

one of the two AoCH cultures didn’t show growth, which causes the suggestion that one of the other cultures contains two different cultures, for this reason new colonies of each mutation are picked and grown in 4 ml LB+Chloramphenicol (in case the sequencing results show contamination).


4 colonies were picked from the sfGFP (under pBAD promotor with AraC) and grown in 4 ml LB+Chloramphenicol


Mini Prep with all cultures from this morning (wt-sfGFP, Phe66, A66, AoCh under pBAD with AraC)

A glycerol stock (25% end concentration of glycerol) was set up of each plasmid

--> Mini prep machine destroyed samples with wt-sfGFP and AoCh, therefore a new culture was set up out of the glycerol stocks (4 ml)


Mini prep with the cultures from yesterday. 


Set up a new cell free expression with following amounts:

C321deltaA lysate + Plasmid

Component amount [µl] end concentration
H2O 4.72  
Lysate  4.05 27%
RNase Inhibitor  
DNA 2.7  13.3 ng/µl
HEPES 0.85 57 mM
ATP 0.18 1.2 mM
Arabinose 1.5  1%


C321deltaA lysate without plasmid

Component amount [µl] end concentration
H2O 7.42  
Lysate  4.05 27%
RNase Inhibitor  
HEPES 0.85 57 mM
ATP 0.18 1.2 mM
Arabinose 1.5  1%


C321deltaA + Plasmid + PURE

Component amount [µl] end concentration
Lysate  4.05 27%
RNase Inhibitor  
DNA 2.7  13.3 ng/µl
HEPES 0.85 57 mM
ATP 0.18 1.2 mM
Arabinose 1.5  1%
Solution A PURE  
Solution B PURE 3.5  


C321deltaA without Plasmid + PURE

Component amount [µl] end concentration
Lysate  4.05 27%
RNase Inhibitor  
H2O 2.7  13.3 ng/µl
HEPES 0.85 57 mM
ATP 0.18 1.2 mM
Arabinose 1.5  1%
Solution A PURE  
Solution B PURE 3.5  


Incubate the samples at 30°C for 20 hours.


Preparing a new lysate from frozen cells in -80°C:

Thawed cells were suspended in 0.8 ml S30 buffer per 1 g wet cell mass.

1.5 ml were transferred in a 1.5 microtube 

Cells were lysed with the Bioruptor Tm new Gen 3 x 8 cycles at high mode

Centrifugation at 12,000 g and 4°C for 10 min. 

supernatant was flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen


Samples with expression were loaded onto a 384-well plate 

The plate was measured with the plate reader. Once without a positive control and once with fluorescein as a positive control (100 µg/µl)

Diagramm 4


Set up a new reaction:

C321deltaA lysate + Plasmid

Component amount [µl] end concentration
H2O 4.72  
Lysate  4.05 27%
RNase Inhibitor  
DNA 2.7  13.3 ng/µl
HEPES 0.85 57 mM
ATP 0.18 1.2 mM
Arabinose 1.5  1%


C321deltaA lysate without plasmid

Component amount [µl] end concentration
H2O 7.42  
Lysate  4.05 27%
RNase Inhibitor  
HEPES 0.85 57 mM
ATP 0.18 1.2 mM
Arabinose 1.5  1%

C321deltaA lysate + Plasmid + PURE

Component amount [µl] end concentration
Lysate  4.05 27%
RNase Inhibitor  
DNA 2.7  13.3 ng/µl
H2O 2.7   
Solution A PURE 2.1  
Solution B PURE 2.2  
Arabinose 1.5 1%


C321deltaA without Plasmid + PURE

Component amount [µl] end concentration
Lysate  4.05 27%
RNase Inhibitor  
H2O 5.65  
Solution A PURE  
Solution B PURE 3.5  
Arabinose 1.5 1%

Incubate the samples at 30°C for 20 hours. In the dark.


Set up new culture:

500 ml LB medium in a 5 L erlenmeyer flask 

100 µl C321deltaA competent cell

Incubate at 30°C and 220 rpm until the culture reaches an OD 600 of 2.5


Set up new S30 Buffer:

Set up Tris acetate:

meassured pH = 8.08

component amount concentration [mM]
Trisma base 30.25 g 303 
Acetic acid (100%) 10 mL  
dd H2O 90 mL  


Set up a S30 Buffer:

component amount concentration [mM]
Tris-acetate pH 8.08 33 mL 10 
Magnesium acetate 2 g 12 
Potassium acetate  5.89 g 60
Dithriotheitol (1 M 2 mL
dd H2O 965 mL  


Sent clonings to sequencing 10 µl of each AMBER outside of chromophore and AMBER66 and Phe66 in sfGFP under pBAD promotor with AraC (arabinose induction).


Measure a dilution row of fluorescein as calibration for sfGFP measurement in the plate reader

Dilute fluorescein to 10 µM 

take 100 µl of it and dilute it with 100 µl 1x PBS as described on iGEM website

Reaction and measurment was repeated once (n=2)

Diagramm 6


Diagramm 5