

This page represents our highlighted and core experiments that allowed iGEM Guelph to produce our AmilCP and Violacein Biosensors. This is not an exhaustive list or presentation of the work done. For any further clarification, please refer to our lab notebook as all of our experiments are catalogued there. In order to create our biosensor, we began by setting out to determine whether the common lab Escherichia coli strains - DH5α and BL21(DE3) - would be able to survive high enough concentrations of tetracycline to be useful as a biosensor. This was done by performing minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays in a 96-well plate. We also mapped a growth curve of both strains in the presence of tetracycline in order to see what quantities of the drug inhibited growth.

Initial Work with E. coli in Tetracycline

To test the tolerance of E. coli to tetracycline, DH5α and BL21 (DE3) strains were grown in a 96-well plate, each in 200 μL of LB, in serially diluted tetracycline from 40 μg/mL to 0.04 ng/mL. The plates were shaken at 900 rpm at 37 °C, and the optical density at 600nm was recorded after 24hours using the Tecan Infinite Series Pro 200 96-well plate reader.

When the ODs were normalized to the no drug control, we were able to calculate our MIC50, which is the value of where the growth of the cells are inhibited by 50%. We saw that our MIC50 was at 312.5ng/mL as described where the normalized OD values fell below 0.5. This means that half of the cells from both strains were able to survive in up to 312.5 ng/mL tetracycline compared to cells growing in wells without tetracycline. This was great news as 312.5ng/mL is slightly more than three times the regulatory limit for tetracycline in dairy products in Canada (100 ng/mL). With this information, we felt confident that both DH5α and BL21 (DE3) strains would survive above the regulatory limit and will be used for the development and initial testing of our tetracycline biosensor.

Now that we know our strains were fine, we ordered the plasmid pJKR-H-TetR (p-Tet) from addgene that is the backbone on which we based our tet-O DNA synthesis1. We then needed to test the rate of growth of our strains in ampicillin and tetracycline as ampicillin will be needed to maintain the plasmid. We transformed our pTet plasmid that contained ampicillin resistance into our DH5α strain. We then created growth curves by growing E. coli in LB broth at 37°C shaking at 250 rpm overnight. The cultures were then diluted 1:1000 in 50 mL LB media. Based on the paper we obtained p-Tet from, the highest dose of tetracycline the researchers used was 267ng/mL. We wanted this experiment to quantify the impact that tetracycline would have on growth and capture the start of log phase for these cells. In our future work, we will be using lower volumes of tetracycline; So we wanted to capture growth in the highest concentration of tetracycline (and therefore the longest lag phase). So for this experiment we added tetracycline to a final concentration of 267 ng/mL and ampicillin to a final concentration of 100 μg/mL. For our negative control, we diluted the cultures into flasks that contained 100 μg/mL of Amp, without any tetracycline. The flasks were incubated shaking at 250 rpm in 37°C for 14 hours, taking absorbance readings at 600 nm every 2 hours.

Next: Demonstrate

University of Guelph iGEM 2019