
Parts Overview

Here is a comprehensive list of all of the BioBricks we created this year!

BioBrick Type Name Description Length
BBa_K3189000 Coding VioC The gene VioC produces Violacein synthase required for the metabolism of tryptophan into a pink or violet (if VioD is present) pigment. 1290
BBa_K3189001 Regulatory Phage Lambda-TetO A phage lambda promoter sequence that has a binding site that allows tetR to bind and repress transcription. 74
BBa_K3189002 Tag S-Tag An oligopeptide tag that can allow for the detection of the gene directly upstream of this sequence. 90
BBa_K3189003 Terminator T7 Terminator Wild type terminator from T7 bacteriophage. 48
BBa_K3189004 Regulatory TetR Tetracycline repressor that can bind to a TetO sequence to inhibit transcription of a desired gene. 624
BBa_K3189005 Composite Tet-Regulated VioC A DNA construct that has the necessary components to express and detect VioC under the control of tetracycline. Components include a TetO promoter, RBS, VioC, a terminator and an s-tag. 2306
BBa_K3189006 Composite Tet-Regulated VioC The same as BBa_K3189005 however, with additional linker sequences between the tetO->RBS and T7Term->S-Tag 2354
BBa_K3189007 RBS Shine-Delgarno Sequence A sequence that allows the ribosome to bind and initiate protein translation. 36
BBa_K3189008 Regulatory LacI + Promoter The repressor sequence and its promoter that control the transcription of genes that govern the Lac system. 1161
BBa_K3189009 Regulatory Lac Operator The regulatory sequence that can be bound to Lac I to inhibit expression of a given gene. 40
BBa_K3189010 Coding VioA The gene VioA produces flavin-dependent L-tryptophan oxidase. VioA along with VioB and VioE are all required for the metabolism of tryptophan into protodeoxy-violaceinic acid, the precursor to the violacein pigment. 1290
BBa_K3189011 Coding VioB The gene VioB produces 2-imino-3-(indol-3-yl)-propanoate dimerase. VioB along with VioA and VioE are all required for the metabolism of tryptophan into protodeoxy-violaceinic acid, the precursor to the violacein pigment. 3030
BBa_K3189012 Coding VioE The gene VioE produces a tryptophan oxidase. VioE along with VioA and VioB are all required for the metabolism of tryptophan into protodeoxy-violaceinic acid, the precursor to the violacein pigment. 606
BBa_K3189013 Composite Lac-regulated VioABE This composite part puts VioABE under the control of the Lac operon. When induced with IPTG this metabolizes tryptophan into tryptophan into protodeoxy-violaceinic acid which spontaneously degrades into prodeoxyviolacein, a green pigment. 6605
BBa_K3189014 Composite Tet Controlled Stable amilCP This is a tet-regulated stable amilCP based on the E. coli codon optimized BioBrick variant BBa_K2669002. This is the part that was placed in our backbone for our characterization tests. 813
BBa_K3189015 Reporter Tet Controlled amilCP This is a tet-regulated amilCP based BioBrick variant BBa_K1343022 that our team improved for the gold requirement. BBa_K1343022 had its amilCP PCR amplfied out and placed into the pJKR backbone to create a version that created amilCP when Tetracycline is present and not when the AHL-luxR dimer is present. 1806

Next: Basic Parts

University of Guelph iGEM 2019