
Wet Lab

The Problem

Canola oil is one of Canada's leading exports, supplying 27 billion dollars to the national economy every year.

However, the Canadian canola industry faces a number of obstacles all stemming from the same root cause: Green Seed.

As canola seeds mature, enzymes break down the green chlorophyll pigment resulting in a mature brown seed. The "green seed problem" arises when canola plants are exposed to frost, drought or other inclement weather before maturation is complete. The chlorophyll degradation pathway is suspended and the seed remains green.

What is so bad about that?

The farmers we spoke to lamented the fact that their green canola seeds have to be sold at a discount. Going from $10 per bushel to $7 per bushel takes money out of the pockets of farmers, all because of a little green seed.

The adverse effects don't stop there.

Downstream, canola oil crushers need to spend more money to remove chlorophyll from the canola oil. This process is costly