
Student Members



We'd like to thank our PIs, Dr. Beth Beason and Dr. Joff Silberg, for their support and advice throughout our project! Additionally, we would like to thank the Biodesign Lab and the Bartel Lab (especially Dr. Bonnie Bartel and Kathryn Hamilton) at Rice for their immense help. Dr. James Chappell provided guidance about RNA thermometers, and Dr. James McNew and Dr. Budi Utama helped with confocal microscopy. Kathryn Brink and Lauren Gambill helped us think about the larger implications of our project in terms of biosecurity, and Jen Schmerling of Environment Texas and Dr. Carrie Masiello helped with the ecological ramifications. Dr. Melissa Schwaller helped us think about the future stages of our project.

Other Support

We would like to thank the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department for lending us a lab space, Dr. Rebecca Richards-Kortum's HHMI grant, Dr. Gorman, the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry, the chair of Rice BioSciences, and the deans for the Schools of Natural Sciences and of Engineering.