
Team Attributions

There is so much work that went in to iGEM Guelph’s 2019 existence and we want to take time to thank everyone who has helped and contributed in any way! We’ve had a lot of fun working with each other and have received tremendous help from those outside of our team as well.

Wet and Dry Lab

Jehoshua (Director of Research): Project selection, experimental design and troubleshooting
Nicole, Nathanael, Connor, Jehoshua, Eleanor and Layla (Project Leads): Organizing team members, creating lab plans, plasmid construction,completion of experiments and statistical analysis of data

All team members contributed to lab work in a variety of ways. These team members include Adam, Alia, Catherine, Christine, Daniel, Devin, Enzo, Grace, Griffin, Hannah, Kelli, Marcus, Larsen, Madison, Niamh, Nikola, Becca, Sahel, Sarah, Sath, Tharane, and Vivian. Isaac Timoffee-Maberly was not officially a part of the team, however he helped with the initial project development process.

Tasks would vary, including but not limited to PCRs, minipreps, gel extractions, MIC set-up, streaking plates, imaging gels, and countless other standard microbial and molecular biology science tasks. For further clarification on the distribution of labour, it is clearly documented by attendance in our lab book, which you can find here! We had a large team this year, who without our achievements would not be possible!

Human Practices

This year, iGEM Guelph was involved with a lot of different Education and Outreach Events that ranged from hosting meetups in Canada to running a camp. This allowed us to maximize our presence and create a lasting impact in not only our local community, but provincially as well.

STEM Camp Guelph: Eleanor, Catherine, Nicole, Nathanael, Sath and Daniel

The Micron Blog: Nathanael, Catherine, Eleanor, Jehoshua, Dan and Adam (Editing Team); Grace, Christine, Kelli, Niamh, Adam and Nathanael (Blog Post Writers)

Behind the Science Podcast: Sarah, Becca, Jehoshua, Griffin, Nykole, Dan, Marcus and Daniel

#LGBTSTEMday: Nykole, Nicole, Enzo, Hannah and the Guelph Queer Equality Club

Branding and Social Media: Connor, Christine, Niamh and Kelli

oGEM @ Guelph:
Organizing and Planning: Nicole, Connor, Nathanael, Larsen, Jehoshua, Nykole, Dan, Larsen and Eleanor
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Bettina Hamelin and Dr. Malcolm Campbell
Panelists: Ontario Genomics representatives Dr. Bettina Hamelin, Dr. Dennis McCormac, Dr. Ann Meyer, and Nezar Rghei, and University of Guelph representative Dr. Malcolm Campbell
Setup: Larsen, Nykole, Jehoshua, Connor, Nicole, Dan, Sarah, Devin, Sath, and Marcus
A/V: Larsen, Connor and Dan
Photography: Sarah
Catering: University of Guelph Hospitality Services


Sarah, Larsen, Sath, Connor, Nathanael, Jehoshua and Nykole: Content creation and revision, HTML content upload, menu bars, photo uploading, CSS, embedding
Nykole: Wiki coaching and troubleshooting, main HTML and CSS, code cleanup and commenting
Main wiki code was based on original layout for the 2017 U_of_Guelph Team Wiki by Danielle Rose


Nicole: Collaboration with Queens University in trouble-shooting protein expression issues.
Jehoshua, Nykole and Connor: Collaboration with UofT in learning about supervised learning in AI for synthetic biology.


Nathanael (Recruitment Officer): Planning and running events to recruit new members, sending emails to people who signed up, talking to prospective members
Nicole, Jehoshua, Connor, Nykole, Eleanor, Dan, Larsen and Kelli (Recruitment Assistants): Assist in making class announcements and running events to recruit new members


Dan Lipworth (Director of Operations): Compiled budget, managed inventory, placed and received orders, liaised with members of school administration

Beerstone Continuation

Nicole (Project Lead): Organize team members, design experiments, and complete lab work
Adam, Alia, Daniel, Devin, Kelli and Sahel (Team Members): All aided in experimental design and completed lab work as required

Plant Project 2020 Pilot

Jehoshua, Layla, Nykole and Eleanor (Project Leads): Organize team members, literature reviews, write proposals, design experiments, and complete lab work
Enzo, Catherine, Sarah, Hannah, Vivian, Tharane and Nikola (Team Members): All aided in experimental design and optimized our golden gate protocol

Logo and Apparel

Connor designed the logo, and Nykole carved the stamps and hand-printed team shirts with love. Thank you guys for helping us look so good!

Dan Lipworth, iGEM Guelph 2019 Advisor

For helping maintain iGEM Guelph's presence at the University of Guelph, and offering a wide variety of support to the team based on his previous two years as a team member. His assistance was instrumental in the team's progress this year, especially in terms of inventory and finances, and Giant Jamboree experience!

Nykole Crevits, iGEM Guelph 2019 Advisor

For her advice on our agricultural-related project planning and development in preparation for iGEM 2020, as our resident "Plant Person". She also assisted with a variety of other logistics and troubleshooting with the current project, especially the transfer of Wiki knowledge and Giant Jamboree experience from her previous two years as a team member!

Out-of-Team Attributions

Integrated Human Practices

to be updated

Education and Public Outreach

STEM Camp Guelph
Thank you to the STEM Camp head office staff that made this possible, especially Emma Boyle, Larissa Mendonca and Leanne Ford, among others
We would also like to acknowledge the iGEM Guelph volunteers who made the project possible; Eleanor, Nathanael, Enzo, Devin, Catherine, Sathyajith, Kelli and Dan

The Micron Blog: Hillary Dort


Nykole - Wiki coaching and troubleshooting, main HTML and CSS, code cleanup and commenting
Larsen - HTML, menu bars, photo uploading
Sarah - CSS, embedding

Main wiki code was based on original layout for the 2017 U_of_Guelph Team Wiki by Danielle Rose.

Poster Sessions, Presentations and Conferences

Canada SynBio Conference 2019
Attendees: Nicole and Nathanael
We brought home the poster prize!

SynBio 4.0 Waterloo, ON
Attendees: Nicole, Nathanael, Jehoshua, Nykole, Catherine

University of Guelph Undergraduate Poster Symposium
Biosensor: Presented by Connor Gianetto-Hill and Nathanael Willms
Beerstone: Presented by Nicole LeBlanc and Dan Lipworth
Plant Pilot Project: Graphics by Nykole

Presentation for Dr. K. Peter Pauls Lab Group
Presenters: Nykole, Layla, Sarah, Eleanor, Nikola, Enzo, Becca
Presentation Design and Content: Jehoshua, Becca, Hannah, Tharane, Sarah, Layla, Enzo, Nikola, Nykole

oGEM @ Guelph

Organizing and Planning: Nicole, Nathanael, Jehoshua, Dan, Larsen, Connor, Eleanor, Nykole
Setup: Nicole, Jehoshua, Larsen, Connor, Nykole, Devin, Marcus
A/V: Larsen
Photography: Sarah
Catering: University of Guelph Hospitality Services


Nicole: Collaboration with Queens University in trouble-shooting protein expression issues.

Nykole: Collaboration with UofT


Nathanael (Recruitment Officer): Planning and running events to recruit new members, sending emails to people who signed up, talking to prospective members.
Nicole, Jehoshua, Connor, Nykole, Eleanor, Dan, Larsen, Kelli (Recruitment Assistants) : assist in making class announcements and running events to recruit new members, (All other Executive members worked as recruitment assistants)


Dan Lipworth (Director of Operations): Compiled budget, managed inventory, placed and received orders, liaised with members of school administration.

Beerstone Continuation

Project Lead: Nicole - Organize team members, design experiments, and complete lab work
Team Members: Adam Jutzi, Alia Myers, Daniel Hinds, Devin Nagami, Kelli Sokoloff, Sahel Gamage. All aided in experimental design and completed lab work as required.

Plant Project 2020 Pilot

Project Leads: Jehoshua, Layla, Nykole, Eleanor - Organize team members, literature reviews, write proposals, design experiments, and complete lab work
Team Members: Enzo, Catherine, Sarah, Hannah, Vivian, Tharane, Nikola. All aided in experimental design and completed lab work as required.

Social Media and Branding

Connor Gianetto-Hill - logo design, communications aesthetics and design
Kelli Sokoloff, Niamh Butler-Carroll - social media


Nicole - Help prepare for the event, coordinate volunteers the day of the event
Enzo - Organize event logistics, prepare buttons and information cards to be handed out during the day
Hannah - pin design
Nykole - distributed pin designs and templates from 2018, forwarded connections, explained logistics from previous year
Guelph Queer Equality team members - thank you for your time, support, and button-making supplies for this partnership!


Eleanor Cloves: As Camp Director, Eleanor was able to integrate iGEM Guelph into the camp programming.

Niamh Butler-Carroll - camp counsellor


Nykole carved the stamps and hand-printed team shirts with love based on the design by Connor.

Academic Support

Dr. Adrian Schwann and Scott Sammons - University of Guelph Chemistry Department
Huge thank you for synthesizing precursors for the beerstone project. Continuation of the project would not have been possible without this.

Dr. George Van der Merwe - University of Guelph, Molecular and Cellular Biology Department
Help with experimental design and project planning for the yeast portion of beerstone project.

Dr. Evan Malette - University of Guelph, Molecular and Cellular Biology Department
Support in protein expression portion of Beerstone Project.

Dr. Wei Zhang - University of Guelph, Molecular and Cellular Biology Department
Use of laboratory equipment otherwise unavailable to the team.

Our amazing PIs, Dr. Rebecca Shapiro, and Dr. Stephen Seah

For their constant involvement, feedback and assistance, both on the design of the project and troubleshooting. We could not have done it without you, and we look forward to working with you for the 2020 year!

Daniel Lipworth, iGEM Guelph 2019 Advisor

For helping maintain iGEM Guelph's presence at the University of Guelph, and offering a wide variety of support to the team based on his previous two years as a team member. His assistance was instrumental in the team's progress this year, especially in terms of inventory and finances, and Giant Jamboree experience!

Nykole Crevits, iGEM Guelph 2019 Advisor

For her advice on our agricultural-related project planning and development in preparation for iGEM 2020, as our resident "Plant Person". She also assisted with a variety of other logistics and troubleshooting with the current project, especially the transfer of Wiki knowledge and Giant Jamboree experience from her previous two years as a team member!

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude

to the following individuals and organizations

that made our participation in the

2019 iGEM season possible.

Dr. Malcolm Campbell, Vice President, Research, University of Guelph

For his significant financial support through the University, as well as his personal interest and time invested in the team! We are excited to have strengthened our ties with the Office of Research this year. As always, we appreciate his direct support in providing us the means to attend the Giant Jamboree. Special thank you this year for taking your time to act as a Keynote Speaker for our oGEM 2019 Conference hosted at the University of Guelph!

Dr. Charlotte Yates, Vice President, Academic (Provost), University of Guelph

For meeting with the team and offering her support and enthusiasm for our endeavours.

Dr. Marc Coppolino and MCB Departmental Faculty and Staff

For their much-needed financial support through the University, as well as Dr. Coppolino’s personal support for the team.

Dr. Jonathan Newman, Vice President, Research, Wilfrid Laurier University

For financial support through the University of Guelph during his previous appointment as Dean of the College of Biological Sciences, as well as his personal interest in the team. We wish him all the best in his new position!

Dr. Brian Husband, Professor and Associate Dean, Academic, University of Guelph

For his interest in iGEM’s role at the University of Guelph from an experiential academic perspective. We’re excited to continue our conversation with the goal of turning iGEM into an accredited experience-based course at the University.

Jamie Jones, Elspeth Smith and Jenna Penny

For providing lab space and allowing us to raid their supplies on occasion (with permission, of course!)

Ontario iGEM Teams

For their advice, guidance, and friendship! Our community has grown and changed so much over the past few years, and we look forward to working with you in the future!

Dr. Chris J. Meyer, Undergraduate Laboratory Coordinator, Molecular and Cellular Biology

For his outstanding enthusiasm and support for the Plant Pilot Project, as well as providing connections within the department, laboratory space and resources, and fantastic training on everything Arabidopsis thaliana.

Michael Mucci, Phytotron Coordinator, and Leane Illman, Assistant Phytotron Coordinator

For providing growth cabinet space, orientation and safety training in the Phytotron Facility for the Plant Pilot Project.

Dr. K. Peter Pauls, Professor, Plant Agriculture

For his advice in developing the Plant Pilot Project, and for giving the Plant Sub-Team the opportunity to present to his laboratory group. Thank you to the whole group for their valuable feedback and support!


A huge thank you to the previous year’s Guelph iGEM Team for helping us expand and get off the ground. We would like to especially thank our PIs Dr. Rebecca Shapiro and Dr. Stephen Seah for their openness and guidance in our project this year, as well as Advisors Nykole Crevits and Daniel Lipworth. Without all of their guidance and support we would not have achieved what we have in our project and not garnered the support and attention that our team has built up within our local community this year.

Financial Support and Resources

Financial Support

A special thanks to our University! The University of Guelph has supported us in numerous ways. We would like to thank the Vice-President of Research, Malcolm Campbell, the Chair of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Marc Coppolino and the former Dean of the College of Biological Sciences, Johnathan Newman for their financial support.

Lab Supplies and Resources

We would like to thank Marc Coppolino and Guelph's Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology for use of lab space over the course of the competition. As well as to our Supervisors Dr. Rebecca Shapiro and Dr. Stephen Seah. Over the course of the competition, they have donated laboratory supplies and resources to the our team. Thank you to IDT and Twist Biosciences for their donation of DNA synthesis and New England Biolabs for their donation of reagents. Without your help this project would have never come as far as it has.

Additional Resources

One of the beauties of iGEM is that it brings together wonderful people from all walks of life. It shows that help and support can come in many forms, and every bit counts. A big thank you to the Guelph Queer Equality club for graciously allowing us to use their button maker for our LGBTSTEMday event!

Thank you to everyone who has supported us

throughout our journey so far!

We look forward to many more years of

awesome science and the iGEM experience.

University of Guelph iGEM 2019

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This page is your opportunity to explain what parts of your project you did and what was done by technicians, advisers, etc. This requirement is not about literature references - these can and should be displayed throughout your wiki.

Bronze Medal Criterion #3

All of the work done in your project must be attributed correctly on this page. You must clearly state the work that was done by the students on your team and note any work that was done by people outside of your team, including the host labs, advisors, instructors, and individuals not on the team roster.

Please see the Medals requirements page for more details.

What should this page contain?

  • Clearly state what the team accomplished
  • General Support
  • Project support and advice
  • Fundraising help and advice
  • Lab support
  • Difficult technique support
  • Project advisor support
  • Wiki support
  • Presentation coaching
  • Human Practices support
  • Thanks and acknowledgements for all other people involved in helping make a successful iGEM team

Tell us if your institution teaches an iGEM or synthetic biology class and when you started your project:

  • Does your institution teach an iGEM or synthetic biology course?
  • When did you start this course?
  • Are the syllabus and course materials freely available online?
  • When did you start your brainstorming?
  • When did you start in the lab?
  • When did you start working on your project?


Take a look at what other teams have done:

Why is this page needed?

The Attribution requirement helps the judges know what you did yourselves and what you had help with. We don't mind if you get help with difficult or complex techniques, but you must report what work your team did and what work was done by others.

For example, you might choose to work with an animal model during your project. Working with animals requires getting a license and applying far in advance to conduct certain experiments in many countries. This is difficult to achieve during the course of a summer, but much easier if you can work with a postdoc or PI who has the right licenses.

Can we base our project on a previous one?

Yes! You can have a project based on a previous team, or based on someone else's idea, as long as you state this fact very clearly and give credit for the original project.