
UC Davis Collaboration

UC Davis iGEM team is one of the winners of Opentron competition in 2019, where as prize Opentron gave out OT-2 pipetting robots to ten iGEM teams, whose applications are the most convincing. iGEM Marburg won one OT-2 during last year’s edition of the competition and got contacted for collaboration by iGEM UC Davis along with other said competition winners from 2018 and 2019.

The goal for this inter-lab collaboration is to collect data and determine the accuracy of the OT-2 compared to humans. To do this, UC Davis conceived a protocol to perform serial dilutions of silica beads and fluorescence both manually and with OT-2. In total iGEM Marburg did four dilutions; twice with OT-2 and twice manually. The data is then sent to UC Davis via the spreadsheet designed by them. Finally iGEM Marburg made a Slack channel for all iGEM teams with OT-2 to be in contact with one another; further increasing exchange and collaboration. More information about this collaboration can be found on UC Davis wiki.