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<h1>Project Inspiration and Description </h1>
<p>In modern industry, the products of industrial synthesis by engineering bacteria show great potential.
However, at present, the optimization of engineering bacteria has the disadvantages of tedious process, long cycle and poor optimization effect.</p>
<p>Toehold Switch biological Switch has the advantages of good orthogonality, multi-gene transcriptional regulation and good universality, etc. The trigger of this system is used in combination with promoters of different strengths to construct the promoter library, and the optimal expression of multi-factor system in engineering bacteria can be achieved through the detection of yield.
In particular, the promoter library constructed has a wide range of application and can be reused, which can not only quickly realize the adaptability optimization of multi-factor system in engineering bacteria, but also save manpower and material resources in the optimization process to a large extent.</p>
<p>This project intends to work to improve the existing comprehensive control promoter bacteria production methods on the basis of the use of bacteria in the body of the acid metabolic pathways, four acid will be one of the key factors are combined with different strength of the promoter, build the promoter library, integrated expression after the optimal combination strains, provides a fast build the optimal factor combination express system method.</p>
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    <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/b/bf/T--SCUT_China--top.png" ></br></br></br>   
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    <div class="content-ins-1" >
      <p><strong style="font-size:18px">What is the meaning of this old saying?</strong><strong>  </strong></p><p>        This is the ancient wisdom from Chinese  cuisin. In the kitchen, when you cook a small fish, the best existence of five  tastes means that not to let have some blindly to appear particularly  outstanding among them, but the harmony of five tastes and balance. This great  wisdom not only is the perfect state that Chinese successive dynasties chefs  seeks ceaselessly, but also the ideal state that Chinese people pursue in  dealing with people and even governing a great nation.</p>
      <p align="left" style="color:#ED7D31"><strong>Inspired by this wisdom, we come up with an idea just  like a bite of tomorrow to deal with the problem in regulating  genetic system precisely.</strong></p>
    <div class="ins-pic2"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/2/24/T--SCUT_China--ins_2.png"></div>
    <div class="content-ins-2">
      <p style="font-size:18px;letter-spacing:2px;"><strong>The challenge of precise regulation of genetic system</strong><br></p>
      <p><strong style="color:#ED7D31">Precise  and reliable gene expression is critical in fine regulation of gene or pathway  expression. </strong>Generally, the optimal expression of  one gene often depends on the expression levels of other genes in the system,  thus multiple genes have to be regulated simultaneously to achieve an  improvement. For the metabolic pathway, the challenge is that the correct  expression levels are often not knowna priori. Suboptimal  enzyme concentrations could always <strong style="color:#ED7D31">lead to some problems,  such as the low flux of products, accumulation of toxic intermediates or  overburdening the host
      <sup style="font-size:10px;top:4px;">[1-3]</sup>.</p></strong><p style="text-align:center;"></br><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/7/79/T--SCUT_China--ins_3.jpg" alt="ins-pic3" width="351" height="357" ></br></p>
      <p align="center" style="font-size:14px">Fig:  The challenge of precise regulation of genetic system<br>
        (Take a two-enzyme metabolic pathway) </br></br></p>
    <p>  Upon these reasons, precise regulation of  genetic system often requires library construction to vary the genetic parts  controlling each gene. Typically, libraries of multi-gene systems can be built  using guided and unguided approaches. Many variants of a pathway can be  constructed by substituting genetic parts controlling each gene; for example,  promoters, ribosome binding sites(RBSs), and RNA stability elements<sup style="font-size:10px;top:4px;">[4-6]</sup>.</br>   </p>
      <p>For promoters and RBS libraries, due to the  complicated gene combination and assembly process, the number of combinations  is small, and this simple regulation makes the optimal results often differ  greatly from the actual optimal combination. <strong style="color:#ED7D31">What&rsquo;s  more, each adjustment of a new system requires the reconstruction of the  library, which is time-consuming and difficult to be applied in practice. </strong>The limitation of sRNA pool is that the genes can only be repressed, as  opposed to being up-regulated. This can be problematic if any of the genes are  toxic<sup style="font-size:10px;top:4px;">[5]</sup>.</p></br>
      <p>It is necessary to explore a universal,  efficient and simple promoter comprehensive regulation and optimization  technology, and optimize the fitness of multi-factor system in <em>E. coli</em> to obtain the ideal yield.</p></br>
      <div class="ins-table-1">
      <table width="570" >
          <td width="138"><p align="center">&nbsp;</p></td>
          <td width="126"><p align="center"><strong>Promoters pool</strong></p></td>
          <td width="90"><p align="center"><strong>RBS&nbsp;pool</strong></p></td>
          <td width="97"><p align="center"><strong>sRNA&nbsp;pool</strong></p></td>
          <td width="119"><p align="center"><strong>VerProS&nbsp;pool</strong></p></td>
          <td width="138"><p align="center"><strong>Repeatability</strong></p></td>
          <td width="126"><p align="center"><strong>No</strong></p></td>
          <td width="90"><p align="center"><strong>NO</strong></p></td>
          <td width="97"><p align="center"><strong>Universal</strong></p></td>
          <td width="119"><p align="center"><strong>Universal</strong></p></td>
          <td width="138"><p align="center"><strong>Workload</strong></p></td>
          <td width="126"><p align="center"><strong>Tedious</strong></p></td>
          <td width="90"><p align="center"><strong>Tedious</strong></p></td>
          <td width="97"><p align="center"><strong>Less</strong></p></td>
          <td width="119"><p align="center"><strong>Less</strong></p></td>
          <td width="138"><p align="center"><strong>Regulation    range</strong></p></td>
          <td width="126"><p align="center"><strong>Narrow</strong></p></td>
          <td width="90"><p align="center"><strong>Large</strong></p></td>
          <td width="97"><p align="center"><strong>Large</strong></p></td>
          <td width="119"><p align="center"><strong>Large</strong></p></td>
          <td width="138"><p align="center"><strong>Control</strong></p></td>
          <td width="126"><p align="center"><strong>Active</strong></p></td>
          <td width="90"><p align="center"><strong>Active</strong></p></td>
          <td width="97"><p align="center"><strong>Repressive</strong></p></td>
          <td width="119"><p align="center"><strong>Active</strong></p></td>
<div class="clear"></div>
      <p align="center" style="font-size:14px">Fig Comparison  of several simultaneous regulation methods of multi-genes</p>    <div class ="cotent-ins-3" style="margin-top:50px">
      <p ><strong style="font-size:18px">A bite of tomorrow--what do we create?  </strong> <br>
        To address the challenge we face now, a  method where the expression levels of multiple genes could be simultaneously  regulated without the need to rebuild a library for each system is promising. Therefore  we propose a novel method to optimize the adaptability of multi-gene system in <em>E.  coli</em>, with only one library so-called Versatile Promoter-Toehold Switches(VerProS)  pool. This pool is built where four Toehold Switches are placed under one of 10  promoters that yielding about 10<sup style="font-size:10px;top:5px;">4</sup> combinations, and it can optimize  up to four genes in a system simultaneously. Particularly, this versatile pool  can be applied to fast optimization in different systems without having to  build <em>ad hoc</em> libraries, which can greatly reduce manpower and costs. </p>
        <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/7/73/T--SCUT_China--create.png" style="text-align:center"></br>        <strong style="font-size:18px">Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle</strong> <br>
        Here, we would like to demonstrate the  versatility of this approach by using the pool for fine regulation of four  genes to enhance the acid tolerant of <em>E. coli</em>. <strong>Follow the classical  approach of synthetic biology design-build-test-learn cycle,</strong> we suppose  that this up-and-coming method can access previously unattainable regions of  genetic space, and provide a useful, fast tool for genetic optimization<sup style="font-size:10px;top:4px;">[7-8]</sup>.</p><br>
      <p align="center"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/a/ad/T--SCUT_China--ins-tablepic.png" alt="ins-pic4" width="900" height="420"> </br></br>
      Fig design-build-test-learn  cycle</p>
    <div class="ins-pics">
      <ul class="grid cs-style-3" >
<figure >
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/a/a3/T--SCUT_China--ins-pic1.jpg" alt="img01">
<a href="#design"><figcaption>
<h3 style="text-align:center">Design</h3>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/c/c2/T--SCUT_China--ins-pic2.jpg" alt="img02">
<a href="#build"><figcaption>
<h3 style="text-align:center">Build</h3>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/6/6b/T--SCUT_China--ins-pic3.jpg" alt="img02">
<a href="#test"><figcaption>
<h3 style="text-align:center">Test</h3>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/c/c3/T--SCUT_China--ins-pic4.jpg" alt="img02">
<a href="#learn"><figcaption>
<h3 style="text-align:center">Learn</h3>
      <section id="contact-ins">
      <a id="design"></a>
      <div class="content-ins-4"></br></br></br>
        <p style="color:#5B9BD5;font-size:24px;"><strong>Design</strong></p>
        <p style="color:#5B9BD5"><strong>--Toehold switches</strong><br></p><p>
          To achieve the simultaneous regulation of  multi-genes with a separate library, built once, it should contain some  regulators expressed at different levels. Each regulator would control a  different gene in the system so that changes in regulator expression lead to  changes in the target gene. Here, we selected Toehold Switches as their  orthogonality are close to 100%; have wide dynamic range;possess excellent universality<sup style="font-size:10px;top:4px;">[9]</sup>. </p>
        <p style="text-align:center"><img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/6/6d/T--SCUT_China--ins_4.jpg" alt="4-1" width="800" height="208" ><br clear="ALL">
        <p align="center">Fig  Structures of Toehold Switch</br></br>
        <p style="text-align:center">
          <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/a/a3/T--SCUT_China--ins_5.jpg" alt="4-2" width="800" height="390"></p>
        <br clear="ALL">
        <p align="center">Fig  Orthogonality and dynamic range of Toehold Switch[9]</p>
        <p><strong  style="color:#5B9BD5">--T7 promoter</strong><br>
        The T7 promoter is recognized by T7 RNA  polymerase. Since T7 RNA polymerase is a very powerful RNA polymerase, it can  synthesize mRNA several times more efficiently than E. coli RNA polymerase, and  stops transcription less frequently, so it is enough to stop the background  expression of E. coli. Therefore, T7 promoter plays an important role in the  study of the comprehensive regulation and optimization of promoter<sup style="font-size:10px;top:4px;">[5]</sup>.  </p>
        <p><strong  style="color:#5B9BD5">--Acid tolerant factors</strong><br>
        Global regulators are prone to trigger  unnecessary responses and need to be precisely regulated against acid factors.  Therefore, we selected 4 structural genes as our parts through a large number  of investigations<sup style="font-size:10px;top:4px;">[10]</sup>. </br></br></p><p style="text-align:center">
  <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/8/8a/T--SCUT_China--ins-tablepic2.png" alt="4-3" width="700" height="345">&nbsp;</p>
        <br clear="ALL">
        <p align="center">Fig  Different strategies of acid tolerant factors</p><a id="build"></a>
        <p  style="color:#ED7D31;font-size:24px"><strong>Build</p></strong>
        <p style="color:#ED7D31"> <strong>--Integration of  T7 RNAP by CRISPR/Cas9 into Mg1655 </strong><br></p>
          A large number of experimental evidence  signs that Mg1655 has good acid tolerance and always has higher growth rate  than BL21 in the acid environment, so it is more suitable for the expression of  acid tolerance factors in this project. But because Mg1655 does not have the T7  expression system, so it is necessary to use the CRISPR-Cas9<strong> [ safety </strong><strong>对应位置 ]</strong> to integrate the T7RNAP into the Mg1655 genome.</p></br>
        <p><strong  style="color:#ED7D31">--Construction of  VerProS pool</strong><br>
          After ten T7 Promoters of different  strength screened and forty kinds of promoters + Trigger RNA plasmid vectors  were constructed by annealing splicing, forty plasmids and a negative selection  ccdB lethal plasmids <strong> [ safety </strong><strong>对应位置 ] </strong>were  randomly combined to build VerProS Pool with a capacity of 10<sup style="font-size:10px;top:4px;">4</sup>by  Golden Gate assembly.</p></br>
        <p><strong  style="color:#ED7D31">--Construction of  acid-tolerant working part </strong><br> 
          In order to better realize the versatility  of VerProS pool, we have designed 10 standardized parts to construct the  working part by Golden Gate Assembly. Then We would like to demonstrate the  versatility of our approach by using the VerProS pool for fine regulation of<a id="test"></a>  four genes to enhance the acid tolerant of <em>E. coli</em>. </br> </p></br></br>
        <p style="color:RGB(255,192,0);font-size:24px"><strong>Test</strong><br></p><p>
          The resulting library is screened and the  top clone is sequenced to determine the promoter controlling each Trigger, from  which the fold-repression of the genes can be inferred. We attempted to provide  local blast packet to provide an efficient method for screening promoters from  the DNA sequencing result.<a id="learn"></a>【链接到demonstrate 对应的】 </p></br></br>
        <p style="color:RGB(112,173,71);font-size:24px"><strong>Learn</strong><br></p><p>
          In science, crafting theoretical models can  help understand, predict and improve experiments and their interpretation. In  our project, combinatorial optimization models based on neural networks create  a general framework for precise quantitative control of gene expression.</p>
    <!--End Contenr-->
<section class="fun-facts section" id="fun-facts" style="top: 100px" name="fun-facts" >
<div class="bf-color">
<div class="container">
  <div class="row" >
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeIn" data-wow-duration="0.8s" data-wow-delay="0.4s" >
<!-- Single Fun -->
<div class="single-fun" >
<i class="fa fa-th-case1" aria-hidden="true" ></i>
                                <p style="font-size:34px;font-weight:bold" >Design</p><br/>
<span class="counter" >10000</span><br/><br/>
                                <p style="font-style:italic">combinations </p><p style="font-style:italic">in VerProS pool</p>
<!--/ End Single Fun -->
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeIn" data-wow-duration="0.8s" data-wow-delay="0.6s">
<!-- Single Fun -->
<div class="single-fun">
<i class="fa fa-th-case2" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                                <p style="font-size:34px;font-weight:bold;" >Build</p><br/>
<span >∞</span><br/><br/>
<p style="font-style:italic">versatile application of VerProS pool</p>
<!--/ End Single Fun -->
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeIn" data-wow-duration="0.8s" data-wow-delay="0.8s">
<!-- Single Fun -->
<div class="single-fun">
<i class="fa fa-th-case3" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                                <p style="font-size:34px;font-weight:bold" >Text</p><br/>
<span class="counter">5</span><br/><br/>
<p style="font-style:italic">aspects of security risk self-assessment</p>
<!--/ End Single Fun -->
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 wow fadeIn" data-wow-duration="0.8s" data-wow-delay="1s">
                        <!-- Single Fun -->
<div class="single-fun">
<i class="fa fa-th-case4" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                                <p style="font-size:34px;font-weight:bold" >Learn</p><br/>
<span class="counter">1</span><br/><br/>
<p style="font-style:italic">The first socialized & marketized system theory of synthetic biology</p>
<!--/ End Single Fun -->
    <section id="contact-ins">     
    <div class="content-ins-4" style="margin-top:-30px">
      <p>In our project, we have constructed about  10,000 combinations in VerProS pool. This pool has versatile application which  is bite of tomorrow need us to reach into our infinity and imagination. Also  our team has concluded 5 aspects of security risk self-assessment. Most importantly,  we are the first team who put forward a socialized and marketized system theory  of synthetic biology.  We expect that we  will see traces of our thinking and the application of this project in the  future which is sufficiently simple to be routinely or systematically applied  when building constructs for new pathways.</p></br>
      <p><strong style="font-size:24px">References</strong><br>
        [1]Lee,M.E.,Dueber,J.E.  (2013).Expression-level optimization of a multi-enzyme pathway in the absence  of a high-throughput assay.<br>
        [2]Stephanopoulos,G. (1999) Metabolic  fluxes and metabolic engineering.</p>
        <li>San,K.-Y., Bennett,G.N.,et al. (2002). Metabolic engineering through  cofactor manipulation and its effectson metabolic flux redistribution in  Escherichia coli. </li>
        <li>Kosuri,S., Goodman,D.B., et al. (2013) Composability ofregulatory  sequences controlling transcription and translation in Escherichia coli.</li>
        <li>Amar Ghodasara and Christopher A. Voigt. (2017). Balancing gene  expression without library construction via a reusable sRNA pool.</li>
        <li>Scott M, Gunderson C W, Mateescu E M, et al.(2010). Interdependence  of cell growth and gene expression: origins and consequences. </li>
        <li>Matthias Heinemann, and Sven Panke. (2006). Synthetic biology—putting engineering into biology.</li>
        <li>Michael J Smanski, Swapnil Bhatia, et al.(2014). Functional  optimization of gene clusters by </li>
      <p>combinatorial design and assembly.<br>
        [9]Alexander A. Green, Pamela A. Silver,  James J. Collins, Peng Yin.(2014) Toehold switches: de-novo-designed regulators  of gene expression.<br>
        [10]Liu Y, Tang H, Lin Z, Xu P. (2015).  Mechanisms of acid tolerance in bacteria and prospects in biotechnology and  bioremediation.</p>
<!--/ End Fun Facts Area -->

Revision as of 02:28, 17 October 2019

Ruby - Responsive Corporate Tempalte

What is the meaning of this old saying? 

This is the ancient wisdom from Chinese cuisin. In the kitchen, when you cook a small fish, the best existence of five tastes means that not to let have some blindly to appear particularly outstanding among them, but the harmony of five tastes and balance. This great wisdom not only is the perfect state that Chinese successive dynasties chefs seeks ceaselessly, but also the ideal state that Chinese people pursue in dealing with people and even governing a great nation.

Inspired by this wisdom, we come up with an idea just like a bite of tomorrow to deal with the problem in regulating genetic system precisely.

The challenge of precise regulation of genetic system

Precise and reliable gene expression is critical in fine regulation of gene or pathway expression. Generally, the optimal expression of one gene often depends on the expression levels of other genes in the system, thus multiple genes have to be regulated simultaneously to achieve an improvement. For the metabolic pathway, the challenge is that the correct expression levels are often not knowna priori. Suboptimal enzyme concentrations could always lead to some problems, such as the low flux of products, accumulation of toxic intermediates or overburdening the host [1-3].


Fig: The challenge of precise regulation of genetic system
(Take a two-enzyme metabolic pathway)

Upon these reasons, precise regulation of genetic system often requires library construction to vary the genetic parts controlling each gene. Typically, libraries of multi-gene systems can be built using guided and unguided approaches. Many variants of a pathway can be constructed by substituting genetic parts controlling each gene; for example, promoters, ribosome binding sites(RBSs), and RNA stability elements[4-6].

For promoters and RBS libraries, due to the complicated gene combination and assembly process, the number of combinations is small, and this simple regulation makes the optimal results often differ greatly from the actual optimal combination. What’s more, each adjustment of a new system requires the reconstruction of the library, which is time-consuming and difficult to be applied in practice. The limitation of sRNA pool is that the genes can only be repressed, as opposed to being up-regulated. This can be problematic if any of the genes are toxic[5].

It is necessary to explore a universal, efficient and simple promoter comprehensive regulation and optimization technology, and optimize the fitness of multi-factor system in E. coli to obtain the ideal yield.


Promoters pool

RBS pool

sRNA pool

VerProS pool











Regulation range










Fig Comparison of several simultaneous regulation methods of multi-genes

A bite of tomorrow--what do we create?   
To address the challenge we face now, a method where the expression levels of multiple genes could be simultaneously regulated without the need to rebuild a library for each system is promising. Therefore we propose a novel method to optimize the adaptability of multi-gene system in E. coli, with only one library so-called Versatile Promoter-Toehold Switches(VerProS) pool. This pool is built where four Toehold Switches are placed under one of 10 promoters that yielding about 104 combinations, and it can optimize up to four genes in a system simultaneously. Particularly, this versatile pool can be applied to fast optimization in different systems without having to build ad hoc libraries, which can greatly reduce manpower and costs.

Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle
Here, we would like to demonstrate the versatility of this approach by using the pool for fine regulation of four genes to enhance the acid tolerant of E. coli. Follow the classical approach of synthetic biology design-build-test-learn cycle, we suppose that this up-and-coming method can access previously unattainable regions of genetic space, and provide a useful, fast tool for genetic optimization[7-8].


Fig design-build-test-learn cycle


--Toehold switches

To achieve the simultaneous regulation of multi-genes with a separate library, built once, it should contain some regulators expressed at different levels. Each regulator would control a different gene in the system so that changes in regulator expression lead to changes in the target gene. Here, we selected Toehold Switches as their orthogonality are close to 100%; have wide dynamic range;possess excellent universality[9].



Fig Structures of Toehold Switch


Fig Orthogonality and dynamic range of Toehold Switch[9]

--T7 promoter
The T7 promoter is recognized by T7 RNA polymerase. Since T7 RNA polymerase is a very powerful RNA polymerase, it can synthesize mRNA several times more efficiently than E. coli RNA polymerase, and stops transcription less frequently, so it is enough to stop the background expression of E. coli. Therefore, T7 promoter plays an important role in the study of the comprehensive regulation and optimization of promoter[5]

--Acid tolerant factors
Global regulators are prone to trigger unnecessary responses and need to be precisely regulated against acid factors. Therefore, we selected 4 structural genes as our parts through a large number of investigations[10].


Fig Different strategies of acid tolerant factors



--Integration of T7 RNAP by CRISPR/Cas9 into Mg1655

A large number of experimental evidence signs that Mg1655 has good acid tolerance and always has higher growth rate than BL21 in the acid environment, so it is more suitable for the expression of acid tolerance factors in this project. But because Mg1655 does not have the T7 expression system, so it is necessary to use the CRISPR-Cas9 [ safety 对应位置 ] to integrate the T7RNAP into the Mg1655 genome.

--Construction of VerProS pool
After ten T7 Promoters of different strength screened and forty kinds of promoters + Trigger RNA plasmid vectors were constructed by annealing splicing, forty plasmids and a negative selection ccdB lethal plasmids  [ safety 对应位置 ] were randomly combined to build VerProS Pool with a capacity of 104by Golden Gate assembly.

--Construction of acid-tolerant working part
  In order to better realize the versatility of VerProS pool, we have designed 10 standardized parts to construct the working part by Golden Gate Assembly. Then We would like to demonstrate the versatility of our approach by using the VerProS pool for fine regulation of four genes to enhance the acid tolerant of E. coli


The resulting library is screened and the top clone is sequenced to determine the promoter controlling each Trigger, from which the fold-repression of the genes can be inferred. We attempted to provide local blast packet to provide an efficient method for screening promoters from the DNA sequencing result.【链接到demonstrate 对应的】


In science, crafting theoretical models can help understand, predict and improve experiments and their interpretation. In our project, combinatorial optimization models based on neural networks create a general framework for precise quantitative control of gene expression.




in VerProS pool


versatile application of VerProS pool



aspects of security risk self-assessment



The first socialized & marketized system theory of synthetic biology

In our project, we have constructed about 10,000 combinations in VerProS pool. This pool has versatile application which is bite of tomorrow need us to reach into our infinity and imagination. Also our team has concluded 5 aspects of security risk self-assessment. Most importantly, we are the first team who put forward a socialized and marketized system theory of synthetic biology.  We expect that we will see traces of our thinking and the application of this project in the future which is sufficiently simple to be routinely or systematically applied when building constructs for new pathways.

[1]Lee,M.E.,Dueber,J.E. (2013).Expression-level optimization of a multi-enzyme pathway in the absence of a high-throughput assay.
[2]Stephanopoulos,G. (1999) Metabolic fluxes and metabolic engineering.

  1. San,K.-Y., Bennett,G.N.,et al. (2002). Metabolic engineering through cofactor manipulation and its effectson metabolic flux redistribution in Escherichia coli.
  2. Kosuri,S., Goodman,D.B., et al. (2013) Composability ofregulatory sequences controlling transcription and translation in Escherichia coli.
  3. Amar Ghodasara and Christopher A. Voigt. (2017). Balancing gene expression without library construction via a reusable sRNA pool.
  4. Scott M, Gunderson C W, Mateescu E M, et al.(2010). Interdependence of cell growth and gene expression: origins and consequences.
  5. Matthias Heinemann, and Sven Panke. (2006). Synthetic biology—putting engineering into biology.
  6. Michael J Smanski, Swapnil Bhatia, et al.(2014). Functional optimization of gene clusters by

combinatorial design and assembly.
[9]Alexander A. Green, Pamela A. Silver, James J. Collins, Peng Yin.(2014) Toehold switches: de-novo-designed regulators of gene expression.
[10]Liu Y, Tang H, Lin Z, Xu P. (2015). Mechanisms of acid tolerance in bacteria and prospects in biotechnology and bioremediation.