Difference between revisions of "Calendar"

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<div class="deadline_content">
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<h3>Project Inspiration and Descriptions Draft Due </h3>
<h3>Project Inspiration and Descriptions Draft Due </h3>
<p>Your preliminary draft for your team's project inspiration and description is due June 28th. This description should be posted on your Team Wiki Description page <b>(example URL: https://2019.igem.org/Team:TeamName/Description)</b>.</p>
<p>Your preliminary draft for your team's <a href="https://2019.igem.org/Competition/Deliverables/Project_Inspiration">project inspiration and description</a> is due June 28th. This description should be posted on your Team Wiki Description page <b>(example URL: https://2019.igem.org/Team:TeamName/Description)</b>.</p>
<h5>Why is this deadline important?</h5>
<h5>Why is this deadline important?</h5>

Revision as of 19:09, 3 June 2019


iGEM 2019 Calendar

The iGEM 2019 Calendar has all of the deadlines and important dates for our iGEM teams. Please make sure you review them with your teammates and mark your calendars for the big deadlines, especially the Freezes happening in October! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact iGEM HQ by emailing us at hq [AT] igem [DOT] org.



Regular Team Registration Opens

Regular team registration for the 2019 season opens today. For details about fees and payment, please see our Competition Registration Page.



Regular Team Registration Closes

Regular team registration has been extended by two days, and will now close on April 2 at 11:59PM EDT.



Deadline Extended: Regular Team Registration Closes

Regular team registration ends at 11:59PM EDT.


Late Team Registration Opens

Late team registration for the 2019 season opens today. For details about fees and payment, please see our Competition Registration Page.


Judging Application Opens

If you can spend time learning about the judging process during the summer, evaluating team wikis the week before the Jamboree, and attending the Jamboree in October, we would love to have you on board! For more information about judging and to access the application form, please check out the Judging Hub.


Late Team Registration Closes

Late team registration ends at 11:59PM EDT.



Opening Day!

May 1st is Opening Day for iGEM 2019! On this day you can view and edit the safety forms, create your visa invitation letter, update your team rosters, make your track selection, and much more!

It’s important to note that this does not refer to the day you begin your project. Teams can begin their work at any time.

Track Selection Opens

Teams can indicate their track preference while track selection is open. Track selection will allow other teams interested in the same track to find you and possibly form useful collaborations. Your team's final track selection is due on September 13, 11:59PM EDT.

Safety Form and Safety Check-Ins Open

Team Safety Check-In forms open and are accepted throughout the iGEM competition. Your team's Safety Form opens. Both the Check-Ins and Safety Form are reviewed by the iGEM Safety Committee. Please review the Safety Form carefully to make sure you understand every component of the form prior to the due dates.

  • An initial version of the Safety Form (Preliminary) is due on June 28 and any team member may submit these parts of the form.
  • The Safety Form (Final) is due on September 13 and your Primary PI must submit the final, completed form.

Visa Application Opens

Traveling internationally to attend the Giant Jamboree? Be sure to apply for your travel visa early! Information about travel visas and instructions on accessing the iGEM visa application letter system are available on the Visa Help Page.

Important: Visa applications can take months to process. The staff members at iGEM Headquarters cannot contact the consulate on your behalf if your visa application is delayed. By applying early, you increase your chances of obtaining your visa on time to attend the Giant Jamboree.

GitHub Sign-Up Opens

The iGEM GitHub Repository sign-up opens today. This is a requirement for Software Track teams, but any team writing software may request access to the iGEM GitHub Repository. Teams may sign up for access by emailing software [AT] igem [DOT] org. The deadline to submit your code documentation is October 21 at 11:59PM EDT.

Team Roster Opens

For collegiate teams, Team Rosters are used to determine if your team will be categorized as an Undergraduate or Overgraduate team (high school teams are automatically placed into the high school section). This will impact the track awards and special prizes you can compete for during the competition, so make sure your Team Roster is correct and up to date. Only the team members (including PIs, instructors, students, and advisors) listed on the Team Roster will be officially recognized as iGEM 2019 participants. Everyone on the Team Roster will receive participation certificates at the Giant Jamboree, so please make sure your Team Roster is up to date! The deadline for Final Team Roster is September 13 at 11:59PM EDT. Manage the team roster.

Judging Form Opens

The Judging Form informs your team's judges about the medal criteria you have fulfilled as well as any special prize(s) you have nominated your team to compete for at the Giant Jamboree. Please make sure to review the judging form together as a team and send us any questions you may have as early as possible by emailing us at hq [AT] igem [DOT] org. The Judging Form is due on October 16 by 11:59PM EDT.


May Late Team Registration Opens

May late team registration for the 2019 season opens today. For details about fees and payment, please see our Competition Registration Page.


May Late Team Registration Closes

Late team registration ends at 11:59PM EDT. All 2019 iGEM Teams must submit their payment by this date to participate in iGEM 2019.



Giant Jamboree Registration Opens

Regular registration for the Giant Jamboree opens. Teams, please note: at least one team member must be registered by August 31, 2019 in order to ensure you have a presentation session at the Giant Jamboree!


Preliminary Safety Form Due

An initial version of your Safety Form is due June 28, 11:59PM EDT. This includes your team's contact information, information about your lab, and information about your project. Any team member may fill this in and save the form for submission.


Project Inspiration and Descriptions Draft Due

Your preliminary draft for your team's project inspiration and description is due June 28th. This description should be posted on your Team Wiki Description page (example URL: https://2019.igem.org/Team:TeamName/Description).

Why is this deadline important?

This description serves to provide some background on what your team has been working on so far and what you hope to accomplish. It should also include the inspiration for your project and why your team chose this project. It also provides other teams the opportunity to see what you're working on so they can reach out for collaborations or troubleshooting if they are exploring a similar topic. The final Project Inspiration and Description are due by the Wiki Freeze on October 21, 11:59PM EDT.



Judging Application Closes



Giant Jamboree Registration closes

Regular registration for the Giant Jamboree ends on August 31 at 11:59PM EDT! Teams, please note: at least one team member must be registered by this date in order to ensure you have a presentation session at the Giant Jamboree!



Track Selection Freeze

Your team track selection must be finalized by September 13, 11:59PM EDT.

Why is this deadline important?

Track selection is important as it directly impacts the Giant Jamboree presentation schedule. We will group teams together by track in random groups of three to fit within the presentation schedule. Track selection also impacts the awards that will be given out on Monday during the Giant Jamboree (for example, if there are no teams in a specific track, then there will be no award given for that track). You can make your track selection on your Team Profile Page.


Team Project Title and Abstract Due

Your team project title and abstract must be submitted by September 13, 11:59PM EDT.

Why is this deadline important?

Your team project title and abstract is important for your team's Judging Form. You need to add your title and abstract to your Team Profile Page, which will be automatically copied over to your Judging Form. It's the first item about your project that your Judges will see upon viewing your Judging Form, so make sure to submit it on time! Your project title and abstract will also be included in the Guidebook App for the Giant Jamboree and will be posted online for everyone to view prior to the Giant Jamboree.


Final Team Rosters Due

Your team roster must be finalized by September 13, 11:59PM EDT.

Why is this deadline important?

For collegiate teams, Team Rosters are used to determine if your team will be categorized as an Undergraduate or Overgraduate team (high school teams are automatically placed into the high school section). This will impact the track awards and special prizes you can compete for during the competition, so make sure your Team Roster is correct and up to date by September 13, 11:59PM EDT. The Team Roster is used to print your participation certificates for the 2019 competition season and is our official record for iGEM 2019 participants. High school teams should submit the applicable consent forms with enough time for processing. Learn more about iGEM Team sections.


Final Safety Forms Due

Your team's Safety Form must be completed and submitted by September 13, 11:59PM EDT.

Your Safety Form must be completed and submitted by one of the team's PIs by September 13, 11:59PM EDT. If you will not be able to complete this form before the deadline, please email us at safety [AT] igem [DOT] org and tell us about your situation.


Team Banner Submission (optional)

Each team is welcome to submit one banner image for iGEM to print and proudly display at the Giant Jamboree. After the event, you are welcome to take this memento of your participation at the Jamboree home as a way to commemorate your team's achievements!


Giant Jamboree Late Registration closes

Late registration for the Giant Jamboree will end on September 30 at 11:59PM EDT. After this deadline, attendees will only be able to register on-site.



Team Videos (optional)

Each team is welcome to submit a team video by emailing us the file to hq [AT] igem [DOT] org. We will select some of the videos to show during the Giant Jamboree Closing Ceremony!


Final Judging Form Due

Your team judging form must be finalized by October 16, 11:59PM EDT.

Why is this deadline important?

The Judging Form informs your team's judges about the medal criteria you have fulfilled as well as any special prize(s) you have nominated your team to compete for at the Giant Jamboree. This deadline allows iGEM Headquarters to assign the judges to your team, so this is a very critical deadline for every team. Please make sure you fill out and save your form by October 16, 11:59PM EDT.


Registry Pages Freeze

The Registry Freeze for the 2019 Giant Jamboree is on October 21, 11:59PM EDT.

Why is this deadline important?

All of your Registry pages must be completed by this deadline, as we will freeze the entire Registry until after the Giant Jamboree. Teams must finalize their Registry Part pages so the judges can begin their assessment of your work. For all parts, all of your part documentation and characterization data must be on the Main Page of the Registry Part page(s).


Software Team GitHub Freeze

The GitHub Freeze for the 2019 Giant Jamboree is on October 21, 11:59PM EDT.

Why is this deadline important?

Every Software Track team must submit their code documentation to the iGEM GitHub Repository for evaluation by the judges.


Wiki Freeze

The Wiki Freeze for the 2019 Giant Jamboree is on October 21, 11:59PM EDT.

Why is this deadline important?

The Wiki Freeze is important for the judging process of the competition. Judges will be assigned their teams and begin judging assessments the next day. Your Wiki is the public face of your project, so make sure you begin work on it early to avoid last minute problems and mistakes. Once the wikis are frozen, users can no longer make any changes until they are unfrozen after the Jamboree. Please be sure to read through the the wiki requirements! No extensions will be provided (no exceptions!) and judges will begin their assessment the next day, so make sure all changes are done by October 21, 11:59PM EDT.

IMPORTANT:All teams must follow the Wiki Rules. Failure to follow these rules may prevent your team from winning medals or prizes.

PLEASE NOTE: During week of wiki freeze, iGEM experiences higher than normal traffic which can lead to strain on our servers and sessions timing out for users. iGEM HQ recommends that users do not wait till the last days to work on and/or finish their wikis. Edits done during the final week should be very minor edits (spelling mistakes, updating images, etc.).


Giant Jamboree begins

The 2019 Giant Jamboree kicks off in Boston!



Giant Jamboree ends

The 2019 Giant Jamboree comes to an end with the Closing and Awards Ceremony in Boston!