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      <img class="picture_group" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/thumb/9/9f/T--Marburg--Team_Group.jpg/800px-T--Marburg--Team_Group.jpg" />
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           <img src="https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fdailynewshungary.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F01%2F18622628_146041712604173_5023056421634447578_n.jpg&f=1" alt="Placeholder image">
        Meet the iGEM Team Marburg 2019! Our Team consists of 22 students including our instructor and advisors. We came
        together from various fields such as biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, pharmaceutics and computer
        sciences, working interdisciplinary on our project 'Syntex'. We want to thank our advisors, instructors and our
      <div class="card-content">
        two Principal Investigators for all the support!
        <h1 class="title is-4">John Smith</h1>
        <h2 class="subtitle is-6">@johnsmith</h2>
        <div class="content">
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          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
       <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
          Phasellus nec iaculis mauris.
        <h1 class="title">Team Leaders</h1>
        <div class="item">
           <div class="picture picture_vinca"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              VINCA SEILER
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                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Master’s student Molecular and Cellular Biology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
                Strain engineering
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              I love to picnic in the sun with food, music, friends and more food… cause light and CO<sub>2</sub> are
              not enough for me.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Soft Skills, Hard Skills, Medium Skills and Fluffy Skills.<br>
              Besides this a lot of fun time in the lab, on Meet-UPs and with the team in general.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Time with my friends and family.<br>
              Dear Grandparents, I’m still alive! And also maybe a healthy lifestyle.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              Sometimes I pray to the DNA-God while doing a PCR or Gibson-Assembly...
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_cedric"></div>
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              CEDRIC BRINKMANN
          <img src="https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.rlMH_1l2LEg_Bz-sP9bhfQHaHa%26pid%3DApi&f=1" alt="Placeholder image">
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
      <div class="card-content">
        <h1 class="title is-4">John Smith</h1>
        <h2 class="subtitle is-6">@johnsmith</h2>
              <div class="column item-column">
        <div class="content">
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
          Phasellus nec iaculis mauris.
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Bachelor’s student Mathematics
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
                Automation Lab
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              When I'm not hiding from the sun and playing with the OT-2, I like to ride my bicycle or barbecue with
              friends at the Lahn.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Caffeine addiction.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              My train of thought...ummmm what?!
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              I’m practically addicted to sunflower seeds.
        <h1 class="title"> Instructor</h1>
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          <div class="picture picture_rene"></div>
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          <img src="https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fih1.redbubble.net%2Fimage.519950511.5302%2Fraf%2C360x360%2C075%2Ct%2Cfafafa%3Aca443f4786.jpg&f=1" alt="Placeholder image">
            <p class="name">
              RENÉ INCKEMANN
      <div class="card-content">
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        <h1 class="title is-4">John Smith</h1>
              <div class="column is-4">
        <h2 class="subtitle is-6">@johnsmith</h2>
        <div class="content">
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
              <div class="column item-column">
          Phasellus nec iaculis mauris.
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              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Master’s student Molecular and Cellular Biology
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              When I am not doing stuff for iGEM or my master thesis, I like to make music, play guitar and when
              the sun is shining I ride my motorbike.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Every new iGEM year is completely different, because of the different people.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Being focused on my Master thesis.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              Some people say, that I am addicted to iGEM.
        <h1 class="title">Advisors</h1>
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          <div class="picture picture_torben"></div>
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           <img src="https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi0.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Fmedium%2F000%2F016%2F546%2Fhidethepainharold.jpg&f=1" alt="Placeholder image">
            <p class="name">
              TORBEN GUTERMUTH
      <div class="card-content">
            <div class="columns">
         <h1 class="title is-4">John Smith</h1>
              <div class="column is-4">
         <h2 class="subtitle is-6">@johnsmith</h2>
         <div class="content">
           Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
              <div class="column item-column">
           Phasellus nec iaculis mauris.
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              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              I avoid it to not ruin my cellar tan.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              A distinct love for nihilistic black metal while working.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              The ability to work with anything that is not black or melodic death metal.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              I can write without looking at the paper.
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_pascal"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              PASCAL PFISTER
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              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">25</div>
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Synthetic Microbiology
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              Grow plants.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              A bachelor student.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              A slot for a bachelor student.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              There are more microbes in my beard than in our cultures.
        <h1 class="title">Members</h1>
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_hinrik"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
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              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Master’s student Molecular and Cellular Biology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
                Metabolic engineering
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              Laying on the grass and desperately trying to fixate CO<sub>2</sub> myself.<br>
              I keep you updated, if it works.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              An Eppendorf pencil. Totally worth it.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              My Sanity and then my insanity and now i don't know anymore.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              I didn't shave my beard from July till wiki freeze.
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_michael"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              MICHAEL BURGIS
            <div class="columns">
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              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Bachelor’s student Biology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
                Strain engineering
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              Mostly producing Vitamin D, doing sports and playing guitar.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              From time to time a headache, but all in all nothing too serious :)
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              My favorite trousers :( RIP ✞
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              I have once been called Dolly, cause my brothers look exactly the same as I do.
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_jonas"></div>
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              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Bachelor’s student Biology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
                Strain engineering
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              I use the sunlight to power my solar-bike:<br>
              The photons excite me and bring me to a higher energy-level. Consequently I use these awesome biological
              tools called ‘legs’ to move my bike!
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              The ability to peel sunflower seeds in my mouth - look ma no hands!
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Probably half of my friends, because I had no time for them all summer..<br>
              If you read this, I am really sorry &lt;3
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              When listening to music while eating, I always chew to the rhythm of the song.
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_maurice"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              MAURICE MAGER
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              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Master’s student Molecular Biology and Cellular Biology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              Benchmarking my own DNA repair systems.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              The eyesight to spot if I already put that one µl of
              enzyme in all of my golden gate reaction mixes.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              My trust in humanity as a whole.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              As a true german I eat around 2 kg of bread every week:<br>
              4 slices in the morning, 4 slices in the evening.
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_marian"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              MARIAN KRÄMER
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                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Bachelor’s student Biology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              My very white skin serves as a reflector to increase greenhouse effects.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              The knowledge of how much lab ice I can put in people’s back before they rage completely.<br>
              For Maurice it’s just one single piece. :)
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              You should rather ask what Maurice lost. ;)
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              Though many people think, I’m actually not a girl.<br>
              Marian is a male name in Germany. :)
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_paula"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
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                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              Trying to produce sufficient amounts of vitamin D in ideal conditions:<br>
              28+C/82+F, min. 1h spare time, enough UV-B radiation, in an outdoor pool with my peeps.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              An awesome wallpaper collection (including my alltime favorite: "The Honkler")<br>
              - Thanks Schönas/Jonas
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Some of my eyesight :D had to get new glasses
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              I like my bananas almost green and I have one each morning<br>
              (like everyday...7 days a week, 365 days a year)
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_lars"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              LARS BRÖKER
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              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Bachelor’s student Biology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              Just some biking and some more photography.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Voices in my head.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              My circadian rhythm.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              My favourite animals are tardigrades.
         <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_wihan"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              WIHAN ADI
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                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Master’s student physics
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
                Automation Lab
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              Usually I like to jog, but after iGEM I might try to do photosynthesis instead.<br>
              It seems more convenient.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Sunflower seeds addiction and some microbial friends, which are quite cool.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Sleepz and social lyfe.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              Sometimes I eat peanuts with their shells.
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_annsophie"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              ANNSOPHIE WEBER
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              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Master’s student Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
                Automation Lab
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              In my free time and in good weather I like to look after my plants on my balcony,
              reading in the sun and preparing cool drinks with garden-fresh herbs.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              My first experiences in Synthetic Biology, more self esteem and a bunch of new friends.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              A lot of money, because of regularly ordering pizza or other food.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              I'm afraid of sea cucumbers. Seriously, what are these things?!
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_ting"></div>
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              TING HIN WONG
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              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Master’s student Biotechnology/ Biopharmaceutical Technology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
                Metabolic engineering
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              On sunny days I like to enjoy refreshing drinks with my friends or just enjoying life at the
              Schwanenteich in Gießen.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              I can fluently and by heart say the sentence:<br>
              “We are working with <i>Synechococcus elongatus</i> UTEX 2973.”
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              “I never lose, either I win or I learn.”
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              My last name is “WONG” and not “WRONG”!
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_robin"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              ROBIN STEI
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Master’s student Biotechnology/ Biopharmaceutical Technology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              I most likely enjoy the sunlight while doing sports, especially playing soccer as a hobby or with my club.
              Besides that, I also like to relax in the garden and jump into the cold pool.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Still no beard...
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Muscles...I’m not all the time a beanpole.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              People always say, that one leg is longer than the other. I never understood that, my leg is longer than
              the other two...
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_chun"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              CHUN-HO IP
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Master’s student Chemistry
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              I like to sunbathe and chill out with friends at the Lahn.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              I learned a lot about Synthetic Biology, which was a really nice experience.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Time to go on summer vacation … but now I’ll go to Boston and New York :)
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              Sometimes I open the fridge for no reason I guess I'm not the only one ?
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_johanna"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              JOHANNA WALLBAUM
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Master’s student Chemistry
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              I enjoy the sunlight the most when I'm hanging out with my friends on the Lahnwiesen.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Knowledge of Synthetic Biology.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              A few tears.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              I know "I love you" in 19 languages.
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_joana"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              JOANA ESSLEN
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Bachelor’s student Biology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              I use the sunlight in my leisure time to dream about lying on the beach in Portugal with a cocktail.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              An addiction to Sterillium classic pure Händedesinfektionsmittel.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              My roommate-fish Steve I had for not being alone at home. He died probably because I never had
              time to care for him.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              WAS? WAS? WAS? - I’m kind of nosey.
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_jana"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              JANA SIPPEL
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Bachelor’s student Biology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              Meet friends and enjoy the nature.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              New working experience and new friends.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Billions of green friends.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              I want a cow which is able to do photosynthesis.
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_julia"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              JULIA SEUFER
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Master’s student Molecular and Cellular Biology
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
                Metabolic engineering
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              Macrophotography and determination of Hymenoptera. Mushroom hunting, hiking.
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Appreciation for reliable colleagues.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              I haven't lost anything.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              Nothing gets me quite as excited as the endless possibilities of discovery in a puddle of bacterial
              mystery goo :D
        <div class="item">
          <div class="picture picture_erik"></div>
          <div class="item-content">
            <p class="name">
              ERIK BENDER
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
                <b>Field of Study:</b>
              <div class="column item-column">
                Software Development
            <div class="columns">
              <div class="column is-4">
              <div class="column item-column">
                Wiki Wizard 🧙&zwj;♂️
            <b>How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:</b><br>
              Mostly trying to keep it out of my room ^^
            <b>What I gained in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              New friends and the feeling of being able to make a difference.
            <b>What I lost in this iGEM year:</b><br>
              Just some free time.
            <b>A fun fact about me:</b><br>
              I came to iGEM by chance and stayed.
        <h1 class="title">Principal Investigators</h1>
          <li class="name" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">
            Prof. Dr. Lars-Oliver Essen
          <li class="name">Prof. Dr. Lars Matthias Voll</li>

Latest revision as of 06:54, 10 December 2019

Meet the iGEM Team Marburg 2019! Our Team consists of 22 students including our instructor and advisors. We came together from various fields such as biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, pharmaceutics and computer sciences, working interdisciplinary on our project 'Syntex'. We want to thank our advisors, instructors and our two Principal Investigators for all the support!

Team Leaders


Field of Study:
Master’s student Molecular and Cellular Biology
Strain engineering
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

I love to picnic in the sun with food, music, friends and more food… cause light and CO2 are not enough for me.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

Soft Skills, Hard Skills, Medium Skills and Fluffy Skills.
Besides this a lot of fun time in the lab, on Meet-UPs and with the team in general.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

Time with my friends and family.
Dear Grandparents, I’m still alive! And also maybe a healthy lifestyle.

A fun fact about me:

Sometimes I pray to the DNA-God while doing a PCR or Gibson-Assembly...


Field of Study:
Bachelor’s student Mathematics
Automation Lab
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

When I'm not hiding from the sun and playing with the OT-2, I like to ride my bicycle or barbecue with friends at the Lahn.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

Caffeine addiction.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

My train of thought...ummmm what?!

A fun fact about me:

I’m practically addicted to sunflower seeds.



Field of Study:
Master’s student Molecular and Cellular Biology
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

When I am not doing stuff for iGEM or my master thesis, I like to make music, play guitar and when the sun is shining I ride my motorbike.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

Every new iGEM year is completely different, because of the different people.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

Being focused on my Master thesis.

A fun fact about me:

Some people say, that I am addicted to iGEM.



Field of Study:
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

I avoid it to not ruin my cellar tan.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

A distinct love for nihilistic black metal while working.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

The ability to work with anything that is not black or melodic death metal.

A fun fact about me:

I can write without looking at the paper.


Field of Study:
Synthetic Microbiology
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

Grow plants.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

A bachelor student.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

A slot for a bachelor student.

A fun fact about me:

There are more microbes in my beard than in our cultures.



Field of Study:
Master’s student Molecular and Cellular Biology
Metabolic engineering
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

Laying on the grass and desperately trying to fixate CO2 myself.
I keep you updated, if it works.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

An Eppendorf pencil. Totally worth it.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

My Sanity and then my insanity and now i don't know anymore.

A fun fact about me:

I didn't shave my beard from July till wiki freeze.


Field of Study:
Bachelor’s student Biology
Strain engineering
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

Mostly producing Vitamin D, doing sports and playing guitar.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

From time to time a headache, but all in all nothing too serious :)

What I lost in this iGEM year:

My favorite trousers :( RIP ✞

A fun fact about me:

I have once been called Dolly, cause my brothers look exactly the same as I do.


Field of Study:
Bachelor’s student Biology
Strain engineering
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

I use the sunlight to power my solar-bike:
The photons excite me and bring me to a higher energy-level. Consequently I use these awesome biological tools called ‘legs’ to move my bike!

What I gained in this iGEM year:

The ability to peel sunflower seeds in my mouth - look ma no hands!

What I lost in this iGEM year:

Probably half of my friends, because I had no time for them all summer..
If you read this, I am really sorry <3

A fun fact about me:

When listening to music while eating, I always chew to the rhythm of the song.


Field of Study:
Master’s student Molecular Biology and Cellular Biology
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

Benchmarking my own DNA repair systems.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

The eyesight to spot if I already put that one µl of enzyme in all of my golden gate reaction mixes.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

My trust in humanity as a whole.

A fun fact about me:

As a true german I eat around 2 kg of bread every week:
4 slices in the morning, 4 slices in the evening.


Field of Study:
Bachelor’s student Biology
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

My very white skin serves as a reflector to increase greenhouse effects.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

The knowledge of how much lab ice I can put in people’s back before they rage completely.
For Maurice it’s just one single piece. :)

What I lost in this iGEM year:

You should rather ask what Maurice lost. ;)

A fun fact about me:

Though many people think, I’m actually not a girl.
Marian is a male name in Germany. :)


Field of Study:
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

Trying to produce sufficient amounts of vitamin D in ideal conditions:
28+C/82+F, min. 1h spare time, enough UV-B radiation, in an outdoor pool with my peeps.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

An awesome wallpaper collection (including my alltime favorite: "The Honkler")
- Thanks Schönas/Jonas

What I lost in this iGEM year:

Some of my eyesight :D had to get new glasses

A fun fact about me:

I like my bananas almost green and I have one each morning
(like everyday...7 days a week, 365 days a year)


Field of Study:
Bachelor’s student Biology
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

Just some biking and some more photography.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

Voices in my head.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

My circadian rhythm.

A fun fact about me:

My favourite animals are tardigrades.


Field of Study:
Master’s student physics
Automation Lab
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

Usually I like to jog, but after iGEM I might try to do photosynthesis instead.
It seems more convenient.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

Sunflower seeds addiction and some microbial friends, which are quite cool.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

Sleepz and social lyfe.

A fun fact about me:

Sometimes I eat peanuts with their shells.


Field of Study:
Master’s student Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Automation Lab
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

In my free time and in good weather I like to look after my plants on my balcony, reading in the sun and preparing cool drinks with garden-fresh herbs.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

My first experiences in Synthetic Biology, more self esteem and a bunch of new friends.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

A lot of money, because of regularly ordering pizza or other food.

A fun fact about me:

I'm afraid of sea cucumbers. Seriously, what are these things?!


Field of Study:
Master’s student Biotechnology/ Biopharmaceutical Technology
Metabolic engineering
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

On sunny days I like to enjoy refreshing drinks with my friends or just enjoying life at the Schwanenteich in Gießen.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

I can fluently and by heart say the sentence:
“We are working with Synechococcus elongatus UTEX 2973.”

What I lost in this iGEM year:

“I never lose, either I win or I learn.”

A fun fact about me:

My last name is “WONG” and not “WRONG”!


Field of Study:
Master’s student Biotechnology/ Biopharmaceutical Technology
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

I most likely enjoy the sunlight while doing sports, especially playing soccer as a hobby or with my club.
Besides that, I also like to relax in the garden and jump into the cold pool.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

Still no beard...

What I lost in this iGEM year:

Muscles...I’m not all the time a beanpole.

A fun fact about me:

People always say, that one leg is longer than the other. I never understood that, my leg is longer than the other two...


Field of Study:
Master’s student Chemistry
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

I like to sunbathe and chill out with friends at the Lahn.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

I learned a lot about Synthetic Biology, which was a really nice experience.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

Time to go on summer vacation … but now I’ll go to Boston and New York :)

A fun fact about me:

Sometimes I open the fridge for no reason I guess I'm not the only one ?


Field of Study:
Master’s student Chemistry
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

I enjoy the sunlight the most when I'm hanging out with my friends on the Lahnwiesen.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

Knowledge of Synthetic Biology.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

A few tears.

A fun fact about me:

I know "I love you" in 19 languages.


Field of Study:
Bachelor’s student Biology
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

I use the sunlight in my leisure time to dream about lying on the beach in Portugal with a cocktail.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

An addiction to Sterillium classic pure Händedesinfektionsmittel.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

My roommate-fish Steve I had for not being alone at home. He died probably because I never had time to care for him.

A fun fact about me:

WAS? WAS? WAS? - I’m kind of nosey.


Field of Study:
Bachelor’s student Biology
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

Meet friends and enjoy the nature.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

New working experience and new friends.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

Billions of green friends.

A fun fact about me:

I want a cow which is able to do photosynthesis.


Field of Study:
Master’s student Molecular and Cellular Biology
Metabolic engineering
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

Macrophotography and determination of Hymenoptera. Mushroom hunting, hiking.

What I gained in this iGEM year:

Appreciation for reliable colleagues.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

I haven't lost anything.

A fun fact about me:

Nothing gets me quite as excited as the endless possibilities of discovery in a puddle of bacterial mystery goo :D


Field of Study:
Software Development
Wiki Wizard 🧙‍♂️
How I 'use' the sunlight in my leisure time:

Mostly trying to keep it out of my room ^^

What I gained in this iGEM year:

New friends and the feeling of being able to make a difference.

What I lost in this iGEM year:

Just some free time.

A fun fact about me:

I came to iGEM by chance and stayed.

Principal Investigators

  • Prof. Dr. Lars-Oliver Essen
  • Prof. Dr. Lars Matthias Voll