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<div class="content"><h4 id="cairo-igem">Cairo iGEM:</h4>
<p>CUiGEM, the University of Cairo&#39;s new iGEM team, reached out to us early in the iGEM season asking for advice on starting team. We met on Janurary 26, 2019 to discuss our iGEM experience and offer them some guidance. We told them about what we found works in terms of team structure, finding funding/sponsors, selecting a project and track, etc. </p>
<p>Once they selected their project, we also helped give them some advice on how to isolate the Debaryomyces hansenii strain of yeast they needed for their project. It&#39;s been great seeing this new team&#39;s progress throughout the season! </p>
<p><img style="width:90%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/6/6f/T--Waterloo--CU_Collab.png" alt="cuigem call"></p>
<h4 id="uofcalgary-igem">UofCalgary iGEM:</h4>
<p>University of Calgary&#39;s iGEM team reached out to us for collaborating on a project to visualize iGEM team metadata. Specifically, the aim of the project was to map collaborations between iGEM teams and topics they worked on. Calgary worked on scraping the iGEM wikis using Beautiful Soup in Python, which we built off for our interactive visualization at <a href="https://igem-waterloo.github.io/map-of-collaborations/">Map of Collaborations</a>.</p>
<p>The UCalgary team also developed an education package which they were kind enough to share with us. We gained insight into their methods in educating new members on skills related to iGEM and we were able to provide feeback and share how our methods compared.</p>
<p><img style="width:90%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/c/c2/T--waterloo--UCalgary.png" alt="ucaligem cal"></p>
<h4 id="ualberta-igem">UAlberta iGEM:</h4>
<p>Near the beginning of the year, we were approached by the UAlberta iGEM team who were looking to do some more in-depth mathematical modelling.  They were wondering how best to answer some of their questions about their Beetector system with modelling such as: how many bees would they have to assay in the hive to give reliable results?  How could they ensure that the signal would be visible?  To help get them started and give some tips and tricks on how to effectively use modelling in iGEM projects, we met up online to share resources, have rudimentary workshops on modelling basics, and answer questions.  This helped them complete and get started on their modeling.  As well as, it allowed them to start exploring this aspect of iGEM projects without having members with previous experience with mathematical modelling.</p>
<p>Additionally, in the fall with one of our team members (Alina) during their co-op placement at the University of Alberta helped the UAlberta team.  Alina was able to help out in the lab with troubleshooting some experiments surrounding the construction of their construct and be an extra hand on deck before the wiki freeze!</p>
<p><img style="width:90%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/1/12/T--Waterloo--UAlbertaCollabLogo.png" alt="UAlberta Logo"></p>
<h4 id="newcastle-igem">Newcastle iGEM:</h4>
<p>We first met Newcastle iGEM at the 2018 Jamboree and were very interested in their project ‘Alternative Roots’, which sought to engineer endophytic bacteria for agricultural applications. Since Waterloo’s 2019 project has much in common with this work, a collaboration seemed only natural. During a visit to the UK in April, Dylan met with returning team member Connor and team advisors Dr Thomas Howard and Dr Jon Marles-Wright. This discussion informed our experimental design, choice of controls, and general project strategy. </p>
<p>In the following months, we arranged several video calls between our two teams. We continued to discuss experimental aspects of the Waterloo project, especially the use of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays to determine the toxin tolerance of engineered and non-engineered strains. Newcastle performed similar experiments in both 2018 and 2019 and provided helpful literature references and practical advice for this work.</p>
<p>Once Newcastle had chosen their 2019 project, we assisted with aspects of their mathematical model, which sought to describe a CRIPSR SHERLOCk system. We provided relevant resources regarding enzyme kinetics and differential equation modelling and discussed possible limitations of the model. </p>
<p>(Pictured: Dr Thomas Howard, Dr Jon Marles-Wright, Connor, Dylan)
<img style="width:90%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/8/88/T--Waterloo--NCL1.jpg" alt="NC Picture 1"></p>
<p>(Pictured: Matt, Connor, Danielis, Karen)
<img style="width:90%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/e/e3/T--Waterloo--NCL2.jpg" alt="NCL2"></p>
<h4 id="qgem">qGEM</h4>
<p>Dylan met with qGEM members Ruben and Janice in June during a visit to Kingston. We discussed design and experimental aspects of our respective projects, as well as modelling, human practices, and possible funding sources. Although qGEM’s project, a handheld THC immunoassay, was very different from our own, it was beneficial to discuss common challenges and approaches.</p>
<p>(Pictured: Ruben, Janice, Dylan)</p>
<p><img style="width:90%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/8/8c/T--Waterloo--qGEMCollabs.jpg" alt="qGEM Picture"></p>
<h4 id="nyu-igem">NYU iGEM</h4>
<p>Spoke with NYU iGEM about their optogenetic gene circuit and provided advice on construction and testing</p>
<h4 id="osu-igem">OSU iGEM</h4>
<p>Over the summer, we worked with OSU iGEM to discuss and share information on the use of biostimulants and engineered microbes for nitrogen fixation in crops. Topics of focus included the social and regulatory barriers preventing the implementation of engineered systems in Canada and the United States.</p>
<h4 id="ubc-igem">UBC iGEM</h4>
<p>Dylan met with UBC iGEM members Tylo, Samuel, and Emilia in August during a visit to Vancouver. We discussed experimental and design aspects of our respective projects, as well as mathematical modelling, strategies for integrated human practices, and differences in team administration and structure between our iGEM teams.</p>
<p>(Pictured: Tylo, Dylan, Samuel, Emilia)</p>
<p><img style="width:90%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/8/8d/T--Waterloo--UBCCollabs.jpeg" alt="UBC Picture"></p>
<h4 id="ogem-ontario-igem-conference">oGEM (Ontario iGEM conference)</h4>
<p>Finally we would like to thank the University of Guelph iGEM team for hosting the oGEM conference on the 5th of October this year. We were glad to be given the opportunity to present our project progress and recieve feedback on our presentation.</p>
<p><img style="width:90%;" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/6/6a/T--waterloo--oGEMpic.jpeg" alt="oGEM pic"></p>
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<h3>Waterloo iGEM 2019</h3>
<p>"Waterloo iGEM: hacking synbio since 2006"</p>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/2/26/T--Waterloo--OfficialLogo.png" style="width:90%">
<h4>Social Media</h4>
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<li><a href="https://twitter.com/waterloo_igem"><i class="icon fa-twitter">&nbsp;</i>Twitter</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.facebook.com/WaterlooiGEM/"><i class="icon fa-facebook">&nbsp;</i>Facebook</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.instagram.com/waterloo.igem"><i class="icon fa-instagram">&nbsp;</i>Instagram</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/igem-waterloo/uwaterloo-igem-2019"><i class="icon fa-github">&nbsp;</i>Github</a></li>
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Sharing and collaboration are core values of iGEM. We encourage you to reach out and work with other teams on difficult problems that you can more easily solve together.
<h3>Silver Medal Criterion #2</h3>
Document your collaboration(s) clearly on this page to compete for the silver medal criterion #2 on collaboration. Please see the <a href="https://2019.igem.org/Judging/Medals">2019 Medals Page</a> for more information.  
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<h4> Which other teams can we work with? </h4>
You can work with any other team in the competition, including standard, software, open, and high school track teams. You can also work with non-iGEM research groups, but they do not count towards the iGEM team collaboration silver medal criterion.
In order to meet the silver medal criteria on helping another team, you must complete this page and detail the nature of your collaboration with another iGEM team.
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Here are some suggestions for projects you could work on with other teams:
<li> Improve the function of another team's BioBrick Part or Device</li>
<li> Characterize another team's part </li>
<li> Debug a construct </li>
<li> Model or simulate another team's system </li>
<li> Test another team's software</li>
<li> Help build and test another team's hardware project</li>
<li> Mentor a high-school team</li>

Latest revision as of 00:42, 22 October 2019

iGEM UWaterloo 2019 - Collabs


Cairo iGEM:

CUiGEM, the University of Cairo's new iGEM team, reached out to us early in the iGEM season asking for advice on starting team. We met on Janurary 26, 2019 to discuss our iGEM experience and offer them some guidance. We told them about what we found works in terms of team structure, finding funding/sponsors, selecting a project and track, etc.

Once they selected their project, we also helped give them some advice on how to isolate the Debaryomyces hansenii strain of yeast they needed for their project. It's been great seeing this new team's progress throughout the season!

cuigem call

UofCalgary iGEM:

University of Calgary's iGEM team reached out to us for collaborating on a project to visualize iGEM team metadata. Specifically, the aim of the project was to map collaborations between iGEM teams and topics they worked on. Calgary worked on scraping the iGEM wikis using Beautiful Soup in Python, which we built off for our interactive visualization at Map of Collaborations.

The UCalgary team also developed an education package which they were kind enough to share with us. We gained insight into their methods in educating new members on skills related to iGEM and we were able to provide feeback and share how our methods compared.

ucaligem cal

UAlberta iGEM:

Near the beginning of the year, we were approached by the UAlberta iGEM team who were looking to do some more in-depth mathematical modelling. They were wondering how best to answer some of their questions about their Beetector system with modelling such as: how many bees would they have to assay in the hive to give reliable results? How could they ensure that the signal would be visible? To help get them started and give some tips and tricks on how to effectively use modelling in iGEM projects, we met up online to share resources, have rudimentary workshops on modelling basics, and answer questions. This helped them complete and get started on their modeling. As well as, it allowed them to start exploring this aspect of iGEM projects without having members with previous experience with mathematical modelling.

Additionally, in the fall with one of our team members (Alina) during their co-op placement at the University of Alberta helped the UAlberta team. Alina was able to help out in the lab with troubleshooting some experiments surrounding the construction of their construct and be an extra hand on deck before the wiki freeze!

UAlberta Logo

Newcastle iGEM:

We first met Newcastle iGEM at the 2018 Jamboree and were very interested in their project ‘Alternative Roots’, which sought to engineer endophytic bacteria for agricultural applications. Since Waterloo’s 2019 project has much in common with this work, a collaboration seemed only natural. During a visit to the UK in April, Dylan met with returning team member Connor and team advisors Dr Thomas Howard and Dr Jon Marles-Wright. This discussion informed our experimental design, choice of controls, and general project strategy.

In the following months, we arranged several video calls between our two teams. We continued to discuss experimental aspects of the Waterloo project, especially the use of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays to determine the toxin tolerance of engineered and non-engineered strains. Newcastle performed similar experiments in both 2018 and 2019 and provided helpful literature references and practical advice for this work.

Once Newcastle had chosen their 2019 project, we assisted with aspects of their mathematical model, which sought to describe a CRIPSR SHERLOCk system. We provided relevant resources regarding enzyme kinetics and differential equation modelling and discussed possible limitations of the model.

(Pictured: Dr Thomas Howard, Dr Jon Marles-Wright, Connor, Dylan) NC Picture 1

(Pictured: Matt, Connor, Danielis, Karen) NCL2


Dylan met with qGEM members Ruben and Janice in June during a visit to Kingston. We discussed design and experimental aspects of our respective projects, as well as modelling, human practices, and possible funding sources. Although qGEM’s project, a handheld THC immunoassay, was very different from our own, it was beneficial to discuss common challenges and approaches.

(Pictured: Ruben, Janice, Dylan)

qGEM Picture


Spoke with NYU iGEM about their optogenetic gene circuit and provided advice on construction and testing


Over the summer, we worked with OSU iGEM to discuss and share information on the use of biostimulants and engineered microbes for nitrogen fixation in crops. Topics of focus included the social and regulatory barriers preventing the implementation of engineered systems in Canada and the United States.


Dylan met with UBC iGEM members Tylo, Samuel, and Emilia in August during a visit to Vancouver. We discussed experimental and design aspects of our respective projects, as well as mathematical modelling, strategies for integrated human practices, and differences in team administration and structure between our iGEM teams.

(Pictured: Tylo, Dylan, Samuel, Emilia)

UBC Picture

oGEM (Ontario iGEM conference)

Finally we would like to thank the University of Guelph iGEM team for hosting the oGEM conference on the 5th of October this year. We were glad to be given the opportunity to present our project progress and recieve feedback on our presentation.

oGEM pic