Difference between revisions of "Team:Calgary"

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             <div class="animated zoomIn intro-message">
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                     <h1><span class="emphasis">CANOLA:</span> one of Canada's largest agricultural industries</h1>
                     <p>First bred in 1974, canola has gone on to become one of Canada’s leading crops. The industry contributes <span class="emphasis">19.3 billion dollars</span> to the Canadian economy every year while providing <span class="emphasis">12.5 billion dollars</span> in wages to <span class="emphasis">249,000 workers</span>. Canada is also the number one exporter of canola in the world and annually exports <span class="emphsasis">9 billion dollars</span> worth of seed, oil, and meal to countries like the USA, China, Japan, and Mexico.</p>
                    <span class="emphasis">CANOLA:</span>  
                    one of Canada's largest agricultural industries</h1>
                     <p>First bred in 1974, canola has gone on to become one of Canada’s  
                    leading crops. The industry contributes  
                    <span class="emphasis">19.3 billion dollars</span>  
                    to the Canadian economy every year while providing  
                    <span class="emphasis">12.5 billion dollars</span> in wages to  
                    <span class="emphasis">249,000 workers</span>.  
                    Canada is also the number one exporter of canola  
                    in the world and annually exports  
                    <span class="emphsasis">9 billion dollars</span>  
                    worth of seed, oil, and meal to countries like the USA,  
                    China, Japan, and Mexico.</p>
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             <h1>The Current Canola Pipeline</h1>
             <h1>The Current Canola Pipeline</h1>
             <h2>And Its Losses</h2>
             <h2>And Its Losses</h2>
            <div class="pipeline-interface">
                <div class="pipeline-diagram">
                    <svg width="155" height="446" viewBox="0 0 155 446" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
                        <path d="M77.2929 111.707C77.6834 112.098 78.3166 112.098 78.7071 111.707L85.0711 105.343C85.4616 104.953 85.4616 104.319 85.0711 103.929C84.6805 103.538 84.0474 103.538 83.6569 103.929L78 109.586L72.3431 103.929C71.9526 103.538 71.3195 103.538 70.9289 103.929C70.5384 104.319 70.5384 104.953 70.9289 105.343L77.2929 111.707ZM79 81C79 80.4477 78.5523 80 78 80C77.4477 80 77 80.4477 77 81L79 81ZM79 111L79 96L77 96L77 111L79 111ZM79 96L79 81L77 81L77 96L79 96Z" fill="#444444" />
                        <path d="M77.2929 238.707C77.6834 239.098 78.3166 239.098 78.7071 238.707L85.0711 232.343C85.4616 231.953 85.4616 231.319 85.0711 230.929C84.6805 230.538 84.0474 230.538 83.6569 230.929L78 236.586L72.3431 230.929C71.9526 230.538 71.3195 230.538 70.9289 230.929C70.5384 231.319 70.5384 231.953 70.9289 232.343L77.2929 238.707ZM79 208C79 207.448 78.5523 207 78 207C77.4477 207 77 207.448 77 208L79 208ZM79 238L79 223L77 223L77 238L79 238ZM79 223L79 208L77 208L77 223L79 223Z" fill="#444444" />
                        <path d="M77.2929 365.707C77.6834 366.098 78.3166 366.098 78.7071 365.707L85.0711 359.343C85.4616 358.953 85.4616 358.319 85.0711 357.929C84.6805 357.538 84.0474 357.538 83.6569 357.929L78 363.586L72.3431 357.929C71.9526 357.538 71.3195 357.538 70.9289 357.929C70.5384 358.319 70.5384 358.953 70.9289 359.343L77.2929 365.707ZM79 335C79 334.448 78.5523 334 78 334C77.4477 334 77 334.448 77 335L79 335ZM79 365L79 350L77 350L77 365L79 365ZM79 350L79 335L77 335L77 350L79 350Z" fill="#444444" />
                        <g class="current-pipeline-segment" data-entity="farmer">
                            <rect width="155" height="65" fill="white" />
                            <text fill="#444444" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="39.9531" y="42.1">Farmer</tspan></text>
                        <g class="current-pipeline-segment" data-entity="processor">
                            <rect width="155" height="65" transform="translate(0 254)" fill="white" />
                            <text fill="#444444" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="24.7656" y="296.1">Processor</tspan></text>
                        <g class="current-pipeline-segment" data-entity="elevator">
                            <rect width="155" height="65" transform="translate(0 127)" fill="white" />
                            <text fill="#444444" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="34.4688" y="169.1">Elevator</tspan></text>
                        <g class="current-pipeline-segment" data-entity="market">
                            <rect class="fixed" width="155" height="65" transform="translate(0 381)" fill="white" />
                            <text fill="#444444" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="41.9453" y="423.1">Market</tspan></text>
                <div class="pipeline-information" id="current-pipeline-info">
                    <div id="farmer-info" data-entity="farmer">
                        <h3>The Farmer</h3>
                        <p>Canada is home to roughly 43,000 canola farmers. In 2018, over 21% of the canola samples received by the Canadian Grain Commission were downgraded due to high green seed content with many samples containing over 20% green seeds. This means that their selling price was halved.</p>
                    <div class="hidden" id="elevator-info" data-entity="elevator">
                        <h3>The Elevator</h3>
                        <p>Grain elevators currently rely on human labour to grade all of the seed batches they receive. This process requires lots of time and money to do.</p>
                    <div class="hidden" id="processor-info" data-entity="processor">
                        <h3>The Processor</h3>
                        <p>The process of converting canola seeds into canola is a complex process that involves several steps. These are traditionally carried out by oil processing plants throughout Canada. Companies like Viterra, Richardson, and Cargill produce 18.4 metric tonnes of canola oil each year. Canola seeds with high chlorophyll content introduce significant costs to the refining process and processing plants must refuse certain batches that contain too many green seeds. Furthermore, the small amount of chlorophyll that’s extracted is essentially a waste product with no further use.</p>
                    <div class="hidden" id="market-info" data-entity="market">
                        <h3>The Market</h3>
                        <p>Canola oil is used in a variety of end products like salad dressings, biofuels, printer inks, and even cosmetics. Canada’s canola market is hotbed for innovation.</p>
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             <h1>Green seed causes millions of dollars of losses in the canola industry. <span class="emphasis">We're here to change that.</span></h1>
             <h1>Green seed causes millions of dollars of losses in the canola industry. <span class="emphasis">We're here to change that.</span></h1>
             <p>Engineering a process to de-green canola seeds and establishing a market for chlorophyll derivatives.</p>
             <p>Engineering a process to de-green canola seeds and establishing a market for chlorophyll derivatives.</p>
        <div class="content-panel pipeline dynamic-padding">
            <h1>Our Proposed Pipeline</h1>
            <h2>And Its Benefits</h2>
            <div class="pipeline-interface">
                <div class="pipeline-diagram">
                    <svg id="proposed-diagram" width="436" height="493" viewBox="0 0 436 493" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
                        <path d="M360 1C360 0.447716 359.552 -4.82823e-08 359 0C358.448 4.82823e-08 358 0.447716 358 1L360 1ZM358.293 31.7071C358.683 32.0976 359.317 32.0976 359.707 31.7071L366.071 25.3431C366.462 24.9526 366.462 24.3195 366.071 23.9289C365.681 23.5384 365.047 23.5384 364.657 23.9289L359 29.5858L353.343 23.9289C352.953 23.5384 352.319 23.5384 351.929 23.9289C351.538 24.3195 351.538 24.9526 351.929 25.3431L358.293 31.7071ZM358 1L358 16L360 16L360 1L358 1ZM358 16L358 31L360 31L360 16L358 16Z" fill="#F8B200" />
                        <path d="M359 1.00002L234.5 1.00001L110 1" stroke="#F8B200" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="bevel" />
                        <path d="M358.293 158.707C358.683 159.098 359.317 159.098 359.707 158.707L366.071 152.343C366.462 151.953 366.462 151.319 366.071 150.929C365.681 150.538 365.047 150.538 364.657 150.929L359 156.586L353.343 150.929C352.953 150.538 352.319 150.538 351.929 150.929C351.538 151.319 351.538 151.953 351.929 152.343L358.293 158.707ZM360 128C360 127.448 359.552 127 359 127C358.448 127 358 127.448 358 128L360 128ZM360 158L360 143L358 143L358 158L360 158ZM360 143L360 128L358 128L358 143L360 143Z" fill="#444444" />
                        <path d="M358.293 285.707C358.683 286.098 359.317 286.098 359.707 285.707L366.071 279.343C366.462 278.953 366.462 278.319 366.071 277.929C365.681 277.538 365.047 277.538 364.657 277.929L359 283.586L353.343 277.929C352.953 277.538 352.319 277.538 351.929 277.929C351.538 278.319 351.538 278.953 351.929 279.343L358.293 285.707ZM360 255C360 254.448 359.552 254 359 254C358.448 254 358 254.448 358 255L360 255ZM360 285L360 270L358 270L358 285L360 285ZM360 270L360 255L358 255L358 270L360 270Z" fill="#444444" />
                        <path d="M358.293 412.707C358.683 413.098 359.317 413.098 359.707 412.707L366.071 406.343C366.462 405.953 366.462 405.319 366.071 404.929C365.681 404.538 365.047 404.538 364.657 404.929L359 410.586L353.343 404.929C352.953 404.538 352.319 404.538 351.929 404.929C351.538 405.319 351.538 405.953 351.929 406.343L358.293 412.707ZM360 382C360 381.448 359.552 381 359 381C358.448 381 358 381.448 358 382L360 382ZM360 412L360 397L358 397L358 412L360 412ZM360 397L360 382L358 382L358 397L360 397Z" fill="#444444" />
                        <path d="M265 335C265.552 335 266 334.552 266 334C266 333.448 265.552 333 265 333L265 335ZM234.293 333.293C233.902 333.683 233.902 334.317 234.293 334.707L240.657 341.071C241.047 341.462 241.681 341.462 242.071 341.071C242.462 340.681 242.462 340.047 242.071 339.657L236.414 334L242.071 328.343C242.462 327.953 242.462 327.319 242.071 326.929C241.681 326.538 241.047 326.538 240.657 326.929L234.293 333.293ZM265 333L250 333L250 335L265 335L265 333ZM250 333L235 333L235 335L250 335L250 333Z" fill="#F8B200" />
                        <path d="M109 285C109 285.552 109.448 286 110 286C110.552 286 111 285.552 111 285H109ZM110.707 254.293C110.317 253.902 109.683 253.902 109.293 254.293L102.929 260.657C102.538 261.047 102.538 261.681 102.929 262.071C103.319 262.462 103.953 262.462 104.343 262.071L110 256.414L115.657 262.071C116.047 262.462 116.681 262.462 117.071 262.071C117.462 261.681 117.462 261.047 117.071 260.657L110.707 254.293ZM111 285L111 270H109L109 285H111ZM111 270L111 255H109L109 270H111Z" fill="#F8B200" />
                        <path d="M265.707 461.707C266.098 461.317 266.098 460.683 265.707 460.293L259.343 453.929C258.953 453.538 258.319 453.538 257.929 453.929C257.538 454.319 257.538 454.953 257.929 455.343L263.586 461L257.929 466.657C257.538 467.047 257.538 467.681 257.929 468.071C258.319 468.462 258.953 468.462 259.343 468.071L265.707 461.707ZM110 460C109.448 460 109 460.448 109 461C109 461.552 109.448 462 110 462L110 460ZM265 460L187.5 460L187.5 462L265 462L265 460ZM187.5 460L110 460L110 462L187.5 462L187.5 460Z" fill="#F8B200" />
                        <path d="M110 1.00001L110 79.5L110 158" stroke="#F8B200" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="bevel" />
                        <path d="M110 382L110 421.5L110 461" stroke="#F8B200" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="bevel" />
                        <g class="proposed-pipeline-segment" data-entity="farmer">
                            <rect width="155" height="65" transform="translate(281 47)" fill="white" />
                            <text fill="#444444" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="313.77" y="89.1">Farmer</tspan></text>
                            <text fill="#F8B200" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow SemiBold" font-size="24" font-weight="600" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="388.863" y="89.1"> *</tspan></text>
                        <g class="proposed-pipeline-segment" data-entity="processor">
                            <rect width="155" height="65" transform="translate(281 301)" fill="white" />
                            <text fill="#444444" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="298.594" y="343.1">Processor </tspan></text>
                            <text fill="#F8B200" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="408.867" y="343.1">*</tspan></text>
                        <g class="proposed-pipeline-segment" data-entity="pheophorbide">
                            <rect width="219" height="65" transform="translate(0 301)" fill="#F8B200" />
                            <text fill="white" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="26.918" y="343.1">Pheophorbide A</tspan></text>
                        <g class="proposed-pipeline-segment" data-entity="fungicide">
                            <rect width="219" height="65" transform="translate(0 174)" fill="#F8B200" />
                            <text fill="white" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="58.2305" y="216.1">Fungicide</tspan></text>
                        <g class="proposed-pipeline-segment" data-entity="elevator">
                            <rect width="155" height="65" transform="translate(281 174)" fill="white" />
                            <text fill="#444444" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="308.297" y="216.1">Elevator </tspan></text>
                            <text fill="#F8B200" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="399.164" y="216.1">*</tspan></text>
                        <g class="proposed-pipeline-segment" data-entity="market">
                            <rect width="155" height="65" transform="translate(281 428)" fill="white" />
                            <text fill="#444444" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="315.773" y="470.1">Market </tspan></text>
                            <text fill="#F8B200" xml:space="preserve" style="white-space: pre" font-family="Barlow" font-size="24" letter-spacing="0em"><tspan x="391.688" y="470.1">*</tspan></text>
                <div class="pipeline-information" id="proposed-pipeline-info">
                    <div id="farmer-info" data-entity="farmer">
                        <h3>The Farmer<span class="ast">&nbsp;*</span></h3>
                        <p>By empowering farmers with tools to better manage fungal pathogens, seeding practices, and standardizing the grading of seeds, canola producers will be better equipped to deal with these issues. Pheophorbide A, a new method for preventing Sclerotinia sclerotium could result in a significant decrease in cases of fungal infection. Sunny days, a novel long-term weather prediction model, gives farmers the ability to better determine when to plant their crops. Lastly, a standardized seed grading system ensures that farmers get a fair evaluation of their crops.</p>
                    <div class="hidden" id="elevator-info" data-entity="elevator">
                        <h3>The Elevator<span class="ast">&nbsp;*</span></h3>
                        <p>Through our standardized grading system, elevators will be able to grade their seeds fast and effectively without the need for human labour. Our system will also limit the number of disputes that happen between farmers and elevators as seeds will be graded in an objective and thorough manner.</p>
                    <div class="hidden" id="processor-info" data-entity="processor">
                        <h3>The Processor<span class="ast">&nbsp;*</span></h3>
                        <p>The extraction of chlorophyll from canola oil and its later conversion to pheophorbide opens up a totally new avenue for oil processing. By implementing our process into their workflows, oil processing plants will be able to gain a new revenue stream and integrate themselves into a new market segment.</p>
                    <div class="hidden" id="market-info" data-entity="market">
                        <h3>The Market<span class="ast">&nbsp;*</span></h3>
                        <p>Consumers will be happy to know that the canola oil in their kitchens can now be produced in an environmentally friendly way. In addition, a new market segment is introduced with the creation of pheophorbide. Both researchers and fungicide manufacturers can purchase this compound from oil producers.</p>
                    <div class="hidden" id="fungicide-info" data-entity="fungicide">
                        <h3><span class="ast">**&nbsp;</span>A Fungicide for Canola Plants<span class="ast">&nbsp;**</span></h3>
                        <p>Fungal infection of canola crops results in substantially lower grade seeds. Particularly, the infection of crops by Sclerotinia sclerotium is the most prevalent among canola and modern crops are not effectively protected against using farmers’ usual prevention methods; ie. crop rotation and resistant strains of canola. In order to fight these infections, we propose to use pheophorbide a’s photosensitizing capabilities as a new antifungal agent. S. sclerotium infects crops by first landing on the petals of the plant and then making its way into the shoot. By spraying crops with pheophorbide a there will be inhibition of the invading fungus before it infects the plant by finding its way inside the plant, thus stopping the spread of infection. We have shown that pheophorbide a acts to inhibit mycelial growth of S. sclerotium and may have some inhibition specificity as per our comparison with its effect on Pestalotiopsis microspora. </p>
                    <div class="hidden" id="pheophorbide-info" data-entity="pheophorbide">
                        <h3><span class="ast">**&nbsp;</span>Pheophorbide<span class="ast">&nbsp;**</span></h3>
                        <p>Pheophorbide a is our way to repurpose extracted chlorophyll from green oil and make a new market stream for green seed. As both a catabolite of the chlorophyll degradation pathway and a photosensitizer, pheophorbide a creates new value in a place unexplored in the current industry. Using a chlorophyll binding protein (6GIX) we are able to extract chlorophyll from green oil and repurpose it using four enzymes involved in chlorophyll degradation (CBR, HCAR, SGR, PPH), which turns chlorophyll a and b into pheophorbide a. This compound has recently gained interest in the research community as an anti-cancer and anti-fungal treatment through photodynamic therapy - by which light is shone on the compound, releasing radical oxygen species, which can damage the cell structure of cancerous and fungal cells. </p>
         <div class="content-panel highlights dynamic-padding">
         <div class="content-panel highlights dynamic-padding">

Revision as of 09:02, 21 October 2019

iGEM Calgary 2019

CANOLA: one of Canada's largest agricultural industries

First bred in 1974, canola has gone on to become one of Canada’s leading crops. The industry contributes 19.3 billion dollars to the Canadian economy every year while providing 12.5 billion dollars in wages to 249,000 workers. Canada is also the number one exporter of canola in the world and annually exports 9 billion dollars worth of seed, oil, and meal to countries like the USA, China, Japan, and Mexico.

The Current Canola Pipeline

And Its Losses

A major problem

Green seed causes millions of dollars of losses in the canola industry. We're here to change that.

Engineering a process to de-green canola seeds and establishing a market for chlorophyll derivatives.

Project Highlights

Green is the different between profit and loss.

Chlorophyll Repurposing

An Anti-Fungal Treatment

Fungal growth has proven to be a destructive condition for canola plants and we may have found a solution.


Understanding our protein in different environments

With the direction, knowledge, and tools supplied by Dr. Anderson we were equipped to design the experiments that would allow for the better understanding of the 6GIX protein in multiple systems.


Optimizing the production and synthesis of DNA

Codon optimization is a standard problem in synthetic biology. We created a tool that removes repeats, hairpins, and keeps GC richness below a certain percentage.


Commercializing our Project

Over the summer, we examined the entrepreneurial aspects of our project and navigated intellectual property regulations and market analysis techniques.

Project Components

Human Practices

We conducted in-depth conversations with professionals from both the academic and agricultural community in Alberta


We created tools and mechanisms to help canola farmers, graders and crushers


Computer modelling informed experimental design through every step


We developed a hardware integrated computer vision algorithm to automate the seed grading process


We meticulously documented methods and protocols used throughout the project

Public Engagement

We engaged with the local community. Spreading our knowledge and eliciting public feedback.