Team:ULaVerne Collab/Team

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Our 2019-2020 iGEM Team

Welcome! We are Team ULaVerne_Collab!

Feel free to hover over our members' picture to get to know them!

Project Lead

Major: Biology
Career Goal: Physician or Nurse Practitioner
Fun Fact: Born & Raised in Guatemala
Project Lead

Major: Biology
Career Goal: Oncologist or Family Practitioner
Fun Fact: Vegan & Dog Whisperer
Student Lead

Major: Biology
Career Goal: Physician, Research, NGO(the opportunities are endless)
Fun Fact: I can almost read/write Korean fluently because of going to karaoke
Wet Lab Lead

Major: Biology
Career Goal: Engineering in Biopharmaceuticals
Fun Fact: Disney Enthusiast
Wet Lab Lead

Major: Biology
Career Goal: Bioengineering
Fun Fact: Sneakerhead
Wet Lab Lead

Major: Biology
Minor: Spanish
Career Goal: Genetic Engineer, Genetic Counselor, or Research
Fun Fact: Painting & sketching are 2 of my favorite hobbies
Major: Biology
Career Goal: Pediatrician
Fun Fact: Food Connoisseur
Major: Chemistry
Career Goal: Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials Researcher
Fun Fact: I have been in the Christmas Disneyland Parade 3 times in a row during high school
Major: Biology
Career Goal: Ophthalmologist
Fun Fact: Citizen of 3 countries & is a peer mentor
Major: Biology
Career Goal: Bioengineering
Fun Fact: Likes to swim & got the "Dory Award" in high school for asking the most questions
Jennifer Tsui
Primary Instructor
Todd Lorenz