Breakdown of Trimethylamine via Trimethylamine Dehydrogenase to Minimize Heart Disease Caused by Red Meat Consumption
- Register for igem, have a great igem season, and attend the jamboree.
- Meet all deliverables on the Competition Deliverables page.
- Create a page on your team wiki with clear attribution of each aspect of your project.
- Convince the judges that you have added new, high quality experimental characterization data to an existing BioBrick Part (Basic or Composite, must be RFC10 compatible) from the Registry.
- Convince the judges that at least one new BioBrick Part of your own design that is central to your project works as expected.
- Convince the judges you have significantly worked with any other registered iGEM team in a meaningful way.
- Convince the judges you have thought carefully and creatively about whether your work is responsible and good for the world.
- Expand on your silver medal activity by demonstrating how you have integrated the investigated issues into the purpose, design, and/or execution of your project.
- Convince the judges that your project's design and/or implementation is based on insight you have gained from modeling.