Overview of gene circuit
In the following sections, we will explain how we use the model of ODE functions to describe the evolution of transcription and translation of target DNA, which will show the relationship between target protein’s concentration and time. Figure 1 explains the way in which our gene circuit works. Obviously, the system would act differently under different conditions. Our goal is to explicitly describe the system under different conditions. Using ODE functions, the concentrations of the chemical ingredient in the system are considered as variables, which evolves under the law of ODE functions over time. Thus, we can easily use ODE ways to describe how the chemical ingredient concentration changes over time under different situations.
Notations of chemical ingredients and variables
Chemical ingredients and constants
NC9_G %NdCas9 DNA concentration
NC9_G_P_R %Speed at which NdCas9 DNA transfer to mRNA
NC9_R_P_pro %Speed at which NdCas9 mRNA translate to protein
NC9_R_Dis %Speed at which NdCas9 RNA dissipate
NC9_pro_Dis %Speed at which NdCas9 protein dissipate
SG_G %Sg DNA concentration
SG_G_P_R %Speed at which Sg DNA transfer to mRNA
SG_R_Dis %Speed at which SgRNA dissipate
SG_NC_C %the reaction speed factor at which SgRNA react with NdCas9 protein
Possibility %possibility that SgRNA-NdCas9 combine with lure
Sg_NC_Lure_C %the reaction speed factor at which SgRNA-NdCas9 react with lure
L_Con %lure concentration
C_DBD_G %Cluc-DBD DNA concentration
DBD_C %DBD-binding site DNA concentration
ClucDBD_DBDBind_C %the reaction speed factor at which ClucDBD react with DBD_binding site
ClucDBDDBDbindS_SgNdcL_C %the reaction speed factor at which ClucDBD/DBD binding site react with SgRNA_NdCas9_lure
C_DBD_G_P_R %Speed at which CDBD DNA transfer to mRNA
C_DBD_R_Dis %Speed at which CDBD RNA dissipate
SgRNA_NdCas9_lure_reduce %Speed at which SgRNA_NdCas9_lure reverse the reaction
C_DBD_R_P_R %Speed at which CDBD mRNA transfer to protein
C_DBD_PR_Dis %Speed at which CDBD protein dissipate
C_DBD_DBD_bindingsite_Dis %Speed at which CDBD/DBD-bindingsite dissipate
Lure_Dis %Speed at which Lure dissipate
AHL %AHL initial concentration
k1 %times that AHL induce RepL
k2 %pTrig(PAM) RSR speed factor
k3 %the factor that RSR-PAM dissipate
k4 %pTrig decreasing factor
kcat % The turnover number of the firefly luciferase enzyme
km %the concentration of luciferin at which half the active sites are filled
k18 %Speed at which SgRNA-NdCas9-lure decays
k19 %Speed at which CDBD/DBD-bindingsite decays
k20 %Speed at which luc decays
k21 %Speed at which SgRNA-NdCas9 decays
k22 %Speed at which luxl DNA transfer to mRNA
k23 %Speed at which luxl RNA dissipate
dcas9_G %Concentration of dCas9 DNA
k24 %Speed at which dCas9 mRNA translate into protein
k25 %Speed at which dCas9 protein dissipate
k26 %Speed at which luxl DNA transfer into RNA
Luxl_G %luxl DNA concentration
k27 %Speed at which luxl RNA dissipate
k28 %Speed at which luxl RNA translate into protein
k29 %Speed at which luxl protein dissipate
x(1) %represent NdCas9RNA
x(2) %represent NdCas9 protein
x(3) %represent SgRNA
x(4) %represent SgRNA-NdCas9
x(5) %represent SgRNA-NdCas9-lure
x(6) %represent C-DBD RNA
x(7) %represent CDBD protein
x(8) %represent CDBD/DBD-bindingsite
x(9) %represent luc concentration
x(10) %represent dcas9 RNA
x(11) %represent dcas9 protein
x(12) %represent luxl RNA
x(13) %represent luxl protein
Examples of ODE equations
1.How RNA concentration changes
a)$$ \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} \mathrm{t}} C_{R N A}=k * C_{D N A}-R * C_{R N A} $$
i. R represents the decay of RNA and the k represents the transcription speed from DNA into RNA
ii. Examples:
$$ \frac{\mathrm{dy}}{\mathrm{dt}}=\mathrm{k} 1 \star \mathrm{NdCas} 9_{-} \mathrm{DNA}-\mathrm{k} 3 * \mathrm{x}(1) ; \stackrel{\circ}{\circ} \text { represent } \quad \mathrm{NdCa} \mathrm{S} 9 \mathrm{RNA} $$
$$ \frac{\mathrm{dy}}{\mathrm{dt}}=\mathrm{k} 5 \times \mathrm{Sg}_{-} \mathrm{DNA}-\mathrm{k} 6 * \mathrm{x}(3) ; \% \text { represent } \mathrm{SgRNA} $$
$$ \frac{\mathrm{dy}}{\mathrm{dt}}=\mathrm{C}_{-} \mathrm{DBD}_{-} \mathrm{DNA} * \mathrm{k} 11-\mathrm{k} 12 * \mathrm{x}(6) ; \% \text { represent } \mathrm{C-DBD RNA} $$
2) How protein concentration changes
$$ \text { a) } \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{dt}} C_{p r o}=k * C_{R N A}-R * C_{p r o} $$
i. R represents the decay of protein and the k represents the translation speed from RNA into protein
ii. Examples:
$$ \frac{\mathrm{dy}}{\mathrm{dt}}=\mathrm{k} 2^{\star} \mathrm{x}(1)-\mathrm{k} 4* \underline{\mathrm{x}}(2) ; \text{%} \text { represent } \text { NdCas } 9 \text { protein } $$
$$ \begin{array}{l}{\frac{\mathrm{dy}}{\mathrm{dt}}=\mathrm{k} 14* \mathrm{x}(6)-\mathrm{k} 15* \mathrm{x}\left(\frac{7}{\mathrm{p}}\right)+\mathrm{k} 16* \mathrm{x}(8) ; \text{%} \mathrm{represent} \text{ }\mathrm{CDBD}} \\ {\text { protein }}\end{array} $$
3) How the speed of chemical reaction changes
a) For first order chemical reaction:
V=k*S % S represents the concentration of reactant and k represents the velocity constant
i. One possible example:
V=E0*kcat % represents the velocity in which luciferin reacts without enzyme
b) For second order chemical reaction:
V=k*S1*S2 % S represents the concentration of reactant and k represents the velocity constant
i. Examples:
$$ \frac{\mathrm{dy}}{\mathrm{dt}}=\mathrm{x}(3)* \mathrm{x}(2) * \mathrm{k} 7-(\mathrm{k} 14+\mathrm{k} 21)* \mathrm{x}(4)+\mathrm{k} 13* \mathrm{x}(5)-\mathrm{x}(4)*\mathrm{P}*\text{lure}*\mathrm{k}(8);\text{%represent SgRNA-NdCas9} $$
$$ \frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{dt}}=\mathrm{x}(\underline{4})* \mathrm{P}* \text { Lure }* \mathrm{k} 8-(\mathrm{k} 13+\mathrm{k} 18)* \mathrm{x}(5)+\mathrm{k} 17* \mathrm{x}(9);\text{%represent SgRNA-NdCas9-lure} $$
4) How the speed of enzyme-chemical reaction changes
a)$$ \mathrm{V}=\mathrm{k}_{2} *[E]_{T} * \frac{[S]}{[S]+K_{m}} $$
i. % S represents the concentration of enzyme, E represents the concentration of reactant and k_2 represents the speed constant of reaction that intermediate product react into final products
ii. One possible example:
Here are some of our Results
Contact us: sjtuigem@gmail.com
Bio-X Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dongchuan Rd. 800