Team:NCKU Tainan/Universal



In the tiny island that is home to nearly 24 million people, Taiwan has a staggering amount of people suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). CKD has long been ranked as one of the top 10 causes of death in Taiwan and has an estimated prevalence of 11.9%, with a total burden of more than 2.5 million people. It is also very costly, with the government paying nearly 1.6 billion USD in 2016 alone.

Oh My Gut is a leading and innovative solution to the unsolved problem of p-Cresol accumulation which occurred because of CKD. Research has proven that p-Cresol accumulation is associated with cardiovascular disease, deterioration of CKD and many other serious complications. Hence, we provide two products, CreSolve and CreSense to help CKD patients achieve a better quality of life.

CreSolve is a living therapeutic drug which can be consumed in the form of a capsule and dosage of which will be based on doctor’s prescription. It consists of a type of engineered E.coli Nissle 1917 (an FDA approved probiotic) that is able to specifically target both p-Cresol producers and p-Cresol precursor. By reducing p-Cresol production, we are able to slow down p-Cresol accumulation.

CreSense is a blood p-Cresol quantification device that can measure the p-Cresol level in human blood plasma via blood separation and living bacteria bio-sensing techniques. CreSense is also customizable - by switching the current bio-sensing bacteria with another to measure other compounds, it enables a wide range of medical applications.

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