Team:Missouri Miners/Attributions

Wiki Missouri Miners

Attributions and Thanks


Advising Professors Dr. Westenberg and Dr. Shannon

Many thanks to Dr. David Westenberg and Dr. Katie Shannon for their advice on the feasibility of our project and their technical support.

Dr. Daniel Shank: Missouri S&T Psychological Sciences Department

Thank you to Dr. Shank for his assistance in the composition of our survey.

Web Committee

Thank you to Jen Coleman, Emily King, Alex Go, and our Web Committee for assembling this bomb-ash wiki.

First United Methodist Church

Thank you to the First United Methodist Church of Rolla, Missouri for allowing us to speak with you on the topics of genetic engineering and synthetic biology and providing your invaluable feedback.


Our lab received generous financial support from the Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and the College of Arts, Science, and Business at Missouri S&T, Intact Genomics, and the late Monsanto(RIP: 1901-2018). Thank you to BioBasic for the 2018 iGEM package and IDT for the complementary DNA synthesis.


The DNA sequence for the BT toxin in our part was obtained from

Yamaguchi, T., Bando, H., & Asano, S.-I. (2013). Identification of a Bacillus thuringiensis Cry8Da toxin-binding glucosidase from the adult Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 113(2), 123–128. doi: 10.1016/j.jip.2013.03.006