Team:KCL UK/Attributions1


There are so many people to thank for making this project possible. There is absolutely no way we could have done this alone. We are so grateful for every Skype call, donation, and e-mail that got us through. We are better because of it. Scroll down to read all of our gushy thank you's!


Dr Anatoliy Markiv

Director of Distance Learning Programmes & Academic Lead For Technology Enhanced Learning

Dr Markiv has been the lifeblood of our team making all our problems disappear as quickly as they were formed, supporting our project choices and helping us narrow our idea to develop a refined and well researched project, he has also allowed us to utilize his lab for the entirety of the summer, and guided our wiki team through the daunting task of building their first website. Dr Markiv also secured our team vital funding in the form of a King’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship.

Dr Alison Snape

Reader in Bioscience Education
Dr Snape has been aiding our team throughout the course of our project from the teams formation in February, she has been an influential mentor for our financing team providing vital contacts for our team and securing funding for our project. Alongside allowing the team to utilize her lab for the entirety of the summer. Dr Snape also secured our team vital funding in the form of a King’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship.

Professor Guy Tear

Head of Biochemistry Kings College London

Professor Tear has aided us in securing a King’s Undergraduate Research Fellowship providing vital funding during the beginning few months to allow us to focus on developing our project.


Dr Brenda williams

Interviewing Dr Williams introduced us to the gap in patient care for treating rare genetic disorders and focused on Inborn errors of metabolism especially Battons Disease.

Proffessor Heinz Jungbluth

The interview highlighted the potential of gene therapy and how it is success in some neuromuscular conditions but how a key limitation is the size of current viral vectors.

Dr. Bran Bugarija

We spoke of the limitations of cell penetrating peptides with the field application manager at Integrated DNA technologies.

Dr. Frances Butcher

In our interview we discussed biosecurity issues relating to gene therapy with Dr Butcher, a speciality registrar in public health.

Dr Attila Csikasz-Nagy

Conducted a meeting with him, where we discussed different modelling techniques. He also provided us with guidance and literature to help with our modelling approach.

Nadav Brandes

(PhD student at Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Conducted an interview with him, where we gained knowledge and his support for modelling. We used data files from his paper, “Gene overlapping and size constraints in the viral world”, and equations as inspiration for our calculations.

Rowan Howell

(PhD student at King's College London)

He supported us with our modelling, providing us with guidance for python troubleshooting and advice for modelling techniques.

Individual attributions

Team Member Wet lab Wiki creation Outreach Public engagement Sponsorship Safety Modelling Presentation Graphic design

Special thanks to our sponsors