Team:IIT Chicago/Parts

iGEM IIT Chicago iGEM IIT Chicago

Parts Table

Part Name Type Name Length Description URL
BBa_K3103011 Composite Part SuperPETase gene 1033bp SuperPETase gene
BBa_K3103001 Primer pAM_f2 22bp Forward primer used to make frag A from the pAM_4788 backbone of the super PETase gene.
BBa_K3103002 Primer pAM_r 23bp Reverse primer used to make frag B from the pAM_4788 backbone of the super PETase gene.
BBa_K3103003 Primer pAM-PET_f 40bp Creates frag PET from pCS_PET. It includes gibson overlap regions used to join the pAM backbone and the PET gene into an entire vector.
BBa_K3103004 Primer PET-pAM_r 46bp Creates frag PET from pCS_PET. It includes gibson overlap regions used to join the pAM backbone and the PET gene into an entire vector.
BBa_K3103005 Primer pAM35k_f 20bp An internal primer used to split the pAM backbone into 2 regions. This forward primer is used to fragment the backbone into frag B.
BBa_K3103006 Primer pAM35k_r 20bp An internal primer used to split the pAM backbone into 2 regions. This reverse primer is used to fragment the backbone into frag A.
BBa_K3103007 Primer pAMseq_f 20bp This sequencing primer is used to screen the gibson reaction/transformation for the pAM-PET vector.
BBa_K3103008 Primer pAMseq_r 20bp This sequencing primer is used to screen the gibson reaction/transformation for the pAM-PET vector.
BBa_K3103009 Primer pETse_int_N_r 20bp A pAM-PET internal primer which is used to screen the potential vector. It is used with the pETseq_f primer to yield unique size fragments.
BBa_K3103010 Primer pETse_int_C_f 20bp A pAM-PET internal primer which is used to screen the potential vector. It is used with the pETseq_fr primer to yield unique size fragments.
BBa_K3103012 Coding TorA 117bp Exports superPETase proteintd>
BBa_K3103013 Coding superPETase 870bp Degrades PET plastic
BBa_K3103014 Tag myc 46bp Aids in the detection of gene of interes

Illinois Institute of Technology

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