Team:GreatBay SZ/Judging



Judging Form


1.Registration and Jamboree Attendance

We have registered for iGEM, have had a great iGEM season, and attend the Giant Jamboree.

2.Competition Deliverable

We have thoroughly completed our




(4)Judging form,


See team attribution in our attribution page:

(6)Project Inspiration and Description:

See our project Description:


We have successfully added quantitative experimental characterization data to the existing Part BBa_K2753019 from the Registry of Standard Biological Part.



1.Validated Part

We have demonstrated two validated parts and documented the characterization of them. (Part Numbers BBa_K3264000 and BBa_K3264008.)


See our details of collaborations with other teams:

3.Human Practices:

We are successfully engaging in relevant human practices and connecting with synthetic biology community:



1.Integrated Human Practices:

We systematically demonstrated our projects through a variety of integrated human practices. See detail:

2. Improve a Previous Part or Project

We have improved the previous part BBa_I746916 to a new part BBa_K3264013. We have successfully proved its advanced functionality with performing experiments on both parts.

3. Modeling:

We used a comprehensive mathematical model to demonstrate and predict our project. See Modeling:

4. Demonstration

See our well-demonstrated work:

Special Prizes:

Integrated Human Practices

Our integrated human practices include visiting Silk Art Museum, consulting professors for research-based improvements, visiting dyeing factory to investigate the industrial process of dyeing, and refining our spinning machine with the information we obtained. Furthermore, we consulted mature companies and business ventures about business startup.

For more detailed description:

Education and Public Engagement

We investigated people’s perspective on synthetic biology beforehand. With the information we had, various workshops and speeches on synthetic biology are hosted both at small scales and in public.We established a long-term collaboration with the traditional artist, who surprisingly changed her attitude toward synthetic biology after a few visits.

For more detailed description:


The model used by GreatBay_SZ discusses two possible situations during artificial spider silk spinning and helps us to adjust our spinning device. Our model provides detailed instructions for future artificial spider silk spinning technologies, since there haven’t been any published models that can describe the process of spider silk spinning. This model may be very helpful to other spinning experiments in industry and may facilitate future research on this subject area.


This team can be evaluated for this prize.

We explored a more efficient and accessible way to evaluate deoxyviolacein and indigo analytics through photometrics analysis without using HPLC based quanti?cation. Depending on the wave-length applied, different extinction coef?cients are reported to estimate the concentration. We acquired a chromatograms display a purified deoxyviolacein and indigo standard, then allowing measurement on the extracts from culture broth.


Aiming to provide more practical solutions to the current textile waste problem, our team plans to commercialize our project after we acquired the first sample of colored spider silk in our lab. GreatBay_SZ’s goal is to expand the market of innovative biomaterial to developing countries that can help increase public awareness of textile pollution.

Parts Awards

Best New Basic Part

Best New Composite Part

Best Part Collection

Part Number(s):

BBa_K3264000, BBa_K3264001, BBa_K3264002, BBa_K3264003, BBa_K3264004, BBa_K3264005, BBa_K3264007, BBa_K3264009, BBa_K3264011, BBa_K3264012, BBa_K3264013, BBa_K3264014, BBa_K3264015, BBa_K3264016 and BBa_K3264017.