Team:CCU Taiwan/Composite Part

Composite Parts

Part number Description Supporting information Length (bp)
BBa_K2927051 pHMT-LbCas12a plasmid (LbCas12a protein purification) Produce 10X His-MBP-TEV site-LbCas12a proteins (connection) 4969
BBa_K2927061 T7 Pro-guide RNA- crRNA 1- crRNA 2 mutation For the production of crRNA and negative control for CRISPR-LbCas12a system 106
BBa_K2927062 T7 Pro-guide RNA- crRNA 2- crRNA 1 mutation For the production of crRNA and negative control for CRISPR-LbCas12a system 106
BBa_K2927063 T7 Pro-guide RNA- crRNA 3- crRNA 6 mutation For the production of crRNA and negative control for CRISPR-LbCas12a system 106
BBa_K2927064 T7 Pro-guide RNA- crRNA 4- crRNA 5 mutation For the production of crRNA and negative control for CRISPR-LbCas12a system 106
BBa_K2927065 T7 Pro-guide RNA- crRNA 5- crRNA 4 mutation For the production of crRNA and negative control for CRISPR-LbCas12a system 106
BBa_K2927066 T7 Pro-guide RNA- crRNA 6- crRNA 3 mutation For the production of crRNA and negative control for CRISPR-LbCas12a system 106

1. Chen, J. S., Ma, E., Harrington, L. B., Da Costa, M., Tian, X., Palefsky, J. M., & Doudna, J. A. (2018). CRISPR-Cas12a target binding unleashes indiscriminate single-stranded DNase activity. Science, 360(6387), 436-439.
2. Vlasova,N.N et al. (2014, Apr 06) African swine fever virus p72 (B646L) gene, complete cds.Retrieved from$=nucltop&blast_rank=10&RID=CP56X3A1014
3. NEW ENGLAND BioLabs. How do I design a guide RNA for use with EnGen Lba Cas12a? Retrieved from