Team:Botchan Lab Tokyo/Parts

Botchan Lab. Tokyo


2.Radiation irradiation experiment Protocol

1. Making culture medium

TGY broth

material concentration(g/100mL H2O)
Bacto tryptone 0.5
Bacto yeast extract 0.3
Glucose 0.1
pH 7.0±02

LB+Cm broth

material concentration(g/100mL H2O)
Bacto tryptone 1
Bacto yeast extract 0.5
NaCl 1
Chloramphenicol aq 20 μg/mL
pH 7.0±02

LB+Cm plate

material concentration(g/100mL H2O)
Bacto tryptone 1
Bacto yeast extract 0.5
NaCl 1
Bacto agar 2
Chloramphenicol aq 20 μg/mL
pH 7.0±02

TGY plate

material concentration(g/100mL H2O)
Bacto tryptone 1
Bacto yeast extract 0.3
Glucose 0
Bacto aga 1.5
pH 7.0±02

2.Preparation Butterfield’s Phosphate Buffer

material volume
potassium dihydorogen phosphate 34.0g
H2o 1000mL
pH 7.0±0.2


Prepare master plate of D.radiodurans Dispense 3 mL* TGY broth to sterile tube Transfer a few cells from master plate’s colony to the tube Shaking culture at 37 ℃ over night (18-20 hours) *This is for one irradiated sample. When the number of irradiated samples were more than one, we added extra 1 mL for an increment.

4.Pre-culture (Escherichia.coli DH5α with empty vector)

Prepare master plate of E.coli with vector Dispense 3 mL* LB+Cm broth to sterile tube Transfer a few cells from master plate’s colony to the tube Shaking culture at 37 ℃ over night (18-20 hours) *This is for one irradiated sample. When the number of irradiated samples were more than one, we added extra 1 mL for an increment.

5.Preparation of gamma-irradiation samples

Dispense 1 mL pre-cultured bacterial solution into each 1.5 mL tube Centrifuge 2400×g 10 min 4 ℃ Discard flow through Add 1 mL Butterfield’s Phosphate Buffer (BPB) and suspend Wrap the parafilm around the tube and leave it on ice for 30~60 min

6.Gamma irradiation

Measure the temperature in the gamma cell* chamber Place gamma-irradiation samples in gamma cell Irradiate a certain amount of gamma ray (10, 50, 100 Gy) *The gamma cell irradiates 0.714-0.715 Gy/min. So, we irradiated certain range of time to reach the objective doses.

7.Dilution and plating of the cells

Dilute gamma-irradiated samples with BPB solution using tenfold dilution Plate 100 µL each dilution for plate (Sow E.coli for LB+Cm plate. Sow D.radiodurans for TGY plate) Sow each diluted samples for 2 plates Wrap the parafilm around the plate and incubate at 30 ℃ for 48-72 hours* Count the number of colonies *The incubation was continued until the colonies were large enough to be counted.

Each experiment was conducted independently 3 times.