Our project aims to give a solution to obesity by colonizing intestinal microbe inside human digestive track. Following that goal, a circuit is designed as follows.
To promote consumption of assimilated fat, a pathway is introduced to overproduce acetate, which as a signal, activates consumption of human white fat tissue. Meanwhile, another pathway which enhances β-oxidation of higher fatty acids is transferred into our engineered bacteria, enabling them to consume extra fat taken in by human, preventing their host from absorbing excessive energy.
A bilateral switch is put in between the two pathways, which, together with a digestion sensor, confers the microbe an exquisite trait to express each of the pathways at an optimal time, according to the changing chemical environment inside human intestine.
In order not to have the engineered bacteria interfere microbe ecology inside digestive track, nor to have it excluded by native microbe, a module is designed to coordinate the introduced and the native bacteria.
Finally, safety modules are designed and tested to enable prompt termination of engineered bacteria in use and to prevent contamination of environment.