What's the Problem?
Obesity is defined as body mass index (BMI) over 30 kg/m2.[1] In recent decades, obesity has been an increasingly severe problem worldwide, with its relation to a range of diseases being constantly discovered, including most cardiovascular diseases, multiple metabolic diseases and over 13 types of cancers, notably shrinking life span.[2]
Yet no country by far has been successful in controlling incidence of obesity. It is predicted that by 2022, over a fifth of world population will have to face the problem of obesity, according to WHO.[3]
China, as a rapidly developing country, has experienced a sharp increase in obesity rate, presumably due to an improvement in income. [4]Nevertheless, a heath concept failing to progress as fast may also play a part.
Another consequence of outdated health concept is that people tend to omit the harm of obesity. Only a limited portion of obese people visit doctors in pursuit of a solution, usually either when symptoms of the complications begin to emerge or when the tendency of deterioration becomes more than obvious, both of which are too late for efficient treatment. So, it would be helpful to develop a handy system that helps to maintain a lower BMI for people with potential obesity problems.
Various factors lead to overweight and obesity problems. Among them is over consumption of fat. Researches have shown relations between diet pattern and bodyweight change (Fig. 1). Otherwise, it is as important to enhance consumption of excess fat tissue of people with higher BMI. In recent years, it has been revealed by multiple studies that taking up short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) conducts a notable change in body weight, both of mice and humans. These facts enlighten us to propose a solution to obesity problems using two combined strategies.