
A quantitative Monitor & Controller:

Mapping dynamic transcriptional landscapes of EMT

About epithelial to mesenchymal transition

Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), plays an important role in embryonic development, chronic inflammation, tissue remodeling, cancer metastasis, and various fibrotic diseases. Yet, rather than a binary switch, EMT is more like a progressive process. Most cells undergo EMT incompletely and then stay in an intermediate state, which is defined as the presence of both epithelial and mesenchymal features in the cell. In addition, metastability of EMT is more common and complex in physiological and pathological processes. It is of great significance to identify these intermediate processes for understanding the occurrence of disease.

A Scheme of EMT Transcriptome Landscape monitored by fluorescence

EMT markers are labeled with fluorescence as precise monitors to measure the degree of transdifferentiation from E to M. Then cells begin to undergo EMT under the action of controllers. Thus, we can accurately derive cells in different intermediate EMT states based on distinguished fluorescence expression. Next, dynamic transcriptional landscapes of EMT from the engineered cells are captured by FACS-seq. After elementary data analysis, we can map these temporal transcriptome changes in the dynamic EMT process.


Accurate control of EMT process based engineered regulating systems

Dynamic transcriptional landscapes to characterize the unclear intermediate states of EMT

Mapping the transcriptional landscape with fluorescent phenotype