ACIBADEM_ISTANBUL x Tüm Ekip Inc. Collaboration
Since this idea was pitched, we wanted to develop it to the max, therefore we presented it to many potential investors and sponsors, raising money and acknowledging that our idea could have an international impact. Our visit to Tüm Ekip Inc. was beneficial as they offered a sponsorship, appreciated our hard work, and help manufacture our product. These discussions made us understand the process of starting a business. We evaluated our project to see if it would exceed our expectations if turned into a business, and we concluded that a cheap, effective and easy-to-use antidote would be significant especially for continents like Asia and South America as there is a demand for an innovative solution. The patent for VenomXL is pending. We got support how to proceed wıth the industrial production and improvement of the VenomXL including requesting support for local licencing procedures of of the ministry of healthcare.
ACIBADEM_ISTANBUL x Ypsomed Collaboration
Self-Administration of VenomXL for empiric therapy will be very easy thanks to our partnership with Ypsomed, which has offered us early access to their LyoTwist Trio dual-chambered auto-injector.
After getting bit by the snake, a simple two-step process allows for the administration of VenomXL:
1) Mix and Prime the Lyophilized VenomXL with sterile saline.2) Inject the mixture near site of injury.
The device uses an auto-inject mechanism that makes self-administration very easy.
The device is compact in size, which allows it to be carried easily by anyone, anywhere.