Multiple design decisions were made for the synthetic LEAP promoters created in this project. With software and models, we are able to create different synthetic promoters but to have value, these promoters must be usable for further work within industry or academia. To make sure our promoters would be of actual use in the real world, we contacted representatives from both biotech companies and research institutions as described on the integrated Human Practices page. Based on their feedback on which features it was important for promoters to have, we were able to define some important design criteria for our software, in order to produce promoters with the desired features. Some of the most important features of the synthetic LEAP promoters are shown in the figure below: .
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(1) Siddiqui, S: Protein Production: Quality Control and Secretion Stress Response. New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Aspergillus System Properties and Applications, 2016. pp. 257-266