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                <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Team">Team</a>
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            <a href="#"><span>Project</span></a>
                <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Description">Description</a>
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            <a href="#"><span>Parts</span></a>  
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          <h1 >Haobo Wang</h1>
              <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Parts">Parts</a>  
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/8/87/T--DUT_China_B--WBY.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
                <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Basic_Part">Basic</a>  
          <>Haobo Wang majors in environmental-engineering, yet somehow always finds himself ending up in biology labs. </p>
                <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Composite_Part">Composite</a> 
                <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Part_Collection">Collection</a>
                  <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Improve" >Improve</a> 
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            <a href="#"><span>HP</span></a>
              <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/HP">Background</a>  
                <a class="long" href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Human_Practices">Integrated HP</a>
                <a class="long" href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Applied_Design">Product Design</a>  
                <a class="long" href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Public_Engagement">Public Engagement</a>
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            <a href="#"><span>Lab</span></a>
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        <h1 >Peng Feixue</h1>
                <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Experiments">Experiments</a>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/9/9e/T--DUT_China_B--XPF.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
                <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Notebook">Notebook</a>  
          <p  >a senior studying math, whose hair suffers from his major.</p>
                <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Interlab">Interlab</a>
          <img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/2/2e/T--GreatBay_China--AlexisWrite.jpgleaf.png"/>
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            <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Judging"><span>Judging</span></a>
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           <h1 >Chen Kaidi</h1>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/2/2d/T--DUT_China_B--CKD.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
           <>a senior in Bioengineering from Dalian University of Technology, likes exploration and pursuing things she loves. Though sometimes procrastination will bring her trouble,she still tries to make everything perfect. This is her second year in iGEM, and she really appreciates the two-year experience here, which gives her the most cherish and fulfilling memory in her college time.</p>
            <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Safety"><span>Safety</span></a>
            <a href="https://2018.igem.org/Team:GreatBay_China/Model"><span>Model</span></a>
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          <h5 style="color:white;">mCATNIP2018@outlook.com</h5>
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           <h1 >Pedro Brown</h1>
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           <h5 style="color:white;">@Igem2018C</h5>
           <>who is always very glad to discuss synthetic biology issues with iGEMers. iGEM requires not only a solid foundation of biology but also a rich imagination and creativity. He believes tomorrow belongs to synthetic biology. His motto: Miracle is another name for hard work.</p>
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           <h1 >Yin Xianqi</h1>
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          <p  >Yin Xianqi is an optimistic man with a simple and honest character. Being a senior and experienced in doing experiment, he undoubtedly plays an important role in the team. He is positive and motivated, never loses heart and gives up.</p>
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      <!--TEMPLATE ENDS HERE BY CHARELS WEI (All edits down here)-->     
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        <h1 >Zhang Yuanzhen</h1>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/4/4d/T--DUT_China_B--ZYZ.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
           <p >an iGEMer who loves researching and enjoys her second year with iGEM. She is an experienced experimenter and a much cherished asset to our team.</p>
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            Like its name, GreatBay_China 2018 consists of a <i>great</i> variety of members: 13 students from 7 different high schools, 1 instructor, 5 advisors and 2 PIs. The team is a treasury of talented and lovely people. We have bright brains with innovative ideas. We are lucky to invite competent and outstanding seniors and experts who support and guide us in the light of discovery. We are a bunch of enthusiastic people who stay up late doing labs. Meet them here!
        Some of us have a few words to say after the wonderful iGEM 2018 journey! You can read them at the bottom of the page.
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        <h1 >Zhu Jinwei</h1>
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/4/41/T--DUT_China_B--ZJW.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
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          <p  >who has great passion for math as a senior student of bioengineering, and contributes much for our team’s modeling work. He can work just as well by himself.</p>
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        <h1 >Yang Bokai </h1>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/3/3c/T--DUT_China_B--YBK.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
          <p  >Yang Bokai is a bioengineering senior who enjoys his life but has a contradicted feeling about wet experiments.</p>
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        <h1 >Zeng Weiyang</h1>
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           <>La sophomore major in bioengineering in Dalian University of Technology. He found, quite surprisingly, great pleasure in algae culturing.</p>
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        <p><video src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/c/c2/T--GreatBay_China--homepage_video.mp4" type="video/mov" height="auto" width="850" controls></video></p>
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        <h1 class="title"> Team Leaders</h1><br>
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            <h4>Alexis Zeng</h4>
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                      Hello world! I’m Alexis, a student from Shenzhen College of International Education, blue-haired, not very humorous. This is my second year participating in iGEM but the first time as a team leader. I am involved in a lot of parts of mCATNIP, but mainly I focus on project design and team management. Speaking as a high school student, this experience with iGEM and synbio is simply fascinating: after being overwhelmed by the existing delicate rational designs, we get to create our own designs and build them from pieces. But it’s a huge challenge towards my resilience to be honest, especially when the transformation keeps failing and colony PCR shows no correct results. But still, I would listen to Paciencia y Fe by Lin-Manuel Miranda and continue working. Beyond iGEM, I’m a fan of musical theater, an equestrian enthusiast, and a cheese lover.
                      Role in team:<br>
                        <li>Project design and literal research</li>
                        <li>Coordinating different groups in the team</li>
                        <li>Proposed the first version of applied design (cat shelter)</li>
                        <li>Responsible for knocking out genes in yeast and spent the entire summer in lab</li>
                        <li>Social (although sometimes I’m kinda social-phobic..)</li>
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                      Nickname:大统领(Big Commander), 阿狸(Ali)
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            <h4>Lucinda Lin</h4>
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                      You are looking at the photo of someone who is suffering through her second year of iGEM but secretly enjoying it! Her work involved wet lab, HP, safety and wiki last year; this year her duty only increases. She is a neutral-chaotic person/team leader that has tried all kinds of work in iGEM and accumulated many skills during the process. She loves game music, reptiles, yogurt, and cool weather. She wants to study computational in future. And HAIL GREATBAY_CHINA! <br><br>
                      Role in team:<br>
                        <li>Human practice, and in charge!? Oh, you can never know what trouble she find for her incapable self.</li>
                        <li>Project, research ways to get more products.</li>
                        <li>Modeling, when she wrote this, she did’t even know whether she could finish it.</li>
                        <li>Wiki, just that iGEM server can be excruciatingly slow sometimes.</li>
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                      Nickname:大总理(Prime Minister),lwq, Timshel
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            <h4>Sean Yao</h4>
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                      I‘m Sean, one of the team leaders of GreatBay_China,  the Knight of night, and the owner of Dark Circles. In the gap year after I graduated from Shenzhen High School of Science, I decided to take part in the iGEM as a High School student and figure out what major I would like to study before I go to the university. The motto of Shenzhen High School of Science says: "the future isn't the place we aim to go but the place we want to build.", as a student who inherits this school spirit, I joined in this completely New formed team and learn how to run an iGEM team effectively with my extraordinary partners. <br><br>
                      Role in team:<br>
                        <li>experiment design</li>
                        <li>Operate experimental instrument(Gas Chromatograph、Flow Cytometer)  and analyze data</li>
                        <li>Clone picker</li>
                        <li>Night shift worker</li>
                        <li>the funding keeper</li>
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                      Nickname:欧将军(General Ou(lucky))
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        <h1 >Liu Yuanyuan</h1>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/c/c3/T--DUT_China_B--LYY.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
           <>Liu Yuanyuan studies bioengineering. She had a hard time finding her part in the team, and now you see her, doing experiments and translating, double checking lines on wiki at the same time. Less optimistic and a lot heavier than she wants to be. And if you love MCU or Supernatural or some random TV series, she will be happy to know you.</p>
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            <h4>Tara Yuan</h4>
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                    <div class="modal-body">Hi all! Here is Tara, from Shenzhen college of International education, who surely aim to be a biology person. As a first-year iGEMer, my main job in the lab is to cast as primer dimer, so our PCR will be well-off. For sure, it’s just my personal belief, not a Chinese custom.<br><br>
                    To me, iGEM is not only exploring the whole unknown field, but also a training of physical endurance to demanding work. <br><br>
                    Anyway, l think l should cut my self-intro short since l don’t have any unique talent or interest. Thank you all!!!<br><br>
                    Role in team:<br>
                      <li>Hanging around in Lab and meddling with almost every experiment. Babysitting E.coli and Yeast, though sometimes l have to lyse them.</li>
                      <li>Main Chief——Today’s recommendation :fried sausages, bacon or eggs.</li>
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                      Nickname: 宝中宝(Apple of the team's eye)
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            <h4>Leo Li</h4>
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                      Hey guys I’m Leo from Shenzhen College of International Education. Being keen on Molecular Biology I participated in iGEM and found the lab work so disastrous that I would surely knee in front of the cultivator and beg the E.coli to accept our plasmid and survive if this will help. Obviously, it doesn’t. I love tarot a lot and predicts on our PCR results often and the only truth I foresee is that science contradicts the unreliable belief.<br><br>
                      Participating iGEM, to me, is a body and mental building tour that involves an endless number of deadlines and lab nights. It is also an exhilarating adventure with the accompany with my friends. Hooray to the all-night-PCR and long live our bioparts!!!<br><br>
                      Role in team:<br>
                        <li>Online researches of anything related to the project to solve ethnical and project problems</li>
                        <li>Some paper works</li>
                        <li>Low quality lab works</li>
                        <li>Bring the team with laughter!!</li>
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                        Nickname:正能量宝物(Positive treasure), Primer dimer, 陈独秀夫妇
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            <h4>Charles Wei</h4>
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                      Not a man who history shall remember, but a member that the team cannot exist without. He is the General Ou's Right Hand Man, Big Commander's First Colonel, Prime Minister's First Secretary. When in need, he acts in the role of artistic designer, video maker, and even take away delivery. You can say he is versatile, but standing in his position requires more --- guts, persistence, and willpower. Under the pressure of the Triple Leaders, he survives with everlasting faith and everlasting hair and everlasting dark circles under eyes. <br><br>
                      So this is Charles, a high school student from Shenzhen College of International Education, an intellectually curious learner, a frenetic nerd about science, and a coding amateur who struggles with coding languages but oddly becomes one of the members for wiki construction. My hobbies include hiking, swimming, biking, reading, writing, music, video-making, watching musicals……I like to share stories and make friends! Cheers!<br><br>
                      Role in team:<br>
                        <li>Spent most of my summer and after-school time in lab, playing and nursing E.coli and yeasts -- Dancing or crying in front of the gel photography machine. </li>
                        <li>Present the idea of third improvement of applied design, Cat Shelter</li>
                        <li>Director and editor of team video</li>
                        <li>Wiki construction, basically dying to learn 3 alien languages</li>
                        <li>Uploaded 55 parts :-)</li>
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                        Nickname: General Ou's Right Hand Man,坚挺肉丝
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        <h1 >Chen Yan</h1>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/e/eb/T--DUT_China_B--CY.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
           <> who just got into second year and majors in bioengineering. Always bright and optimistic, she enjoys novels and soap operas, living in her own world. </p>
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            <img class="photo" id='yrz' width="250px" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/4/4e/T--GreatBay_China--lr_p.jpg"/>
            <h4>Rocky Yu</h4>
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                    <div class="modal-body">My name is Rocky. I’m a student, I’m a high school student. I’m an iGEMer who fulfills people’s fantasies, their deep dark fantasies. I was studying macroscopic biology, you know, paleontology and zoology. But after seeing how significant molecular biology is, I thought I had enough, so I stepped into the bio-lab. <br><br>
                    I was kind of a dumb boy of my life, tying myself aside my desk and creating fantasies. But now I’m doing that in the lab.<br><br>
                    Role in team:<br>
                      <li>Doing experiment with E. coli and S. cerevisiae. More specifically, participating in plasmid construction, promoter characterization and fermentation.</li>
                      <li>Trying my best to be a social-butterfly in HP.</li>
                      <li>Planning, directing and fulfilling the ‘HP Documentary’.</li>
                      <li>Motivating my teammates.</li>
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                        Nickname: 日上老君(The lucky old sun)
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            <h4>Eden Yu</h4>
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                    <div class="modal-body">Everything is distinctive here, everything is challenging. Everything is innovative here, everything is inspiring. iGEM gives me joy, skills, and experience, but it also gives me stress, barriers and hardship. I come here to enjoy, to imagine, but also to learn and improve. OK! Enough nonsense! I am Eden, an A1 student from Shenzhen College of International Education, who is currently fully occupied by study, iGEM, and study plus iGEM --- It has been three weeks since I went to the gym last time, incredible! Sport is a main part of my life, it can release my systemic exhaustion and depression at any time. I am not social, but making friends and cooperating with team members are truly fascinating.<br><br>
                    Role in team:<br>
                      <li>Doing experiment</li>
                      <li>Modeling, sensitivity analysis and coculture</li>
                      <li>Product design, 3D modeling, experiments and construction</li>
                      <li>Human practise interviews</li>
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                        Nickname: 大都,一灯,勇哥(Brave man)
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            <h4>Wade Xiao</h4>
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                    Hi, my name is Wade and this the first year of participating iGEM. Currently, I am an IB student in Shenzhen Senior High School. Since the painful memory of making LB medium three times and fails four times do not fade and for the sake of the whole lab, now I am trying to help the team outside the lab including modeling and doing human practice. I also play the role of bio-safety reminder in the team. Anyway, hope to see your guys in Boston. <br><br>
                    Role in team:<br>
                      <li>Project brainstorm and subsequent research</li>
                      <li>Co-culture modeling and human practice</li>
                      <li>Plasmid construction and reminder of biosafety</li>
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                      Nickname: 皮迪,真皮沙发
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        <h1 >Liu Haodong</h1>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/e/e1/T--DUT_China_B--LHD.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
          <> Liu Haodong is devoted to the experiment part of our project, mainly in charge of electroporation and algae culturing. Sometimes you will also find him sterilizing and making culture medium, or writing for wiki. Anyway, busy in team. </p>
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            <img class="photo" id='wzg' width="250px" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/e/ea/T--GreatBay_China--marie_p.jpg"/>
            <h4>Marie Wei</h4>
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                      Hi! (whoever is now surfing this site) My name is Marie Wei, a sophomore who is studying abroad in Worcester Academy, Worcester, Massachusetts, US. I am a very easy-going person with many different hobbies and specialties (in various levels of course). In my leisure time, I would enjoy myself by reading, writing stories, drawing, playing instruments, working out and so on. Attending iGEM this year and becoming a member of GreatBay_China is one of the best things that I have ever done in my life. I am the kind of person who always feels enthusiastic about every decision in life. By attending iGEM, I have received an absolutely incredible experience dealing with synthetic biology. Biology has always been one of my passions and interests, by attending iGEM, the only thing I can say about it would be: I am IN LOVE with this subject—totally, genuinely, in LOVE.<br><br>
                      During this whole summer, I had great fun with the team, discovered myself and those little tubes more in the lab, and really, generated a large amount of LOVE for biology. <br><br>
                      Really. The best experience ever.<br><br>
                      Role in team:<br>
                        <li>art design (including teams peripheral products such as postcards, bags; wiki illustration; illustration on team uniform)</li>
                        <li>helped to generate ideas in creating our final product: the kitty wonderland and helped with product experiment</li>
                        <li>also did some help with experiments during summer vacation</li>
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                        Nickname: 大触,触级天使(Angle Artist)
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            <h4>David Yang</h4>
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                      Hello, everyone. I studied at the third high school attached to Beijing Normal University. I usually like to cook and paint. With the help of the bluepha lab, I have developed an interest in synthetic biology and have the privilege of forming an excellent team with everyone. Although I still have a lot to learn, I will do my best to contribute to the team.<br><br>
                      Role in the team: <br>
                        <li>art design (including wiki typesetting;  team uniform)</li>
                        <li>help on experiments during summer vacation</li>
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            <h4>Katrina Zhuo</h4>
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                    I’m Katrina from Shenzhen Vanke Meisha Academy. I am a senior student majoring in biology and chemistry.  IGEM, a competition which requires a lot of teamwork and participation, allows me to know my advantages and disadvantages. This will benefit my whole life. And I will definitely remember the time working with my friends. I am ready to meet many new friends!<br><br>
                    Role in team:<br>
                      <li>Official Accounts</li>
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        <h1 >Ge Yunlong</h1>
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/a/ac/T--DUT_China_B--GYL.jpg" style="height:50%;width:100%;" >
            <img class="photo" id='Jessie' width="250px" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/0/0d/T--GreatBay_China--shy.png" />
          <> Ge Yunglong also majors in bioengineering. He has great curiosity for new things. Though having widespread hobbies, he is not everything proficient. Optimistic and friendly, yet particular about friends, he might not be the best man you ever seen, but he is reliable—aren’t that enough for an iGEMer? </p>
            <h4>Jesse Sun</h4>
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                    Jesse is a talented figure in Shandong Experimental High School and an existing assistant for our lab project during several days in the summer holiday. Outside our project and iGEM, he says he is really good at business studies, LEGO, playing football, writing Javascript and 3D Modelling.<br><br>
                    Role in team:<br>
                      <li>Spent a week in lab: negative results paved the path to our success</li>
                      <li>Paying and attending Jamborree</li>
                      <li>Discontiunous motivation by letting us believe he is the man(for model,hardware,wiki,etc.)</li>
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        <h1 >Xu Mingxi</h1>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/f/fa/T--DUT_China_B--XMX.jpg" style="height:50%;width:100%;" >
           <> Xu Mingxi, who is a senior at Dalian University of technology and majors in automation. She is in charge of Wiki coding in the team. </p>
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            <h1 class="title">  Instructor</h1><br>
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            <h4>Boxiang Wang</h4>
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                    <div class="modal-body">Boxiang is a Research and development director of educational product of Bluepha Co.Ltd.; an experienced iGEMer who participated and leaded 7 iGEM competitions; and an unassailable avatar of the team.</div>
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          <h1 class="title"> Primary PI</h1><br>
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            <h4>Haoqian Zhang</h4>
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                    <div class="modal-body">The CTO of Bluepha</div>
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          <h1 class="title">  Secondary PI</h1><br>
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            <h4>Qiang Geng</h4>
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                    <div class="modal-body">The principal of Bluepha Lab, and the COO of Bluepha</div>
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        <h1 class="title">  Advisors</h1><br>
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        <h1 >Men Hongyi</h1>
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/8/85/T--DUT_China_B--MEN.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
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          <> a little cute from architecture major, always busy in drawing.</p>
            <img class="photo" id=’dym’ width="250px" src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/1/1c/T--GreatBay_China--dongyiming.jpg" />
            <h4>Yiming Dong</h4> 
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                    <div class="modal-body">Yiming Dong is a PHD of Beijing University Synthetic Biology.</div>
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            <h4>Xuanyu Zhao</h4>
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                    <div class="modal-body">Xuanyu Zhao is a research and development instructor of educational product of Bluepha Co.Ltd. She majors on toxin-antitoxin system in microbial in graduate degree, now an advisor of team GBC.</div>
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            <h4>Yu Li</h4>
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                    <div class="modal-body">Li Yu is a speculative designer, creative technologist and interdisciplinary researcher. Her researches the burgeoning area of advanced science and technology and speculative design. She uses design as a method of investigation, experimenting with emerging technologies and its possible implementation. Her works translate thoughts experiments and fictional narratives into tangible forms, ignite discussion on our current society and its future. She collaborates with scientists and engineers from different countries and disciplines.</div>
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            <h4>Xuan Wang</h4>
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                    <div class="modal-body">Xuan Wang is a former iGEM team leader of BNU_China 2014, a current PhD candidate in Tsinghua University and a part-time employee of Bluepha. He wants to do several beautiful science projects and to teach several potential students.</div>
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            <h4>Harry Jiang</h4>
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                    <div class="modal-body">Shan Jiang is a High schooler, goalkeeper, table tennis player, violinist, CCiC executive committee member, synthetic biology fundamentalist, leader of iGEM team RDFZ 2018 and SIAT-SCIE 2017.</div>
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        <h1 >Ma Yue</h1>
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<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/3/35/T--DUT_China_B--WY.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
            <h4>Alicia Graham</h4>
          <> Ma Yue, postgraduate of visual communication design at the School of Architecture and Art, Dalian University of Technology. Participated in the main visual design of the 70th anniversary of the university, and now serves as the editor of "China Postgraduate" magazine.</p>
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                    <div class="modal-body">A PhD candidate at Imperial College London. Loves food, wine and synbio.</div>
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          <h1 >Fantao</h1>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/b/bc/T--DLUT_China_B--Team19.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
          <p  >Dr. Yang is associate professor, master supervisor in the school of bioengineering, Dalian University of Technology. Her research focuses on (1) the structure and function of the key enzymes involved in cell wall degradation; and (2) development of antibacterial and antifungal technologies and agents; and (3) Application design of controlled release drug delivery carriers.</p>
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          <h1 >Fantao</h1>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2019/0/0c/T--DUT_China_B--KFT.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
          <p  >Dr. Kong is a Associate Professor in the school of bioengineering, Dalian University of Technology . His research interests including lipid biology and biotechnology using photosynthetic microalgae as model.</p>
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          <h1 >Fantao</h1>
<img src="https://static.igem.org/mediawiki/2018/a/af/T--DLUT_China_B--Team18.jpg" style="height:100%;width:100%;" >
          <p  >Dr. ZI is a teacher in the school of bioengineering, Dalian University of technology. She is mainly responsible for the innovative practice teaching of undergraduates.</p>
      <div class="row" style="padding-left:50px;padding-right:50px">
        <h3>Some words</h3>
        <h4>My awesome teammates! I love you all! Thank you for making this year so meaningful. It has been an honour.</h4>
      Eden: I got nothing to say.
It's crazy indeed. It's also legendary.
I would like to thank all my teammates, teachers, instructors, friends, people who have gave me courage to overcome depression, and most importantly my parents. Without you, all of you, I couldn't have attained all these fantastic achievements today.
    Lucinda: iGEM forces me to tackle challenges, communicate with my friends and families, and deal with mental workload by focusing on one thing at a time with a reasonable schedule.
    It was hard, but with passion and collaboration we persisted. Thank you to y'all!
    Charles: iGEM fascinates me in not just academic challenges, but the journey pushes me out of my comfort zone and enables me to learn new skills boldly. But the most precious treasure of iGEM is its people, every iGEMer. Million thanks to my teammates, advisors, and friends who have given me best support. Without these support I could not achieve so much potentials. Special thanks to my parents, who encouraged me and respect my every decisions.
    Wade: A special thank to all of our parents
At the end of our journey, we would like to offer our deepest thank to our parents, who had supported us unconditionally since the very beginning of the project.
Sean: Say no more.
      <!--DON'T FORGET TEMPLATE STARTS HERE BY CHARLES WEI (I wonder why I am writing this cuz only Lucinda and I will edit here.)-->
<script type="text/javascript">
  function getScrollTop(){
var scrollTop=0;
}else if(document.body){
return scrollTop;
document.onscroll = function(){
if(getScrollTop()>(map_height+170)) {
document.getElementById("sides").style.position = 'static';
</div>                <div class="visualClear"></div>
<!-- Life sucks by Lucinda Lin. Sometimes working out a template can be so goddamn hard, and it is not responsive. -->
<!-- Well life has to go on by Charles Wei. Sometimes correcting a template can be so tiring, and it is a recursive.-->

Latest revision as of 01:21, 14 December 2019


Great partner

Haobo Wang

Haobo Wang majors in environmental-engineering, yet somehow always finds himself ending up in biology labs.

Peng Feixue

a senior studying math, whose hair suffers from his major.

Chen Kaidi

a senior in Bioengineering from Dalian University of Technology, likes exploration and pursuing things she loves. Though sometimes procrastination will bring her trouble,she still tries to make everything perfect. This is her second year in iGEM, and she really appreciates the two-year experience here, which gives her the most cherish and fulfilling memory in her college time.

Pedro Brown

who is always very glad to discuss synthetic biology issues with iGEMers. iGEM requires not only a solid foundation of biology but also a rich imagination and creativity. He believes tomorrow belongs to synthetic biology. His motto: Miracle is another name for hard work.

Yin Xianqi

Yin Xianqi is an optimistic man with a simple and honest character. Being a senior and experienced in doing experiment, he undoubtedly plays an important role in the team. He is positive and motivated, never loses heart and gives up.

Zhang Yuanzhen

an iGEMer who loves researching and enjoys her second year with iGEM. She is an experienced experimenter and a much cherished asset to our team.

Zhu Jinwei

who has great passion for math as a senior student of bioengineering, and contributes much for our team’s modeling work. He can work just as well by himself.

Yang Bokai

Yang Bokai is a bioengineering senior who enjoys his life but has a contradicted feeling about wet experiments.

Zeng Weiyang

La sophomore major in bioengineering in Dalian University of Technology. He found, quite surprisingly, great pleasure in algae culturing.

Liu Yuanyuan

Liu Yuanyuan studies bioengineering. She had a hard time finding her part in the team, and now you see her, doing experiments and translating, double checking lines on wiki at the same time. Less optimistic and a lot heavier than she wants to be. And if you love MCU or Supernatural or some random TV series, she will be happy to know you.

Chen Yan

who just got into second year and majors in bioengineering. Always bright and optimistic, she enjoys novels and soap operas, living in her own world.

Liu Haodong

Liu Haodong is devoted to the experiment part of our project, mainly in charge of electroporation and algae culturing. Sometimes you will also find him sterilizing and making culture medium, or writing for wiki. Anyway, busy in team.

Ge Yunlong

Ge Yunglong also majors in bioengineering. He has great curiosity for new things. Though having widespread hobbies, he is not everything proficient. Optimistic and friendly, yet particular about friends, he might not be the best man you ever seen, but he is reliable—aren’t that enough for an iGEMer?

Xu Mingxi

Xu Mingxi, who is a senior at Dalian University of technology and majors in automation. She is in charge of Wiki coding in the team.

Men Hongyi

a little cute from architecture major, always busy in drawing.

Ma Yue

Ma Yue, postgraduate of visual communication design at the School of Architecture and Art, Dalian University of Technology. Participated in the main visual design of the 70th anniversary of the university, and now serves as the editor of "China Postgraduate" magazine.


Dr. Yang is associate professor, master supervisor in the school of bioengineering, Dalian University of Technology. Her research focuses on (1) the structure and function of the key enzymes involved in cell wall degradation; and (2) development of antibacterial and antifungal technologies and agents; and (3) Application design of controlled release drug delivery carriers.


Dr. Kong is a Associate Professor in the school of bioengineering, Dalian University of Technology . His research interests including lipid biology and biotechnology using photosynthetic microalgae as model.


Dr. ZI is a teacher in the school of bioengineering, Dalian University of technology. She is mainly responsible for the innovative practice teaching of undergraduates.