Difference between revisions of "Team:DUT China B/Parts"

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Revision as of 19:24, 20 October 2019


Composite Parts

Name Type Description Designer
BBa_K3061001 None coding VchR, Channel rhodopsins of Volvox carteri
BBa_K3061002 None coding signal peptide of Channelrhodopsin-2 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
BBa_K3061003 BBa_J52008 reporter N-rluc, N-terminal part of split Renilla luciferase
BBa_K3061004 BBa_J52008 reporter C-rluc, C-terminal part of split Renilla luciferase
BBa_K3061005 BBa_K2023009 reporter N-nanoluc, N-terminal part of split Guassia luciferase
BBa_K3061006 BBa_K2023009 reporter C-nanoluc, C-terminal part of split Guassia luciferase
BBa_K3061007 BBa_K3061001 coding fusion VchR with green fluorescent protein Clover
BBa_K3061008 BBa_K3061002 coding fusion signal peptide ChR2 with green fluorescent protein Clover
A Concentration of PhyB Concentration of PhyB Concentration of PhyB
A Concentration of PhyB Concentration of PhyB Concentration of PhyB
A Concentration of PhyB Concentration of PhyB Concentration of PhyB
A Concentration of PhyB Concentration of PhyB Concentration of PhyB
A Concentration of PhyB Concentration of PhyB Concentration of PhyB