Team:UCopenhagen/Model interactive

In order to assess if Ovulaid could realistically serve as an alternative to common ovulation tests, one needs to get an idea of how much hormone is required to trigger the color response, how much yeast is required in the chewing gum, and how long it will take for colour development. Therefore, we created an elaborate model.


Stating the problem and methodology

Problems to address
To best describe and estimate the function of the Ovulaid biosensor, we defined the following 3 problem statements that we seek to address;
1.) To estimate whether the salivary concentration of hormones can generate a significant ligand-induced response for the investigated receptors. If not, what is the lowest concentration of the hormone that can be detected?

2.) To estimate whether the biosensor can distinguish between the base and peak level concentrations of the hormones in the saliva to directly point at the events in the menstrual cycle. How long the gum must be chewed to see a distinct change? Alternatively, how precise should a camera be to be able to distinguish between base and peak level of hormones for a given time period of chewing?

3.) To estimate how the decay rate of yeast and the concentration of substrate in the gum influence the colored catalysis product build-up.

The foundation of our model
To address these problems we formulated our system by numerical integration of ODEs using MATLAB R2019a offered by MathWorks. From this, we were able to derive the concentration of all molecular species at multiple time points and estimate the answers.
We based our model on similar models, already described in the literature. There are existing ordinary differential equations (ODE) models on the endogenous yeast pheromone pathway2, 3, also newer ODE model for biased agonism dynamics of a G protein-coupled receptor4, and models that study the intricate changes in individual components like Gβγ1. We used these existing models as a foundation to design a similar model, but one that is specific for the Ovulaid biosensor.

System Description

The formulation of our set of ODEs is based on a top-down approach from ligand binding to receptors, which activates a signal transduction cascade that ultimately activates gene expression.
When a ligand (estradiol, LH) binds the receptor (GPER, Hu-LHCGR, XLHCGR), the Gα subunit (GPA1-Gαs, GPA1-Gαi) undergoes a conformational change, which causes the Gβγ subunits (Ste4: Ste18) to dissociate. The now released Gβγ then activates a downstream MAPK cascade. The MAPK cascade amplifies and transduces the response from the receptor activation22 by a series of phosphorylation steps, resulting in activation of a transcription factor (Ste12) that then translocates from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and ultimately binds to the promoter of the gene encoding the enzyme (DOPA 4,5-dioxygenase) and activates transcription. Upon transcription and translation, the enzyme catalyzes the substrate (L-DOPA) into the coloured product (Betalains). In Figure 1, we show a representation of our modelling setup, incorporating the assumptions and simplifications written in the paragraph below.

Figure 1: Representation of our modelling setup. Each biochemical species is stated along with its mode of interaction with other species. The curved arrow represent the catalysis reaction while X2* initiates the transcription and the translation of the reporter module (DOPA 4,5-dioxygenase)

Assumptions and simplifications

In formulating the model we made the following assumptions and simplifications:

1.) We assumed that the receptor may be under its inactive conformation R. Furthermore, a receptor may bind to G protein G, and activation of the receptor may cause G to dissociate and undergo the G protein cycle.

2.) We assume the total concentrations (free molecule plus bound molecule) of Receptor, G-protein components, and MAPK components to stay at a constant equilibrium level since the expression of all components in our refactored yeast cells are driven through constitutive promoters, not pheromone-inducible ones. This is mentioned in detail in the project design tab under chassis construction. We thus neglect all feedback signalling between the MAPK activated genes and the upstream signalling components. Moreover, any autoregulatory feedback that Ste12 has via its native promoter is anyhow positive and thus would only strengthen the signalling. This is also done to keep the model simple to prevent unnecessary error propagation from having excessively many ODEs with possibly weakly estimated or even unknown parameters due to experimental limitations and complicated numerical estimations.

3.) The explicit distinction between concentrations in the cytosol and inside of the nucleus are neglected for the sake of simplicity.

4.) Spontaneous receptor activation is neglected, as it is only assumed to happen very rarely compared to ligand-induced activation.

5.) We assume that the ligand concentration in the saliva can be treated as a constant for a certain time scope. This is justified by the notion that even though salivary concentrations of the ligand may be low, the binding of a few ligand molecules to the receptors would make a local dilution of the ligand. The volumetric excess of saliva compared to gum together with the continuous renewal and mixing will smear out any spatial inhomogeneity. This assumption, however, is only true when looking at the time scope of hours, while it would vary over the time scale of a month due to the female reproductive cycle.

6.) Shaw et al. 20191 simplifies the rephosphorylation of the G-alpha unit by assuming the responsible kinase and cellular phosphate concentrations to stay at a constant level. We thus treat the rate of G-alpha rephosphorylation; simply as a constant time the concentration of G-alpha.

7.) As the yeast MAPK pathway and its downstream effects are quite complicated, we simplify it based on Shaw et al. 2019. The interaction of Gβγ with Ste5 and subsequent recruitment of the MAPK cascade (Ste11, Ste7 and Fus3) is represented as an artificial enzyme X1, which is dormant unless activated by binding of Gβγ, in which case it is labelled X1*. X1* then phosphorylates the transcription factor STE12 labelled X2 to its active state X2*, which in turn binds to the inducible promoter pFIG1 to initiate the transcription and translation of the reporter module.

8.) We have made assumptions for the binding of the activated transcription factor to the promoter and the catalysis of the substrate to the reporter. We assume that the binding and unbinding happens sufficiently fast as that these processes can be treated by their equilibrium equations (especially, when we simulate in time units of minutes. See point 11.). More specifically, this means that promoter activity is expressed as a rate constant times its bound fraction and that the enzymatic activity of the reporter-enzyme is treated as Michaelis Menten kinetics. This was done as it allows for better parameter estimations from literature. Apart from this everything is written as kinetic equations and is thus not assumed to be at equilibrium.

9.) We approximated transcription and translation to happen at a constant rate, that we estimated from the time it would take a single RNA polymerase/ribosome to respectively transcribe/translate a gene/ mRNA of a given length. We assume that the RNA polymerase is bound with a probability being equal to the bound fraction of X2* to the promoter and that the ribosome is always bound to a free mRNA.

10.) We treat the movement of substrate and reporter in and out of the cell as describable by a simple diffusion equation. In this respect, the surface area of the cells are taken to be constant and the substrate and the reporter are assumed to be uniformly distributed throughout the gum. Again this is done to keep the model simple and because we would first need to experimentally determine exactly how the yeast cells would treat the cross-membrane transport of substrate and reporter.

11.) We incorporated two different models with respect to the diffusion wherein 1. We take the diffusion of the substrate into account such that the concentration of substrate inside the cell and in the gum varies with time 2. The diffusion occurs so quick that the concentration of substrate inside the yeast stays constant over time as we assume that the concentration of substrate in the gum is so high compared to what is taken up by the yeast that it too stays constant over time.

12.) We assume the yeast cells to be identical with respect to internal levels of molecules and molecular rates. This is done for the sake of simplicity but is also largely justified by the assumption that the yeast all come from the same strain, and the assumption that the ligand, substrate, and reporter are at any time uniformly distributed in the gum.

13.) When treating the total amount of reporter produced, we assume that the reporter can be seen evenly if it is located in the gum itself or inside of a cell in the gum. Thus, the total reporter concentration would be equal to the amount of reporter produced summed over all cells. We thus assume that the reporter does not diffuse away from the gum during chewing. We are well aware that this is a strong assumption, but we find the issue too complicated to include in a mathematical model given the complexity of physical deformation of the gum and gum-saliva-mixing while chewing. Instead, we would like to make an estimate of how big a percentage of reporter would be lost during chewing and then use this estimate in our judgement whether we have enough reporter or not.

14.) We know that the density of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in YPD is 2e+8 cells/mL. It was considered that the yeast cells are dried and then incorporated into the chewing medium wherein we assume that the volume YPD medium is replaced by the volume of chewing gum medium. In the model, the cells are assumed to not divide for the sake of simplicity and moreover, since yeast would be in a dried state in the chewing gum before taken into the mouth and thus it is not in a proliferative state initially. We also assume that the total volume of yeast cells is much lower than the total volume of Gum.

Ordinary differential equations

Taking the above assumptions and simplifications into account, our system consists of:
• 4 receptor states
• 4 non-receptor bound G-protein states
• 4 signal transduction states
• 2 reporter gene expression states
• 5 substrate and the product diffusion state
• 1 state for yeast number
This amounts to a total of 20 ODEs. The model outputs the changes in the concentrations of each individual element with time, while the individual kinetic rate constants, the lowercase k, along with _plus and _minus, was used to denote forward and backward reactions.
Click to download the MATLAB file.

$$1: \frac{d[R]}{dt}= kL_-[LR] - kL_+[L][R]+kG_-[GR]-kG_+[R][G]$$ $$2: \frac{d[LR]}{dt}= -kL_-[LR] + kL_+[L][R]+kG_-[LGR]-kG_+[LR][G] +k_{GTP+}[LGR]$$ $$3: \frac{d[GR]}{dt}= kL_-[LGR] - kL_+[L][GR] - kG_-[GR] + kG_+[R][G]$$ $$4: \frac{d[LGR]}{dt}= -kL_-[LGR]+kL_+[L][GR]-kG_-[LGR]+kG_+[LR][G]-k_{GTP+}[LGR]$$ $$5: \frac{d[G]}{dt}= kG_-[GR]-kG_+[R][G]+kG_-[LGR]-kG_+[LR][G]-k_{GRA-}[G]+k_{GRA+}[a_{GDP}][bg]$$ $$6: \frac{d[a_{GDP}]}{dt}= -k_{hyd-}[a_{GDP}]+k_{hyd+}[a_{GTP}]+k_{GRA-}[G]-k_{GRA+}[a_{GDP}][bg]$$ $$7: \frac{d[a_{GTP}]}{dt}= k_{hyd-}[a_{GDP}]-k_{hyd+}[a_{GTP}]+k_{GTP+}[LGR]$$ $$8: \frac{d[bg]}{dt}= k_{GRA-}[G]-k_{GRA+}[a_{GDP}][bg]+k_{GTP+}[LGR]-k_{X1+}[bg][X1]+k_{X1-}[X1_*]$$ $$9: \frac{d[X1]}{dt}= k_{X1-}[X1^*]-k_{X1+}[bg][X1]$$ $$10: \frac{d[X1^*]}{dt}= -k_{X1-}[X1^*]+k_{X1+}[bg][X1]$$ $$11: \frac{d[X2]}{dt}= k_{X2-}[X2^*]-k_{X2+}[X1^*][X2]$$ $$12: \frac{d[X2^*]}{dt}= k_{X2+}[X1^*][X2]-k_{X2-}[X2^*]$$ $$13: \frac{d[m_E]}{dt}= \frac{\alpha_{transcription}[X2^*]}{[X2^*]+K_D}-\gamma_{mC}[m_E]$$ $$14: \frac{d[p_E]}{dt}= \alpha_{translation}[m_E]-\gamma_{pC}[pE]$$

The model downstream was run with two different alternative strategies wherein 1. Without diffusion, we use equation 19 to calculate the amount of product produced in units of moles while treating the substrate concentration as constant. We do this as diffusion of substrate and product between yeast and gum are assumed to happen instantaneously and the volume of the gum much larger than the total volume of yeast. 2. With diffusion Equation 15 to 19 are included to model the diffusion of substrate and product between yeast and gum

$$15: \frac{d[C_{in}]}{dt}= -P_{yeast}([C_{in}]-[C_{out}])-\frac{k_{cat}[p_E][C_{in}]}{K_M+[C_{in}]}-\gamma_{Cin}[C_{in}]$$ $$16: \frac{d[C_{out}]}{dt}= N_{yeast}P_{gum}([C_{in}]-[C_{out}])-\gamma_{Cout}[C_{out}]$$ $$17: \frac{d[C^*_{in}]}{dt}= -P_{yeast}([C^*_{in}]-[C^*_{out}])+\frac{k_{cat}[p_E][C_{in}]}{K_M+[C_{in}]}-[\gamma_{C*in}][C^*_{in}]$$ $$18: \frac{d[C^*_{out}]}{dt}= N_{yeast}P_{gum}([C^*_{in}]-[C^*_{out}])-\gamma_{C*out}[C^*_{out}]$$ $$19: \frac{dC^*_{tot}}{dt}= N_{yeast}V_{yeast}\frac{k_{cat}[p_E][C_{in}]}{K_M+[C_{in}]}-\gamma_{C*out}[C^*_{out}]$$ $$20: \frac{dN_{yeast}}{dt}= -\gamma_{yeast}N_{yeast}$$

The set of base parameters, including initial species concentrations used for the simulations can be found below. Parameter values were qualitatively fit through scientific literature while retaining source values when possible.

Parameter Meaning Values Source
kLH+ LH binding rate 2.17E+06 M-1 s-1 Gospodarowicz 19736
kLH- LH unbinding rate 2.46E-03 s-1 Gospodarowicz 19736
kE2+ E2 binding rate 1.3E+06 M-1 s-1 Rich et al. 2002 7
kE2- E2 unbinding rate 1.2E−03 s-1 Rich et al. 20027
kG+ G protein binding rate 1.00E+08 M-1 s-1 Bridge et al. 20105
kG- G protein unbinding rate 1.00E-01 s-1 Bridge et al. 20105
kGRA+ G protein re-association rate 7.00E+08 M-1 s-1 Shaw et al. 20191
kGRA- G protein dissociation rate 1.30E-03 s-1 Bridge et al. 20105
kHYD+ Hydrolysis rate of GαGTP 1.00E-04 s-1 Bridge et al. 20105
kHYD- Exchange rate of GTP to GDP at Gα 1.00E-04 s-1 Bridge et al. 20105
kGTP+ RG dissociation rate 1.00E-02 s-1 Shaw et al. 20191
kX1+ X1 activation rate to X1* 2.00E+03 M-1s-1 Shaw et al. 20191
kX1- X1* inactivation rate to X1 2.00E-04 s-1 Shaw et al. 20191
kX2+ X2 activation rate to X2* 2.00E+03 M-1s-1 Shaw et al. 20191
kX2- X2* inactivation rate to X2 2.00E-04 s-1 Shaw et al. 20191
KdTF Dissociation constant of TF to the promoter 100e-9 Fitted Le et al., 201820
αTranscription Transcription rate 5 bp s-1 Fitted Maiuri et al., 201115
γmC Degradation rate of mRNA 1.925E-3 s-1 Fitted Martin-Perez and Villén, 201711
αTranslation Translation rate 6.6 bp s-1 Fitted Ikemura 198512, Percudani et al. 199713 and Akashi 200314
γpC Degradation rate of peptide 1.925E-4 s-1 Fitted Martin-Perez and Villén, 201711
γyeast Rate of yeast cell death 1.00E-02 s-1 Fitted Ovulaid, 2019
LengthReporter gene Reporter gene length 804 bp Grewal et al., 201810
KM Michaelis–Mentens constant reporter catalysis 17e-06 M Fitted Kovaleva, Rogers and Lipscomb, 201521
kcat Rate of catalysis of L-DOPA to Betalains 10.6 s Fitted Kovaleva, Rogers and Lipscomb, 201521
Rtot Total receptor concentration 1e-06 M Hao et al., 200324
Gtot Total G protein concentration 1e-06 M Hao et al., 200324
LSalivaLH- LH concentration at basal level in saliva 17.2 pmol/L Saibaba et al., 201719
LSalivaLH+ LH concentration at peak in saliva 512.31 pmol/L Ersyari, Wihardja and Dardjan, 20148
LSalivaE2+ Estrogen concentration at peak in saliva 40 pmol/L Chiappin et al., 200716
LSalivaE2- Estrogen concentration at basal level in saliva 20.6 pmol/l Chiappin et al., 200716
LSalivaPR+ Progesterone concentration at peak 436 pmol/l Chiappin et al., 200716
LSalivaPR- Progesterone concentration at basal levels 22.1 pmol/l Chiappin et al., 200716
LSerumE2+ Estrogen concentration at peak in serum 200-500 pg/mL Carmina and Lobo, 200923
LSerumE2- Estrogen concentration at basal level in serum 20 to 80 pg/mL Carmina and Lobo, 200923
X1tot Total X1 concentration 2.5E-07 M
Fitted Shaw et al. 2019 to Shao et al. 200612
X2tot Total X2 concentration 2.5E-07 M
Fitted Shaw et al. 2019 to Shao et al. 200612
Ctot Substrate concentration 1E-06 M Fitted, Ovulaid 2019
DE2 Diffusion coefficient of estradiol 5.18E-6 cm2/s Land, Li and Bummer, 200617
DBetalain Diffusion coefficient of betalain extraction 18.95E−11 m2/s Xu et al., 201518
PGum= 1000*DAYeast/TPMV gum Concentration flux parameter for diffusion in &/or out of the gum (factor 1000 is for unit conversion between m^3 and L) 2.5147e-06 s-1 Fitted, Ovulaid 2019
PYeast= 1000*DAYeast/TPMV gum Concentration flux parameter for diffusion in &/or out of the yeast (factor 1000 is for unit conversion between m^3 and L) 2.9241e+04 s-1 Fitted, Ovulaid 2019
TPMYeast Thickness of yeast plasma membrane 7.1 nm Schneiter et al., 199925
AYeast Surface area of yeast 9.4219e-11 m 2 Powell, 200326
Vgum Volume of gum in Liters 1E-03 L Fitted, Ovulaid 2019
Vyeast Volume of yeast cells in Liters 86E-15 L Fitted M. Milani et al 19989

Table 1

Simulation Results

Determining steady states
We seek to find the steady state for each biochemical species considered in our project which is the receptors constituents and the downstream pathway elements. These steady states are prior to ligand induction and the exceptions are; the reporter substrate, product and yeast number.
To do so, the system was simulated until the relative difference between the latest concentration of each considered species and the concentration just before that point was less than 1e-10 (Equation 21). We then saved the last found values for a steady-state and used it as an initial condition for all later simulations. This procedure, to determine steady states, was repeated for each receptor (GPER and LHCGR) respectively.

Relative difference = (A(i) - A(i-1))/ A(i-1) < 1e-10 (Equation 21)

Here, A specifies arbitrary species and i specifies time index. It is noted that both of the receptors had quite similar affinities towards the ligand since the dissociation constant for both the receptor have a similar order of magnitude (KdER: 9.2308e-10 and KdLH:1.1336e-09). Since the signal transduction pathway for both the Estrogen- and the LH receptor is the same, we don’t expect any big differences between the two to arise, except due to the different concentrations of Estrogen and LH.

Salivary hormone concentrations are sufficient for color production
For ligand induction, it was evident that picomolar concentrations of hormones are enough to induce a response, which corresponds to the salivary levels. We then simulated the system at basal level concentration (E2:20.6 pmol/L and LH:17.2 pmol/L) and the peak level concentration (E2:40 pmol/L and LH:512.31 pmol/L for both ligands without taking the diffusion of the substrate and the product into account. This yielded results that showed that the biosensor has a significant ligand-induced constitutive expression even at the basal level of hormones which would lead to the production of a colored product (Figure 2-5 & Figure 8-11).

Hormone level change would be easily measurable for LH receptor
For the biosensor to give a conclusive result, it is extremely important for a reporter module of the biosensor to be able to distinguish between the basal level and the peak level of the hormones.
For estrogen, it is difficult to differentiate between the reporter module expression at basal and peak levels because the concentration of ligand only undergoes a 2-fold change during the menstrual cycle (Figure 6). This means, that even though we would have colour production, the color-change would not be measurable, as seen in Table 2.
For LH on the other hand, the concentration of ligand has a 29-fold increase at the peak level when compared with the basal level (Figure 12). Therefore, a clear distinction can be made in the reporter gene expression as seen in Table 2. The model suggests that the LHCGR based biosensor can clearly indicate the change in hormonal levels such that the biosensor can be used to point at the events in the menstrual cycle (Figure 14). It is important to note that even low concentration of ligands are enough for the biosensor to produce colour if kept active for long enough.

Hormone Concentration (pmol/L) Amount coloured product (~*10-5moles) 60 mins Amount coloured product (~*10-5moles) 120 mins Amount coloured product (~*10-5moles) 180 mins
Estrogen Base: 20.6 0.25 1.75 5.10
Peak: 40 0.25 2.25 5.50
LH Base: 17.2 0.20 1.75 5.00
Peak: 512.31 0.75 3.10 7.00

Table 2

Mobile camera will determine the necessary time for color development
An important parameter for the biosensor to work is the change in the reporter expression over time, and the change in reporter expression will be measured as a color-change. From the table above, it can be seen that this change happens approx. linearly (Figure 6, 12 & 14).
The measuring device for the color-change will be a mobile application, that works by a camera. The resolution of this camera will, therefore, determine the lower boundary for how long the biosensor should be activated by hormones to produce a measurable color-change.

Diffusion of color across the membrane assumed to happen instantly
We first tried to run our model with the diffusion of substrate and reporter product across the cell membrane, but the simulation gave unreliable results due to diffusion happening almost instantly (Figure 15). When simulated over a really small dt, it showed that the concentration inside and outside the cell are equilibrated instantly. We, therefore, went on to use our model without diffusion. In this model, we assume that the intracellular concentrations are instantly equilibrated with the outside medium, as validated by the mentioned observation (Figure 2-14). We also assume that the outside concentrations are so high, that the intracellular concentrations of the substrate can be taken as a constant. This assumption was also validated in the model that took diffusion into account was run at an artificially low rate, but still close to instant diffusion rates as long as the total volume of yeast cells were much lower than the total volume of the gum.

Yeast Cell death and substrate concentration simulation
It is important to highlight that the concentration of substrate and the number of yeast cells are two arbitrary values that can be modulated depending upon the strategy employed for the implementation of the biosensor as a diagnostic tool. The above simulations assume no death of yeast and no decay of substrate or product (Figure 2-14). This corresponds to having our biosensor in a closed system (Eppendorf). In order to simulate the gum, we wanted to include the death of yeast and decay of substrate and product. We performed the yeast survivability assay in collaboration with the Danish chewing gum company Fertin Pharma which showed that we must expect the yeast to survive the salivary conditions but at the same time the loss in yeast cells due to chewing cannot be ignored. It was difficult to quantify the decay constant in time experimentally and we were not successful. The model for LH peak level value was however simulated with an estimated decay constants to show the correlation between the change in the coloured product concentration and the yeast decay rate wherein the decay rate of 1E-02 saturates the colour at 2.75*10-8 moles in around 10 minutes, while the decay rate of 1E-04 shows a curve reaching approximately 3.50*10-5 moles in 3 hours (Figure 16).

In the future, we would need to experimentally determine conditions such as sufficient substrate concentration and yeast decay, which we were only able to approximate for the current version of this model. Given these constant, we could finetune the system in its entirety to fit the biosensor in the diagnostic tool (Figure 16).


Figure 2: The concentration (uM) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of GPCR constituents at the basal levels (left, 20pmol/L) and the peak levels (right, 40pmol/L) of estrogen respectively.

Figure 3: The concentration (uM) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of heterotrimeric constituents (G protein, Gα subunits: G_αGDP, G_αGTP and Gβγ)at the basal levels (left, 20pmol/L) and the peak levels (right, 40pmol/L ) of estrogen respectively.

Figure 4: The concentration (uM) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of activated MAPK (X1^*) and the activated transcription factor (X2^*) at the basal levels (left, 20pmol/L) and the peak levels (right, 40pmol/L ) of estrogen respectively.

Figure 5: The concentration (uM) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of transcription (mE) and the translation (pE) when the activated transcription factor (X2^*) binds to the promoter pFIG1 and initiates the expression of reporter module; at the basal levels (left, 20pmol/L) and the peak levels (right, 40pmol/L ) of estrogen respectively.

Figure 6: The concentration (moles*10^-5) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of coloured catalysis product (C^*_total) at the basal levels (left, 20pmol/L) and the peak levels (right, 40pmol/L ) of estrogen respectively.

Figure 7: The no. of yeast cells (*10^8) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation yeast decay rate that was considered to be 0 for the first simulation with the basal levels (left, 20pmol/L) and the peak levels (right, 40pmol/L ) of estrogen respectively.

Luteinizing hormone

Figure 8: The concentration (uM) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of GPCR constituents at the basal levels (left, 17.2pmol/L) and the peak levels (right, 512.31pmol/L) of LH respectively.

Figure 9: The concentration (uM) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of heterotrimeric constituents (G protein, Gα subunits: G_αGDP, G_αGTP and Gβγ)at the basal levels (left, 17.2pmol/L) and the peak levels (right, 512.31pmol/L ) of LH respectively.

Figure 10: The concentration (uM) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of activated MAPK (X1^*) and the activated transcription factor (X2^*) at the basal levels (left, 17.2pmol/L) and the peak levels (right, 512.31pmol/L ) of LH respectively.

Figure 11: The concentration (uM) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of transcription (mE) and the translation (pE) when the activated transcription factor (X2^*) binds to the promoter pFIG1 and initiates the expression of reporter module; at the basal levels (left, 17.2pmol/L) and the peak levels (right, 512.31pmol/L ) of LH respectively.

Figure 12: The concentration (moles*10^-5) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of coloured catalysis product (C^*_total) at the basal levels (left, 17.2pmol/L) and the peak levels (right, 512.31pmol/L ) of LH respectively.

Figure 13: The no. of yeast cells (*10^8) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation yeast decay rate that was considered to be 0 for the first simulation with the basal levels (left, 17.2pmol/L) and the peak levels (right, 512.31pmol/L ) of LH respectively.

Comparison of biosensor activity of hormones at basal levels and peak levels

Figure 14: The The concentration (moles*10^7) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of coloured catalysis product; at the basal levels (Estrogen:20pmol/L, LH:17.2pmol/L) and the peak levels (Estrogen: 40pmol/L, LH:512.31pmol/L) consecutively.

Diffusion of substrate and colored catalysis product

Figure 15: The concentration (uM) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of the diffusion of substrate (C_in, C_out) and colored catalysis product (C^*_in, C^*_out) across the cell membrane, showing that the diffusion happens almost instantly.

Yeast decay rate

Figure 16: Top left: The concentration (moles*10^-8) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of the colored catalysis product (C^*_total) under the condition where yeast decay rate is 1E-02. Top right: The yeast cell number (*10^8) v/s time (mins) showing the decrease in total yeast cells with time accounting for the loss of yeast at the yeast decay rate of 1E-02. Bottom left: The concentration (moles*10^-5) v/s time (mins) graph comparing the simulation of the colored catalysis product (C^*_total) under the condition where the yeast decay rate is 1E-04. Bottom right: The yeast cell number (*10^8) v/s time (mins) showing the decrease in total yeast cells with time accounting for the loss of yeast at the yeast decay rate of 1E-04.


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We are Ovulaid: a team of 13 students from the University of Copenhagen working on a novel ovulation detection system, using synthetic biology.

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