All modeling and software components were executed by team members.
General Support
We consulted Dr. Paula Desplats, Dr. Weg Ongkeko, Dr. Nisarg Shah, and Dr. Jason Kreisberg for experimental design. We consulted Dr. Sicun Gao for algorithm design.
Financial Support
We thank the generous support of the Center for Neurologic Studies (CNS), Mei Pharma, the Cancer Cell Map Initiative (CCMI), the IDEA Engineering Student Center, the Institute of Engineering in Medicine (IEM), the UCSD Bioengineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science and Engineering Departments, the UCSD Office of Student Affairs and Office of Research Affairs, the UCSD Associated Student (AS), Dr. John Watson, Minherng Tsai, Joseph Tsai, Mingxuan Zheng, Wei Li, Jaideep Chakladar, Lindsay Wong, and Aditi Gnanashekar.