
We are the inaugural team at The Ohio State University, a crack team of eight undergraduates with diverse backgrounds and oodles of personality. We first came together as a group in January of 2019. In May 2019 we chose our Maizotroph project and commenced this harrowing adventure. Unless otherwise stated, all our experiments, parts, wiki, and results were done with our own 16 hands.

General Support

Thank you to Dr. Brian Ahmer who started and recruited students to start the inaugural team iGEM at Ohio State. He secured funding that supported our team registration, travel to the Jamboree and research supplies. The Ohio State University does not teach an iGEM or synthetic biology class so he gave us an introduction to microbial genetics in weekly meetings throughout the spring semester. We did all our lab work in his laboratory.

Thank you to Marissa Sumathipala for her mentoring, weekly check-ins, and wiki review.

Thank you to Sam Malloy and Robbie Ward from the Battelle Center for Science, Engineering and Public Policy at OSU for their advice on ideation and fundraising, their extensive network, and their workspace in Page Hall.

Laboratory Support

Thank you to Dr. Anice Sabag-Daigle for her expertise and technical support. She was our daily supervisor in the lab and also provided us with safety training. She helped with data visualization and with troubleshooting our characterization. She also connected the team to St. Joseph Montessori School and provided support during our outreach program there.

Thank you to Andrew Schietwers and Erin Connors for their expertise and frequent technical support in the lab.

We also benefited from consulting with Dr. Justin North (regarding nitrogenase) and Erin Gloag (regarding transformations).

Human Practices Support

For more information everyone we worked with on our Human Practices please visit our Human Practices page.