Template:Jilin China/Att C.js


* @authors lhx 
* @date    2019-05-30 16:25:38
* @version 1.1

var content_alpha = { prospect:{ title:"Attribution" }, part: [{ title: "PI", para: [

{ type: "word", cont: "We feel more than grateful to Drs. Ali Hou, Yang Zhan and Yan Chen for their constructive suggestions for our project and the guidance throughout the whole process of the experiment.", class: "np5" },


}, { title: "Advisor", para: [

{ type: "word", cont: "We want to thank our advisor Zhijie Gu for his contribution to the designing stage of our project and the guidance provided for the experiment. He also participated in HP and the interview with Ding Shang of New Asiatic Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (Shanghai, China).", class: "np5" },


}, { title: "Team accomplishment", para: [

{ type: "word", cont: "All the members of our team are involved in the project. The details of attribution are as follows:", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Design and experiments of therapeutic system-MSP1.", class: "np2"


{ type: "word", cont: "Done by Shuyuan Zhang, Yingying Huang and Chenxu Tan.", class: "np5" }, { type: "pic", maxClass:"max6", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--att--1.jpg", pre: 100, }

] }, { type: "word", cont: "Design and experiments of therapeutic system-beta-1,3-Glucanase.", class: "np2" }, { type: "word", cont: "Done by Xiaoyu Zhao, Jingyi Lyu and Weizhuo Guo.", class: "np5" }, { type: "pic", maxClass:"max6", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--att--8.jpg", pre: 100, }

] },

{ type: "word", cont: "Design and experiments of therapeutic system-LL37.", class: "np2" }, { type: "word", cont: "Done by Chang Yang, Yi Yang and Ke Lin.", class: "np5" }, { type: "pic", maxClass:"max6", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--att--7.jpg", pre: 100, }

] },

{ type: "word", cont: "Design and experiments of therapeutic system-BDSF.", class: "np2" },{ type: "word", cont: "Done by Yu Ma and Zhanyan Zhang.", class: "np5" }, { type: "pic", maxClass:"max6", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--att--6.jpg", pre: 100, }

] },

{ type: "word", cont: "Design and experiments of suicide system.", class: "np2" },{ type: "word", cont: "Done by Ziang Guo, Kaixin Zhang and Yining Zhang.", class: "np5" }, { type: "pic", maxClass:"max6", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--att--5.jpg", pre: 100, }

] },

{ type: "word", cont: "Model design", class: "np2" }, { type: "word", cont: "Done by Lishuwei Cao, Zhanyan Zhang, Kaixin Zhang, Shuyuan Zhang, Yingying Huang and Chenxu Tan.", class: "np5" }, { type: "pic", maxClass:"max6", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--att--4.jpg", pre: 100, }

] },{ type: "word", cont: "Wiki", class: "np2" },{ type: "word", cont: "Done by Haixin Luan.", class: "np5" }, { type: "pic", maxClass:"max6", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--att--2.jpg", pre: 100, }

] },

{ type: "word", cont: "Art design", class: "np2" },

{ type: "word", cont: "Done by Kaixin Zhang.", class: "np5" }, { type: "pic", maxClass:"max6", cont: [{ num: 1, adress: "T--Jilin_China--att--3.jpg", pre: 100, }

] }, { type: "word", cont: "Human Practices and Public Engagement.", class: "np2" }, { type: "word", cont: "Done by Yi Yang and Chenxu Tan were designed our HP works and activities. Besides, all of our team members participated the HP construction and Public propaganda.", class: "np5" },{ type: "word", cont: "Design and experiments of improvement.", class: "np2" }, { type: "word", cont: "Done by Yu Ma and Ziang Guo.", class: "np5" },


} ,{ title: "Support", para: [

{ type: "word", cont: "Special thanks to all the people who have kindly offered us assistance and support to help us carry out our project successfully.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "General Support", class: "np2" }, { type: "word", cont: "We sincerely appreciate National Engineering Laboratory for AIDS Vaccine, School of Life Sciences of Jilin University for their great support in the iGEM competition.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Technique Support", class: "np2" },

{ type: "word", cont: "Dr. Lingjun Meng provided us with a single shaker for Candida albicans experiments and operating instructions as well as operation training.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Dr. Jiaxin Wu provided guidance for the use of fluorescence spectrophotometer.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Dr. Jiutong Ma and Ph.D candidate Xuan Wang provided guidance for the operation of HPLC.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Ph.D candidate Fange Kong provided us with Oxford cups and guidance for antimicrobial experiment.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Dr. Tiejun Gu and Mrs. Xiangyu Meng provided guidance on the use of basic instruments and safety standards for instrument operation. ", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Material and Apparatus Support", class: "np2" }, { type: "word", cont: "Ocean University of China afforded DL500 DNA Marker to us.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Mrs. Xinghong Zhao ordered reagents for us.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Dr. Shizhong Mao provided us with five 50-ml volumetric flasks.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Ph.D candidate Danyang Ge provided SDS-PAGE instruments and reagents which were suitable for small molecule proteins.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Other Support", class: "np2" }, { type: "word", cont: "Gene sequencing and primer synthesis were done by Comate Bioscience Co. Ltd (Changchun, China).", class: "np5" } , { type: "word", cont: "Gene synthesis was done by Genscript Biotechnology Co. Ltd (Nanjing, China).", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Mr. Ji Tan from Pudong New Area Market Supervision & Administration Bureau (Shanghai, China) introduced us to New Asiatic Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (Shanghai).", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Hetian Yuan helped us get in touch with the chief physician of Jilin Women and Child Health Hospital for visiting.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Xinyan Liu and Jiewen Xu took some pictures for us.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Jiabao Li (Xi’an Jiaotong University) offered help to our market forecasting model.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Rongzhen Yu offered help to our wiki and art design.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "We want to thank Drs. Zongxiang Leng, Hongyu Xiang, Xianghui Yu, Yanyan Li, Yinqiu Cui, Feng Gao, Tianmin Xu and Mr. Shangding for accepting our interviews. Click here for further information.", class: "np5" }, { type: "word", cont: "Thanks for the teams which completed the collaborative works together with us. Further information please click here. Click here for further information.", class: "np5" }



