


Since our project is based on the database, our project's first step is to collect data from multiple databases. From the very beginning, we took a look on the results of IGEM competition in 2018. Luckily, we found that the UESTC team had already done the work of collecting data from various databases to build their project, BioMaster.

Figure 1: UESTC biomaster

Our work is built on the database, and UESTC-Software does a great job on the database, so we proposed collaboration with them. From their project, we predicted some prominent promoters and matched the resulting promoters to our corresponding responses, and the resulting responses would be based on our recommended algorithm to analyze metabolic balance in our model. Their results predict great output on our model, and we link the results to their database to validate and refine their projects.

Figure 2: Communicating with UESTC

Through the way of developing the project, we also contributed our biobricks to their project which they might need. Their project was updated as well. During the process of our communication, both of our project were upgraded. This kind of cooperation is profound and coordinated in software engineering, which significantly enhances the user experience.


In June, we visited SYSU and had a meeting with their iGEM team members. We communicated with our team projects and gave helpful suggestions to each other. We stated that our work to optimize our database, which was at a grand scale and then linking the output to FBA’s input. However, the students and professor from SYSU pointed out that our idea about optimizing massive databases was not targeted for Synthetic Biology. There was a bias that our work done to optimize the databases will distract us from designing FBA workflow and its efficiency.

Figure 3: Meeting between SYSU team

Mutually, we listened to their project carefully, asked several questions, and had an overall understanding. Knowing that their work would relate to the calculation of Metabolic equilibrium analysis, we recommended our project, and they said they would be glad to use our software.


We also helped a girl from the SDU who had trouble in creating animation by software during the time when we attended the CCIC meeting.


The USTC team is the other team of our school, which focuses on biology, and most of their members majored in biology. Therefore, we communicate a lot throughout the whole project.

Figure 4: Having a meeting with USTC team

Our team, together with the USTC team, has conducted a 4-day experimental training in the lab, which aims at helping more students to use our tools effectively and efficiently. Although most of our software team members majored in computer science, we know more clearly about how the basic experiment is conducted and what we can do to help synthetic biology researchers to improve their working efficiency through the process of doing biology experiments.

Figure 5: Conducting experimental training

What's more, Pengcen Jiang, a member form the USTC team, has helped us how to use cobra tools and gave us a lot of suggestions on how to convert our data into practical meaning.

After having built our project, we invite the USTC team to test our tools. They give us a lot of advice on how to upgrade our project. Thanks for their feedback.