

/* By keeping all of the definitions in one place, we can use them across multiple pages instead of redefining words (inconsistently) every time they appear */

var definitions = [ ['lorem ipsum', 'a commonly employed block of mock-text that is used to critque the typography of a webpage'], ['platea', 'a word that Prabhu thinks is cool'], ['duo', 'a pair of two'], ['id', 'the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest as theorized by Sigmund Freud'], ['sit', 'a physical command commonly given to dogs'], ['sed', 'a Spanish word meaning \"thirst\"'],

   ['protein', 'a biological thing'],
   ['pheophorbide','a compound occuring in chlorophyll\'s degradation pathway notable for its photosensitizing effects'],
   ['agronomist','a scientist who develops methods that will improve the use of soil and increase the production of food and fiber crops.'],
   ['agronomists','a scientist who develops methods that will improve the use of soil and increase the production of food and fiber crops.'],
   ['photosensitizer','a molecule that produces a chemical change in another molecule in a photochemical process.'],
   ['mycelial','the vegetative part of a fungus or fungus-like bacterial colony'],
   ['minimum inhibitory concentration', 'lowest concentration of an antibacterial agent necessary to inhibit visible growth'],
   ['acid-activated clays','a chemical treatment method which is currently the industry standard for purifying canola oil'],
   ['yOIL','iGEM Calgary\'s all-encompassing solution to the green seed problem'],
   ['neutraceutical','a pharmaceutical alternative which claims physiological benefits.'],
   ['7-hydroxymethyl chlorophyll a reductase','the second enzyme in chlorophyll\'s degradation pathway converting 7 hydroxymethyl chlorophyll into chlorophylla'],
   ['pheophytinase','the fourth enzyme in chlorophyll\'s degradation pathway converting pheophytin a into pheophorbide a'],
   ['chlorophyll b reductase','the second enzyme in chlorophyll\'s degradation pathway converting chlorophyll b into 7-hydroxymethyl chlorophyll'],
   ['Mg2+ dechelatase','the third enzyme in chlorophyll\'s degradation pathway converting chlorophyll a into pheophytin a'],
   ['spacer','iGEM Calgary\'s universal spacer sequence to seperate the effects of a his-tag on a protein\'s function'],
   ['inclusion body','insoluble protein aggregates found in recombinant bacteria'],
   ['E. coli  BL21 (DE3)', 'a bacterial strain highly efficient for transformation and protein expression'],
   ['periplasm', 'area between the inner cytoplasmic membrane and outer bacterial membrane'],
   ['signal peptide', 'directs the translocation of protein to a specific location, such as the periplasmic space'],
   ['CAD', 'Computer-Aided Design, programs that allow quick changes to designs'],
   ['Schulich School of Engineering', 'The engineering school of UofC, a sponsor of iGEM Calgary'],

//EmulsionPhaseEquilibriaModel ['MLP', 'Multilayer Perceptron: A standard feedforward neural network that can be used for classification or regression problems.'],

//StandardizedSeedGrading ['grade No. 1', 'The highest grade of canola seeds, which contain less than 2% Distinctly Green Seed (DGR) (Canadian Grain Commission, 2019)'], ['grade No. 2', 'The grade of canola seeds which contain 2%-6% Distinctly Green Seed (DGR) (Canadian Grain Commission, 2019)'], ['grade No. 3', 'The grade of canola seeds which contain 6%-20% Distinctly Green Seed (DGR) (Canadian Grain Commission, 2019)'],

   ['meal', 'Animal Feed using the crushed seed, ie. the hard bits'],
   ['sampled randomly', 'Selected from the middle of the pile using a long standardized stick, considered Simple Random Sampling'],
   ['lightbox', 'A box in which an array of lights try to light everything inside equally. Usually lined with white walls and a method to diffuse the light (make it bounce in every direction)'],
   ['hue', 'The colour attribute based on its main wavelength, irregardless of its brightness or colour saturation.'],
   ['Mean Green Machine', 'The standardized lightbox component of our standardized seed grading project '],
   ['MGM', 'The standardized lightbox component of our standardized seed grading project '],
   ['GreatGrader', 'The grading software component of our standardized seed grading project'],
   ['NIR', 'Near InfraRed. Due to chlorophyll\'s green, NIR is a good spectrum to be looking at to quantify the green'],
   ['DGR', 'Distinctly Green Seed, a measure of the seeds being actually green as per the CGC'],
   ['CGC', 'Canadian Grain Commission: the government department that handles the Canadian grain handling industry'],
   ['firmware', 'Software that gets put into hardware. It is then called firm because it is more difficult to change and will stay unchanged until you plug it in again'],
   ['python', 'Widely used coding language known for its ease of use'],
   ['low-level', 'Low-level in computing means being on a low level of abstraction from hardware commands and instructions. For computers, binary machine code is the lowest level language. In the context of cameras, low-level camera manipulation might mean manipulating raw light sensor values.'],
   ['heated', 'Heated canola seeds have retained heat energy from being in fields while in storage, causing some seeds to become burnt, or binburnt.'],
   ['colour chip', 'The colour in a physical official CGC Canola/Rapeseed Colour Guide whereby any seed with colour intensity > the guide colour throughout the whole seed indicates a distinctly green seed'],
   ['MP', 'megapixels (106 pixels)'],
   ['GUI', 'Graphical User Interface'],
   ['Raspberry PI', 'A small and cheap computer chip often used for embedded projects'],
   ['USB Camera', 'A camera that can interface with a computer through a USB port'],
   ['Watershed', 'An image segmentation algorithm'],


   ['RNN', 'Recurrent Neural Network: A type of neural network that can process temporal data.'],
   ['Recurrent Neural Networks', 'A type of neural network that can process temporal data'],
   ['Principal Component Analysis', 'a mathematical procedure that transforms a number of correlated variables into a number of uncorrelated variables called principal components']


function identifyDefinition(word) { for(var defIndex = 0; defIndex < definitions.length; ++defIndex) { if(definitions[defIndex][0].toLowerCase() == word.toLowerCase()) { return definitions[defIndex][1]; } } }

function setDefinitions() { terms = document.getElementsByTagName("DFN");

for(var termIndex = 0; termIndex < terms.length; ++termIndex) {

var term = terms[termIndex]; var lemma = term.getAttribute("data-lemma"); var word = (lemma != null) ? lemma : term.textContent;

// "data-toggle" enables the tooltip var toggle = document.createAttribute("data-toggle"); toggle.value = "tooltip"; term.setAttributeNode(toggle);

// "title" refers to the contents of the tooltip (i.e. the word definition) var title = document.createAttribute("title"); var definition = identifyDefinition(word) title.value = "Definition: " + ((definition == null) ? "???" : definition); term.setAttributeNode(title);

// "placement" is set to auto which means the tooltip will appear wherever room is left (top | bottom | right | left) var placement = document.createAttribute("data-placement"); placement.value = "auto"; term.setAttributeNode(placement);

// "offset" changes the displacement of the tooltip (makes it deviate from centre) var offset = document.createAttribute("data-offset"); offset.value = "75%"; term.setAttributeNode(offset);

// "html" enables the "title" attribute to use html tags (in this case, the tag was used) var html = document.createAttribute("data-html"); html.value = "true"; term.setAttributeNode(html);


// This line enables Bootstrap's tooltips (they are disabled by default) $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); }