

Biological Models

Flux Balance Analysis

Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) is a mathematical method for simulating metabolism in metabolic networks. It is based on linear programming to calculate fluxes when the model is stable.

Assuming S is a matrix, which contains all reactions in a model. In this matrix, metabolites consumed take negative coefficients, and metabolites produced then take positive ones. Furthermore, v is a vector that represents the flux of all reactions. When the system is steady, it satisfies: $$ \textbf{S}\textbf{v}=0 $$

Figure 1: UESTC biomaster

Our team quickly contacted with the UESTC team to ask if we could make good use of the data. They satisfied our request without hesitation. After getting their data, we build our project on it. Through the way of developing the project, we also contributed our biobricks to their project which they might need. Their project was updated as well. During the process of our communication, both of our project were upgraded.

Figure 2: Communicating with UESTC