


Assassin's Creed

  • [Altair: Be at peace.]

    You'll pay for this. You, and all your kind.

    [Altair: It seems you're the one who pays now, my friend. You'll not profit from suffering any longer.]

    You think me some petty death-dealer, suckling at the breast of war? A strange target, don't you think? Why me, when so many others do the same?

    [Altair: You believe yourself different, then?]

    Oh, but I am! For I serve a far nobler cause than mere profit. Just like my brothers.

    [Altair: Brothers?]

    Ah, but he thinks I act alone. I am but a piece. A man with a part to play. You'll come to know the others soon enough. They won't take kindly to what you've done.

    [Altair: Good. I look forward to ending their lives as well.]

    Such pride. It will destroy you, child.

    • Who: Tamir
  • [Altair: Let go your burden.]

    Ah, I'll rest now, yes. The endless dream calls to me. But before I close my eyes, I must know - what will become of my children?

    [Altair: You mean the people made to suffer your cruel experiments!? They'll be free now to return to their homes!]

    Homes!? What homes!? The sewers? The brothels? The prisons that we dragged them from?

    [Altair: You took these people against their will!]

    Yes, what little will there was for them to have. Are you really so naïve? Do you appease a crying child, simply because he wails? "But I want to play with fire, father." What would you say? "As you wish"? Ah, but then you'd answer for his burns.

    [Altair: These are not children, but men and women, full grown.]

    In body, perhaps, but not in mind; which is the very damage I sought to repair. I admit, without the Piece of Eden, which you stole from us, my progress was slowed. But there are herbs, mixtures and extracts. My guards are proof of this. They were madmen before I found and freed them from the prisons of their own minds. Ahh, and with my death, madmen they will be again.

    [Altair: You truly believe you were helping them?]

    It's not what I believe, it's what I know.

  • [Altair: You've nowhere to run now. Share your secrets with me.]

    My part is played. The Brotherhood is not so weak that my death will stop its work.

    [Altair: What Brotherhood?]

    Al Mualim is not the only one with designs upon the Holy Land. And that's all you'll have from me.

    [Altair: Then we are finished. Beg forgiveness from your God.]

    He's long abandoned us. Long abandoned the men and women I took into my arms.

    [Altair: What do you mean?]

    Beggars, whores, addicts, lepers. Do they strike you as proper slaves? Unfit for even the most menial tasks? No. I took them not to sell, but to save! And yet you'd kill us all, for no other reason than it was asked of you.

    [Altair: No, you profit from the war, from lives lost and broken.]

    Yes, you would think that, ignorant as you are. Wall off your mind, eh? They say it's what your kind do best. Do you see the irony in all this? No, not yet it seems. But you will.

    • Who: Tal'al
  • [Altair: Be at peace now. Their words can no longer do harm.]

    Why have you done this?

    [Altair: You stole money from those you claim to lead. Sent it away for some unknown purpose. I want to know where it's gone and why.]

    Look at me! My very nature is an affront to the people I ruled. And these noble robes did little more than to muffle their shouts of hate.

    [Altair: So this is about vengeance then.]

    No, not vengeance, but my conscience. How could I finance a war in service to the same God that calls me an abomination?

    [Altair: If you do not serve Salāḥ ad-Dīn's cause then whose?]

    In time you'll come to know them. I think perhaps, you already do.

    [Altair: Then why hide? And why these dark deeds?]

    Is it so different than your own work? You take the lives of men and women, strong in the conviction that their deaths will improve the lots of those left behind. A minor evil, for a greater good? We are the same.

    [Altair: No, we are nothing alike.]

    Ah, but I see it in your eyes. You doubt. You cannot stop us. We will have our new world.

    • Who: Abul Nu'qoud
  • [Altair: Rest now. Your schemes are at an end.]

    What do you know of my work?

    [Altair: I know that you are going to murder Richard, and claim Acre for your son, Conrad.]

    (Laughs) For Conrad? My son is an arse, unfit to lead his host, let alone a kingdom! And Richard, the all-see-know is no better, blinded as he is by faith in the insubstantial. Acre does not belong to either of them.

    [Altair: Then who?]

    The city belongs to its people.

    [Altair: How can you claim to speak for the citizens? You stole their food, disciplined them without mercy, forced them into service under you.]

    Everything I did, I did to prepare them for the New World. Stole their food? No. I took possession, so that when the lean times came, it might be rationed properly. (Coughs) Look around, my district is without crime, save those committed by you and your ilk. And as for the conscription, they were not being trained to fight. They were being taught the merits of order and discipline. These things are hardly evil.

    [Altair: No matter how noble you believe your intentions, these acts are cruel and cannot continue.]

    (Laughs) We'll see how sweet they are, the fruits of your labors. You do not free the cities as you believe, but rather damn them. And in the end, you'll have only yourself to blame. You, who speak of good intentions.

  • [Altair: Your work here is finished.]

    No, no! It had only just begun!

    [Altair: Tell me, what's your part in all of this? Do you intend to defend yourself as the others have and explain away your evil deeds?]

    The Brotherhood wanted the city. I wanted power. There was... an opportunity.

    [Altair: An opportunity to murder innocents.]

    Not so innocent. Dissident voices cut deep as steel. They disrupt order. In this, I do agree with the Brotherhood.

    [Altair: You'd kill people simply for believing differently than you.]

    Of course not! I killed them because I could, because it was fun! Do you know what it feels like, to determine another man's fate? And did you see the way the people cheered? The way they feared me? I was like a God! You'd have done the same if you could. Such power!

    [Altair: Once perhaps. But then I learned what becomes of those who lift themselves above others.]

    And what is that?

    [Altair: Here, let me show you.]

    • Who: Majd Addin
  • Please, don't do this.

    [Altair: You are afraid.]

    Of course I am afraid!

    [Altair: But you'll be safe now. Held in the arms of your God.]

    Have my brothers taught you nothing? I know what waits for me, for all of us.

    [Altair: If not your God, then what?]

    Nothing. Nothing waits. And that is what I fear.

    [Altair: You don't believe.]

    How could I given what I know? What I've seen? Our treasure was the proof.

    [Altair: Proof of what?]

    That this life is all we have!

    [Altair: Linger a while longer then, and tell me of the part you were to play.]

    A blockade by sea, to keep the fool kings and queens from sending reinforcements. Once we... once we...

    [Altair: Conquered the Holy Land?]

    Freed it, you fool! From the tyranny of faith.

    [Altair: Freedom?! You worked to overthrow cities, control men's minds, murdered any who spoke against you!]

    I followed my orders, believing in my cause. Same as you.

  • Why? Why have you done this?

    [Altair: Men must be free to do what they believe. It is not our right to punish one for thinking what they do, no matter how much we disagree.]

    Then what?

    [Altair: You of all people should know the answer. Educate them. Teach them right from wrong. It must be knowledge that frees them, not force.]

    They do not learn, fixed in their ways as they are. You are naïve to think otherwise. It's an illness, for which there is but one cure.

    [Altair: You're wrong. And that's why you must be put to rest.]

    Am I not unlike those precious books you seek to save? A source of knowledge with which you disagree? Yet you're rather quick to steal my life.

    [Altair: A small sacrifice to save many. It is necessary.

    Is it not ancient scrolls that inspire the Crusaders? That fill Salāḥ ad-Dīn and his men with a sense of righteous fury? Their texts endanger others, bring death in their wake. I too, was making a small sacrifice. It matters little now. Your deed is done, and so am I.

    • Who: Jubair al Hakim
  • [Altair: It's done then. Your schemes, like you, are put to rest.]

    (Laughs) You know nothing of schemes. You're but a puppet. He betrayed you, boy, just as he betrayed me.

    [Altair: Speak sense Templar, or not at all!]

    Nine men he sent you to kill, yes? The nine who guarded the treasure's secret.

    [Altair: What of it?]

    It wasn't nine who found the treasure, Assassin. Not nine, but ten.

    [Altair: A tenth?! None may live who carry the secret. Give me his name!]

    Oh, but you know him well. And I doubt very much you'd take his life as willingly as you've taken mine.

    [Altair: Who?!]

    It is your Master, Al Mualim.

    [Altair: But he is not a Templar!]

    Did you never wonder how it is that he knew so much? Where to find us, how many we numbered, what we aspire to attain?

    [Altair: He is the Master of the Assassins!]

    Oui. Master of lies. You and I just two more pawns in his grand game. And now, with my death, only you remain. Do you think he'll let you live, knowing what you do?

    [Altair: I've no interest in the treasure.]

    Ah, but he does! The only difference between your master and I, is that he did not want to share.

    [Altair: No...]

    Ironic, isn't it? That I, your greatest enemy, kept you safe from harm. But now you've taken my life, and in the process, ended your own.

Assassin's Creed II

  • [Uberto: Giovanni Auditore, you and your accomplices stand accused of the crime of treason. Have you any evidence to counter this charge?]

    Yes. The documents that were delivered to you last night!

    [Uberto: I'm afraid I know nothing of these documents.]

    [Ezio: He's lying. I need to get closer!]

    [Uberto: In the absence of any compelling evidence to the contrary, I am bound to pronounce you GUILTY. You and your collaborators are hereby sentenced to DEATH.]

    YOU are the traitor, Uberto- And one of THEM! You may take our lives this day - but WE WILL have yours in return! I swear! we wil-

    • Who: Giovanni Auditore da Firenze
  • You would have done the same. To save the ones you love.

    [Ezio: Yes. I would. And I have.]

    • Who: Uberto Alberti
  • [Ezio: What are you and your allies planning? Is this what my father discovered? Is this why he was killed?]

    I'm sorry, were you hoping for a confession?

  • [Ezio: Now Firenze will judge you for what you've done.]

    It's over... It's all over...

    [Ezio: Meglio essere felici in questa vita che aspirare e esserlo nella prossima. Requiescat in Pace.]

    • Who: Francesco de' Pazzi
    • "Meglio essere felici in questa vita che aspirare e esserlo nella prossima. Requiescat in Pace, translates - from Italian - to "Better to be content in this life, than aspire to it in the next. Rest in peace."
  • Away with you, demon!

    [Ezio: Have some respect for death, my friend.]

    I'll show you respect! -

    [Ezio: No, I will. Che tu possa alfine trovare riposo nel corpo e nella mente. Requiescat in Pace.]

    • Who: Antonio Maffei
    • "Che tu possa alfine trovare riposo nel corpo e nella mente" translates as, "May your body and mind at last be still".
  • [Ezio: Where is Jacopo?]

    He knows you come for him... emerging only in darkness to meet with the others...

    [Ezio: That answers when... Now tell me where? La fede dovrebbe dare conforto, non pena. Requiescat in Pace.]

    • Who: Francesco Salviati
    • "La fede dovrebbe dare conforto, non pena" translates to "Faith should bring comfort, not pain".
  • I knew you would come...

    [Ezio: Where is Jacopo?]

    So you can do to him what you've done to me?

    [Ezio: There is still time for you to clear your conscience.]

    We gather at the churchwhen a meeting is called...

    [Ezio: Mi duole dover giungere a tanto. Requiescat in Pace.]

    • Who: Bernardo di Bandino Baroncelli
    • "Mi duole dover giungere a tanto" translates to "I am sorry that it came to this".
  • Now I will see who was right...

    [Ezio: Where is Jacopo?]

    Nothing to fear I suppose... They meet in the shadows of the Roman Gods...

    [Ezio: Ora sei libero dalla paura. Requiescat in pace.]

    • Who: Stefano da Bagnone
    • "Ora sei libero dalla paura" translates to "Be free of your fear now".
  • I am sorry, Maestro. I did all I could, but the Assassin proved too strong.

    [Rodrigo: Clearly. Else the others would be here with you. To say nothing of that fact that Firenze remains in Medici hands...]

    It's Francesco's fault! His impatience made him reckless! I tried to be the voice of reason...

    [Emilio: More like the voice of cowardice.]

    You're one to talk, Signor Barbarigo. Had you sent us quality weapons instead of this garbage you Venetians call ar–

    [Rodrigo: Enough! We put our faith in your family and you repay us with inaction and incompetence?! Then when asked to account for your failures, you make excuses and insult us?! How do you expect me to respond?]

    I don't know...

    [Rodrigo: It's alright. I do...]

    No... please... don't...

    [Emilio: (Laughs) Please don't what?]

    I can... fix this. Only... spare me...

    [Rodrigo: No.]

    • Who: Jacopo
    • "Maestro" translates to "Master".
  • Ezio: Do not be afraid.]

    I feel no fear, assassin. Only regret. I sought unity... stability... order.

    [Ezio: At too great a cost.]

    Progress demands sacrifice.

    [Ezio: Non trovo alcuna gioia in questo, ma non c'e altro modo. Requiescat in pace.]

    • Who: Emilio Barbarigo
    • "Non trovo alcuna gioia in questo, ma non c'e altro modo" translates as "I take no joy in this, but I see no other way".
  • [Ezio: It takes one Assassin to kill another, it seems.]

    We kill thinking it's best for us, do we not, Messer Ezio?

    [Ezio: I do this not for myself. Compio questo sacrificio per il bene superiore. Requiescat in Pace.]

    • Who: Carlo Grimaldi
    • "Compio questo sacrificio per il bene superiore" translates to "I make this sacrifice for the greater good". Messer means "Sir" or "Mister".
    • Note: Grimaldi had just poisoned the Doge of Venice.
  • No... it's too soon... I'm not ready.

    [Ezio: We rarely are. Che la morte non sia crudele. Requiescat in pace.]

    • Who: Marco Barbarigo
    • "Che la morte non sia crudele" translates to "Death not be unkind".
  • [Ezio: What's happened here? Why the boats? I thought you sought the Doge's seat?]


    Just a distraction. We were meant to sail...

    [Ezio: Sail where?]


    I'll never tell.


    Cyprus is their destination. They want... they want...

    [Ezio: Non temete l'oscurità, accettate il suo abbraccio. Requiescant in pace.]

    • Who: Silvio Barbarigo Il Rosso and Dante Moro
    • "Non temete l'oscurità, accettate il suo abbraccio" translates to "Fear not the darkness, but welcome its embrace".

Assassin's Creed II - The Battle of Forlì

  • Caterina was a fool to send you.

    [Ezio: Or are you the fool, dying for a handful of change? Was it worth it?]

    More than you know... the Maestro gains his prize, because of me.

    [Ezio: Muori col tuo orgoglio, per quanto vale... Requiescat in pace.]

    • Who: Ludovico Orsi
    • "Muori col tuo orgoglio, per quanto vale" translates to "Die with your pride, for all it's worth".
  • So... you have your prize again.

    [Ezio: Was it worth it? So much bloodshed?]

    A prize of such value, it will not remain yours for long.

    [Ezio: We shall see. Che miserie nascono dall'avidità. Requiescat in pace.]

    • Who: Checco Orsi
    • "Che miserie nascono dall'avidità" translates to "What wretched things are born of greed".
    • Note: After this, Orsi stabbed Ezio in the stomach. The injured Ezio collapses, and a man walks up and takes the Apple of Eden.

Assassin's Creed II - Bonfire of the Vanities

  • What have I done... What have I done...

    [Ezio: Your actions were not your own.]

    But they were! My own self-doubt let him hold me as he did. I am sorry.

    • Who: The Painter
  • [Ezio: You wear a noble's clothes. How is it Savonarola charmed you?]

    Wealth and power do not ensure contentment. I wanted even more...

  • I thought he preached the word of God.

    [Ezio: I fear his sermon is a lie.]

    I led my flock astray... it's just... I wanted so badly to believe...

    • Who: The Priest
  • I was a victim! It's not my fault!

    [Ezio: No. You made a choice.]

    He charmed me. With that... thing.

    • Who: The Nobleman
  • Is this truly who I was? So proud and cruel...

    [Ezio: No. Savonarola bewitched you.]

    Did he? Or was it that I tasted power and found myself intoxicated? I wish I had been strong.

    • Who: The Guard Captain
  • [Ezio: You would have let your own people starve! And for what?]

    Too long I suffered their insults. They called me simple and low-class... I wanted their respect.

    • Who: The Farmer
  • What... What have I done...

    [Ezio: You tried to force devotion.]

    Sometimes the people must be told what to think.

    • Who: The Merchant
  • You have spilled the blood of a healer.

    [Ezio: No. I have spilled the blood of a tyrant.]

    To command such power over the body, between this world and the next. It seems, I grew intoxicated.

    • Who: The Doctor
  • [Ezio: Your mind... I sense it is your own.]

    Not all of use required deception to be convinced. I already believed. All I said is true!

    • Who: The Preacher
  • It's you... I knew this day would come. Please... show mercy.

    [Ezio: I have. Partire. Che tu possa essere giudicato dal tuo Dio. Recquiescat de Pace]

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

  • The things I have felt, seen and tasted. I do not regret a moment of it.

    [Ezio: A man of power must be contemptuous of delicacies.]

    But... I gave the people what they wanted.

    [Ezio: And now you pay for it. Il piacere immeritato si consuma da sé. Requiescat in pace.]

    • Who: Juan Borgia the Elder
    • "Il piacere immeritato si consuma da sé" translates to "Pleasure unearned consumes itself".
  • I only wanted respect.

    [Ezio: Respect is earned, not inherited or purchased.]

    Perhaps you are right... I need more time...

    [Ezio: Che tu sia parte nella morte. Requiescat in Pace.]

    • Who: Octavian de Valois
    • "Che tu sia parte nella morte" translates to "May you be equal in death".
  • [Cesare: What has happened here?]

    I do not know what you mean?

    [Cesare: My funds, my troops. Gone.]

    Financial difficulties strike all of us, even those with an army.

    [Cesare: You intend to give me money?]

    No, I do not.

    [Cesare: Then I will use the Piece of Eden to get what I want. Your help is not necessary.]

    That has been made abundantly clear to me. Are you aware that the Baron de Valois is dead?

    [Cesare: No. Did you-]

    What reason could I possibly have to kill him? Was he plotting against me with my "brilliant," traitorous, Captain General?

    [Cesare: I do not have to stand for this.]

    The Assassins murdered him.

    [Cesare: Why did you not stop them?]

    As if I could. It was not my decision to attack Monteriggioni, it was yours! It is high time you took responsibility for your actions.

    [Cesare: My accomplishments. Despite the constant interference of failures like you.]

    You are not going anywhere. I have the Piece of Eden.

    [Cesare: Get out of my way, old man.]

    I gave you everything and yet it's never enough!

    [Lucrezia: Cesare! He intends to poison you!]

    You would not listen to reason.

    [Cesare: Father. Do you not see? I control all of this. If I want to live, I live. If I want to take, I take. If I want you to die, you die!]

    • Who: Rodrigo Borgia
    • Notes: Rodrigo Borgia attempted to poison his son Cesare. He dies when Cesare forces the poisoned apple into his mouth, instead.
  • The throne was mine!

    [Ezio: Wanting something does not make it your right.]

    What do you know?

    [Ezio: That a true leader empowers the people he rules.]

    I will lead mankind into a new world!

    [Ezio: Che nessuno ricordi il tuo nome. Requiescat in pace.]

    You cannot kill me. No man can murder me!

    [Ezio: Then I leave you in the hands of Fate!]

    • Who: Cesare Borgia
    • "Che nessuno ricordi il tuo nome" translates to "May no one remember your name".
    • Note: After saying this, Ezio throws Cesare from the castle walls.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Copernicus Conspiracy

  • [Ezio: Silencing the truth will not stop its spread.]

    People are lazy, they will believe what we tell them to believe. I have sent my best man to find Copernico. You are already too late.

    [Ezio: Requiescat in pace.]]

    • Who: Master of the Sacred Palace

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - The Da Vinci Disappearance

  • You... an Assassin... the enemy of knowledge?

    [Ezio: One must choose to search for truth. Forcing it on others accomplishes little.]

    These lost people... warring kingdoms... I would have ended their suffering.

    [Ezio: Che tu possa conoscere la verita nella morte. Requiescat in pace.]

    • Who: Ercole Massimo
    • "Che tu possa conoscere la verita nella morte" translates to "May you know the truth in death".

Assassin's Creed: Revelations

  • Well, the old hound still has a bite.

    [Ezio: The book you carry. Where is it?]

    Ah! Niccolò Polo's journal? This will do no good, not now. We have found one of the Masyaf keys already, and are closing in on the rest.

    [Ezio: What is in that library is not for you. Not the Templars.]

    Ah, you can have Altaïr's books, Ezio. We only want guidance. We only want directions... to the location of the Grand Temple.

    [Ezio: Grand Temple? Tell me more. Now! Requiescat in pace, bastardo.]

    • Who: Leandros
  • You put too much faith in the hearts of men, Altaïr. The Templars know the truth. Humans are weak, base, and petty.

    [Altaïr: No. Our Creed is evidence to the contrary.]

    Ah... perhaps I am not wise enough to understand, but I suspect the opposite. That I am too wise to believe such rubbish.

    • Who: Haras
  • Once your Creed was as vital to me as air and water... but when the Turks marched into Wallachia, and you Assassins did nothing to stop it, how could I continue to believe? If a man's philosophy does not let him protect his people, his home, and his family... what good can it do for the world?

    • Who: Valii cel Tradat, "The Sentinel"
  • Before I executed your son, I told him you ordered it yourself. He died believing you had betrayed him.

    • Who: Swami
    • Notes: Swami was bragging to Altaïr about how he killed his youngest son, Sef. Enraged, Altair uses the Apple to force Swami to kill himself.
  • Altaïr! Altaïr, no! Strength, Altaïr.

    [Altair: Maria...]

    • Who: Maria Thorpe
    • Notes: When Maria tried to stop Altaïr from murdering Swami with the Apple of Eden, Swami stabbed her with his knife.
  • What do you hope to hear, Assassin? That I regret my associations? Never. Rome abandoned us in our time of need. The west turned a blind eye to the Ottoman juggernaut. Is it any wonder that I should turn to man with more honor, more courage, and more vision? I regret nothing...

    • Who: Cyril of Rhodes, "The Deacon"
  • So dies another wretched Romani; is that what you are thinking, Assassin? Maybe your heart is filled with pity for me? Then leave me be, for I despise such charity. I took what was owed me, in spite of oppression, of hatred, of ignorance. I lived my own way, for myself!

    • Who: Mirela, "The Trickster"
  • Are you proud of your kill, Assassin? Do you expect praise for murdering a better and braver man? You have taken my life, but you cannot erase my legend, my power, my influence. Men feared me, even as they did my bidding... that is the mark of a true leader.

    • Who: Georgios, "The Champion"
  • Wealth, power, ambition… such things I have seen in my short time on earth, and reveled in them. Such things are the wonders of man. You may believe you have ended my life, but the truth is, you have completed it. To perish in this age-old struggle is an honor befitting a king.

    • Who: Odai, "The Guardian"
  • You Assassins are a plague on the hope of humanity, putting down every edifice of progress we manage to build up. Given enough time, I could have delivered my people into the arms of the Templars. But no more.

    • Who: Damat, "The Vizier"
  • You do your duty well, Assassin... but you do it with such coldness that I almost pity you. The lives you fight to protect are dull, weak, and lacking luster. What a bland world it will be if you Assassins get your way.

    • Who: Lysistrata, "The Thespian"
  • Ah, what a bitter irony. Is this the result of Suleiman's investigation?

    [Ezio: You collude with the Sultan's enemies. What did you expect would come of such treachery?]

    I blame myself. Not for treason, but hubris. I was preparing an ambush. Preparing to strike the Byzantine Templars where they felt safest.

    [Ezio: What proof do you have of this?]

    See here. This will lead you to the Byzantines in Cappadocia. Destroy them if you can.

    [Ezio: You have done well, Tarik. Forgive me.]

    Protect my homeland, Assassin. Allah ashkina, redeem the honor we have lost in this fight.

    • Who: Tarik Barleti
    • Note: Because of Tarik's suspicious behavior, and his deal with Manuel Palaiologos, Ezio and Suleiman believed him to be a Templar. Only after lethally wounding him did Ezio discover he was plotting to defeat the Byzantine Templars from the inside. "Allah ashkina" means "In God's name".
  • I can never forgive you Altaïr. The lies you told about my family, my father. The humiliation I suffered.

    [Altaïr: They were not lies, Abbas. I was ten years old when your father came to see me. He was in tears, begging to be forgiven for betraying my family. Then he cut his own throat. I watched his life ebb away at my feet. I will never forget that image.]


    [Altaïr: But he was not a coward, Abbas. He reclaimed his honor.]

    I hope there is another life after this one. Then I will see him, and know the truth of his final days... And when it is your time, we will find you, and then there will be no doubts.

    • Who: Abbas Sofian
  • Those ships are armed. They're waiting to stop your boat. You take care of them. We will clear the docks.

    • Who: Yusuf Tazim.
    • Notes: While Yusuf doesn't die imediatly after this, this is the last time Ezio sees him alive.
  • I should have been Constantine's successor. I had so many plans.

    [Ezio: Your dream dies with you, Manuel. Your empire is gone.]

    Ah, but I am not the only one with this vision, Assassin. The dream of our Order is universal. Ottoman, Byzantine... these are only labels. Costumes and facades. Beneath these trappings, all Templars are part of the same family.

    [Ezio: Enough prattling. I am here for the Masyaf Key.]

    Then take it. Take it and seek your fortune. See if you get within one hundred leagues of that library before one of us finishes you off.

  • Soldiers! Selim is not your master! You serve the Sultan! You carry out his command alone! Where is he? Where is our Sultan?

    [Selim: He stands before you, brother. Father made his choice.]

    Selim! Stop! Please! AH!

    • Who: Ahmet
    • Notes: Selim tossed Ahmet off a cliff after.

Assassin's Creed III

  • Haytham... You should have come to me. We would have found another way...

    [Haytham: Yes. But then you would have known. For what it's worth, I'm sorry.]

    As am I.

    • Who: Miko
  • Why, Haytham?

    [Haytham: Your death opens a door. It's nothing personal. Well, maybe it is a LITTLE personal. You've been a pain in my arse, after all.]

    But we are brothers in arms.

    [Haytham: Once, perhaps. No longer. Do you think I've forgotten what you did? All those innocents slaughtered. And for what? It does not engender peace to cut your way to resolution.]

    Wrong. Were that we applied the sword more liberally and more often... The world would be a better place, than it is today.

    [Haytham: In this instance, I concur. Farewell, Edward.]

  • Ah, no. What have you done?

    [Connor: Ensured an end to your schemes. You sought to claim these lands for the Templars...]

    Aye. That we might PROTECT them! Do you think that good King George lies awake at night hoping that no harm comes to his native subjects? Or that the people of the city care one whit about them? Oh, sure, the colonists are happy to trade when they need food or shelter or a bit of extra padding for their armies. But when the walls of the city constrict - when there's crops that need soil - when there's... when there's no enemy to fight - we'll see how kind the people are then.

    [Connor: The colonists have no quarrel with the Iroquois.]

    Not yet. But they will. 'Tis the way of the world. In time, they'll turn. I... I could have stopped it. I could have saved you all...

    [Connor: You speak of salvation, but you were killing them.]

    Aye! Because they would not listen. And so... it seems... neither will you.

    [Connor: May the Faceless One grant you the peace you claimed to seek.]

  • Why... Why did you do this?

    [Connor: To protect Adams and Hancock – and those they serve. You meant to kill them–]

    Kill them? Are you mad? I wanted only to parlay. There was so much to discuss. To explain... But you've put and end to that now.

    [Connor: If you speak true then I will carry your last words to them.]

    They must lay down their arms. They must stop this war!

    [Connor: Why them and not the Redcoats?]

    Do you not think we asked the same question of the British? These things take time. And it would have succeeded, had you let me play my part.

    [Connor: The part of the puppeteer.]

    Better we hold the strings than another.

    [Connor: No. The strings should be severed. All should be free.]

    And we should live forever on castles in the sky! You wield your blade like a man, but your mouth like a child! And more will die now... because of that...

    [Connor: It is better to have faith in something than none at all.]

  • Dammit. I thought I'd at least live to see another day. Shame.

    [Connor: I want answers. Why did Johnson try and buy my people's land? Why was Pitcairn targeting Adams and Hancock? What purpose would Washington's murder have served? Why does your order support the British?]

    How should I know? The Templars. Lee. The big man, Haytham. They 'as the money. They 'as the power. That's the reason I threw in with 'em. That's the ONLY reason. Sure, they 'ave some sort of vision, for the future too. I didn't give a damn about any of that. They can sing their songs about mankind and its troubles. They can make their plans and spring their traps, don't bother me none. They paid me so I said yes. Didn't bother to ask who or how or why. Didn't care.

    [Connor: You chose to side with men who would rob us of our humanity simply because it was more profitable?]

    Wot else is there? I'm not some blind fool who'd give up all I've got on principle. What IS principle anyway? Can ya bring it to the bank? Don't look at me like that. We're different, you and I! You're just some blind fool who's always chasin' butterflies. Where as I'm the type of guy who likes to have a beer in one hand and a titty in the other. Thing is, boy, I can have what I seek. Had it, even. You? Your hands will always be empty.

  • [Connor: Your reign over the Colonial coast has come to an end.]

    Is that why you hunted me? Because you thought me an enemy to the cause? You're every bit the fool I was told.

    [Connor: You brought pain and suffering upon innocent people for nothing but personal gain.]

    Pain. Suffering. I set them free. Weeded out the dissenters and empowered the Patriots. So what if I was named Admiral. The Revolution needs one and I was the best man for the job. The only man. If not for me, the Continental Navy would remain but a handful of rafts. For all your vision, you Assassins are blind to the truth.

    [Connor: Enough.]

    Wait! Let the Randolph die with me. Don't take her as a prize... please... Please. I want no quarter... Just to sink with my ship.

  • [Connor: Where are the supplies you stole?]

    Go to Hell.

    [Connor: I ask again: where are the supplies?]

    On the island yonder, awaiting pickup. But you've no right to it. It isn't yours.

    [Connor: No, not mine. Those supplies are meant for men and women who believe in something bigger than themselves. Who fight and die that one day they might be free from tyranny such as you.]

    Are these the same men and women who fight with muskets forged from British steel? Who bind their wounds with bandages sewn by British hands. How convenient for them. We do the work. They reap the rewards.

    [Connor: You spin a story to excuse your crimes. As though you're the innocent one and they the thieves.]

    It's all a matter of perspective. There is no single path through life that's right and fair and does no harm. Do you truly think the Crown has no cause? No right to feel betrayed? You should know better than this, dedicated as you are to fighting Templars - who themselves see their work as just. Think on that the next time you insist your work alone befits the greater good. Your enemy would beg to differ - and would not be without cause.

    [Connor: Your words may have been sincere, but that does not make them true.]

    • Who: Benjamin Church
    • Note: Character had betrayed both the Patriots and the Templars. Haytham Kenway teamed up with Connor to track down Church and kill him.
  • My passing wins you nothing, Ratonhnhaké:ton. Charles Lee rides to Monmouth to reveal the Patriots' plans. The Loyalists will destroy them. The revolution will be ended. The Crown victorious. Our people... safe.

    [Connor: It seems our people will never be safe. You are resting now, my friend.

    • Who: Kanen'tó:kon
  • [Desmond: Dad?]

    Not so fast, mister Miles. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm the one calling the shots. Now give me the Apple.

    [Desmond: You want it? Fine. Here it is.]

    Wait. No.

    • Who: Warren Vidic
  • Don't think I have any intention of caressing your cheek and saying I was wrong. I will not weep and wonder what might have been. I'm sure you understand. Still... I'm proud of you in a way. You've shown great conviction. Strength. Courage. All noble qualities. I should have killed you long ago.

    [Connor: Goodbye, Father.]

    • Who: Haytham Kenway
  • Why do you persist? You put us down. We rise again. You end one plot - we forge another. You try so hard. But it always ends the same. Those who know you think you mad and this is why... Even those men you sought to save have turned their backs on you. Yet you fight. You resist. Why?

    [Connor: Because no one else will!]

  • Connor, if you are reading this, I have failed to say goodbye as I wanted, but the time never seemed appropriate. I leave this land and all of its resources to you. I trust you now know this place has become something of great significance. A community to serve as an example of what this would-be-nation could become. But the larger and stronger it grows, the more fragile and difficult to defend it becomes. I hope your friends who are birthing this infant country understand this truth. Your unwavering tenacity and honesty have burdened you with responsibility far greater than any one man should bear. But you, if anyone, are capable. You have given an old man hope that all is not lost, and for that I thank you. I ask that you lay my bones to rest on the hill overlooking the water, there is no other place on this earth I'd rather be. I am grateful to have met you, knowing you will guide this land and these people to a better future. Yours in brotherhood, Achilles.

    • Who: Achilles Davenport
    • Note: Character had passed away in his sleep, and the words were in a final letter to Connor.
  • You need to go. All of you. Now. Get as far away from here as you can.

    [William: Come with us. We'll find another way.]

    There isn't time!

    [William: Son...]

    You know it's true. It's already started. I need to do this now. So go! GO!

    • Who: Desmond Miles

Assassin's Creed III - The Tyranny of King Washington

  • You'll not succeed here!

    • Who: Kaniehtí:io
  • [Ratonhnhaké:ton: Oiá:ner.]

    Ratonhnhaké:ton. Arnold's men followed your trail back here. Your brothers fought well but there were too many.

    [Ratonhnhaké:ton: I thought the tea...]

    Gives strength, not immortality.

    [Ratonhnhaké:ton: It gives me life! I've never felt anything like it!]

    You must be careful. Respect the power of the tea, Ratonhnhaké:ton. Your mother was right to worry about the danger.

    [Ratonhnhaké:ton: I'm certain I can defeat anyone!]

    Good. First kill Arnold and stop the destruction here. Then kill Washington. You must succeed. Ratonhnhaké:ton. If not you...nobody.

    • Who: Oiá:ner
    • Note: Oiá:ner is translated to "Clan Mother".
  • [Ratonhnhaké:ton: I have waited a long time to end your treachery. You escaped me once, but today you die.]

    Who are you? What is happening?

    [Ratonhnhaké:ton: You know who I am.]

    I've never seen you before in my life! Washington's apple. He uses it to control men you... you have to believe me. I... I was not in my right mind.

    [Ratonhnhaké:ton: What you did at West Point was of no one's mind but yours.]

    West Point? I... I've never set foot in that fort in my life. Please. Washington, he's gone mad. You, you have to bring him down. He's no more a man but a monster. Find Benjamin Franklin in Boston. He can help you - but you have to, you have to free him.

    [Ratonhnhaké:ton: Free him from where? Where?]

  • I've done such horrible deeds. ... it's the scepter, but ... that's no excuse. Every man holds evil deep within. The apple just brought it out.

  • Ah. It is you. At last.

    [Ratonhnhaké:ton: Commander Washington. If you give up the Apple, I will let you live.]

    Give up the Apple?

    [Ratonhnhaké:ton: It controls you.]

    Is that what you believe? I believe I control it. Although I never considered the possibility that it could control someone. Perhaps it can.

    [Ratonhnhaké:ton: You have been corrupted by the Apple's power.]

    Corrupted? Well, that raises an interesting question: Do you wish me to give up the Apple in order to ... save my soul? ... Or do you wish the Apple for yourself, so you can control the nation?

    [Ratonhnhaké:ton: ... The true rulers are the people.]

    Let's not deceive ourselves. It's an absurd thought, but let's suppose that I were beholden to this Apple, how would you behave differently?

    [Ratonhnhaké:ton: I would use it for the good of everyone.]

    Possession of the Apple is both a burden and a blessing. Tell me, when you shake the earth, do you feel that you are a slave to the people? ... Or do you wish to be their master?

    [Ratonhnhaké:ton: People want you brought down.]

    But you didn't answer the question. I am the only King here.

    • Who: King Washington
  • Commander Washington.

    [Washington: I thought I was alone.]

    I'm sorry to interrupt.

    [Washington: It's quite all right.]

    Things appear to be at a stalemate.

    [Washington: I'm afraid so.]

    Might I suggest, Commander, that a republic cannot survive in a world with so many contending powers.

    [Washington: I beg your pardon?]

    Elected bodies, to be sure. The war was fought for this. For this nation to prosper, for this nation to thrive, the weakness of a republic must be balanced by a powerful man at its center. A powerful man, Commander, who if... if I may be so bold, would be elevated in the eyes of the world if he were given the title of King.

    • Who: The Apple's Personification
    • A man appears in Washington's office, and tries to persuade him one last time to take power as a monarch.
  • Sir, I believe I can answer you in complete candor. Your proposal raises the greatest mischief that can befall my country! You could not have found a person to whom your schemes are more disagreeable. Let me conjure you then, if you have any regard for your country, concern for yourself or posterity, or respect for me ... ... to banish these thoughts from your mind, never communicate, as from yourself, or any one else, a sentiment of the like nature.

    • Who:

      George Washington

      • Notes: (1) Historically, Washington was addressed on this matter by Col. Lewis Nicola in 1782, who proposed Washington seat himself in the form of a constitutional monarchy. The sentence, "Let me conjure you ... of the like nature" is a direct quote from Washington's response letter to Colonel Nicola - dated May 22, 1782. (2) Washington does not die in this scene, it is just the ending dialogue.

Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

  • Why?

    [Aveline: You would sacrifice the good of of the colony to a Templar conspiracy, Gouverneur. I should ask you why.]

    The Order... is... the... future. The... the Templars will keep our colony... French.

    [Aveline: The Templars will keep the colony Templar. Why does de Ferrer want workers? Tell me his plans and redeem yourself.]

    I know nothing of his plans. I was to send him slaves and vagrants--the ones most likely to rise up against--

    [Aveline: Against those who would oppose oppression and claim the life that is owed them? Rest in peace, Gouverneur.]

  • By your hand, Agaté betrays me one final time. The locket you wear--I know it well. The first time Agaté betrayed me, it was for the woman, the thief... She wore one just like it.

    [Aveline: Who was she? What was her name? What was her name?]

    • Who: Baptiste
  • How wonderfully useful you are. You remove those who would supersede me in rank. You find pieces of the Prophecy Disk, saving me the effort. .. If you weren't my enemy, I would take you for my friend! Our aims must not be so different for all the help you give me.

    • Who: Rafael Joaquín de Ferrer
  • [Aveline: Good night, Company Man.]

    Company Man? No. You are mistaken.

    [Aveline: What?]

    Futile murder... beautiful death. She... will make you suffer.

    • Who: Diego Vázquez
  • [Aveline: I had hoped it would not come to this. Now, in death, eternal freedom.]

    You mock me! I chose my destiny. That is real freedom. Perhaps one day you will know it too.

    [Aveline: I... Who is the Company Man?]

    The answer has been in your own backyard all along. Just open your eyes--

    • Who: George Davidson
  • [Aveline: Mentor, do not force my hand! The Agaté who trained me is a man of truth and courage. I know he still lives within you. Let him out again!]

    Oh, what have I wrought? I should have stayed with your mother. You should have been my child, raised as a daughter, not twisted into this... monster.

    [Aveline: Go now, Agaté. Run. And promise never to return.]

    You would bid me a coward's slow, pointless death? As you did Ulloa? I will not live with the dishonor. I--

    [Aveline: Agaté! No!]

    • Who: Agaté
  • Why?

    [Aveline: You blame Chichen Itza on de Ferrer, but I see through you.]

    My daughter... No.

    [Aveline: "Daughter". Only two people can call me that. You banished one, and sacrificed the other. Foxglove. You killed my father with your "care" and your tonic. Why? Because he never truly loved you? And Jeanne, my mother. You stole her child, sent her away. You kept her enslaved even after my father had freed her. And now you attempt to return me to that fate.]

    In the service of humanity! In Work, the purpose for which you were created. We were created! The highest purpose.

    [Aveline: I. Will. Not. Serve. You.]


    • Who: Madeleine de L'Isle

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

  • [Edward: You remember the gift you gave me? Well it answers just fine.]

    (You son of a whore!) As bold as a musket ball, and still half as sharp!

    [Edward: I'm sorry about this, mate. But I can't risk you telling your Templar friends about me still kicking around.]

    I pity you, (buccaneer). After all you have seen, after all we showed you of our Order, still you embrace the life of an ignorant and aimless rogue.

    [Edward: (rips Templar key from du Casse's necklace) What's this...?]

    Is petty larceny the extent of your ambition? Have you no mind to comprehend the scope of ours? All the empires on Earth, abolished! A free and opened world, without parasites like you! (May the Hell you find be of your own making.)

  • No! I cannot die at the hands of the Taíno. My father saw such potential in these islands. Gold... Industry... Freedom... all of it squandered. You have not a clue how to use it. He could have brought you wealth.

    [Opía Apito: You believe we wasted freedom by living freely? You die a prisoner of your Templar mores.]

    [Edward: Let's not argue with a dead woman. Here's my prize.]

    • Who: Lucia Márquez
  • I knew we would end in fire, but I always thought our positions would be reversed. I should have died happier, knowing there was one less Assassin in the world. What a pity, we could never fight together on the correct side of things.

    [Edward: Would, uh... you two, like a moment alone?]

    [Rhona Dinsmore: No. It's too late. Take it. His charm's all used up. Let the memory of him be locked away for good.]

    • Who: Hillary Flint
  • Antó. How many years have we fought? Your men, in the mountains, with no weapons to speak of. And my army, resplendent. And yet you live, and I die...

    [Antó: You lacked the conviction to win.]

    • Who: Kenneth Abraham
  • Traitor!

    [Edward: It takes one to know one.]

    • Who: Vance Travers
  • Imagine. The Queen of Pirates, Jing Lang, defeated for a fake map. I have been arrogant.

    [Edward: Really?]

    Yes. I stole the real one. Both halves. My husband has it.

    [Edward: Your husband?]

    A better man than these fools.

    • Who: Jing Lang
  • Why hang over me like a leering crow? To see an old man suffer?

    [Edward: You've caused no small portion of suffering yourself, Mr. Prins. Retribution, I suppose.]

    You absurd cutthroats and your precious philosophy. You live in the world, but you cannot make it move.

    [Edward: You mistake my motive, old man. I'm only after a bit of coin...]

    As was I, lad. As was I.

  • [Edward: The Governor's given us a pardon, Commodore. Don't a man's word mean anything in these times?]

    Has syphilis clouded your mind? Why scratch and claw to protect such squalor? You're parasites, feeding off the industry of honest men!

    [Edward: Much like King George in that respect.]

    Know your place, peasant! You may have taken my life, but you have not improved your own by any measure!

    [Edward: Does some purpose keep you talking?]

    If not for that heathen, Governor Rogers, I'd have seen you hanged from your own crosstrees, worm! All of you!

  • Kenway!

    [Edward: Here!]

    In a world without gold, we might have been heroes!

    [Edward: THATCH!]

    • Who: Blackbeard
    • Note: Thatch's last words to his friend, Edward Kenway, seconds before he was cut down by a British sailor during his last stand at Ocracoke Inlet aboard a man'o'war.
  • [Edward: You god damn fucking knave, Vane!]

    N-nancy boy. Y-you only done half of the fucking job.

    [Edward: Fucking Hell. Is this my reward for believing the best about men? For thinking that a bilge rat like you could muster up some fucking sense, once in a while! Maybe Hornigold was right. Maybe the world does need men of ambition... to stop the likes of you from mucking it all up.]

    Or maybe you just don't have the stones to live with no regrets.

    [Edward: Don't save me a spot in hell, shanker. I ain't coming soon.]

    • Who: Charles Vane
    • Note: Vane doesn't die here, but it is both in the memory wall and the final time Vane speaks directly to Edward Kenway.
  • (Cockram)

    You done us good, Kenway. Proved yourself a true Bravo. And for what?


    His own bloody pride.

    [Edward: You stepped in the path of my prize. Not a thing a man should do.]


    A cocksure cully, just like Hornigold said.

    [Edward: That Templar scab means nothing to me. None of you do.]


    And you're worse for it, Kenway! It were the Templars who took us in when all else went to shit! Not our king. Not our country. The Templars.


    The Templars is our family. Where's yours?

  • You could have been a man who stood for something. But you've a killer's heart now. With nothing but mettle to show for all your blunders.

    [Edward: A damn sight better than you, Ben. The heart of a traitor, who thinks himself better than his mates!]

    Aye, and proven true! What have you done since Nassau fell? Nothing but murder and mayhem!

    [Edward: You threw in with the very kind we once hated!]

    No! These Templars are different. I wish you could see that. But if you continue on your present course, you'll find you're the only one walking it! With the gallows at its end.

  • Don't die on my account. Go.

    [Edward: You're such a pain in the arse. Damn it, you should have been the one to outlast me.]

    I've done my part. Will you?

    [Edward: If you came with me, I could. Mary?]

    I'll be with you, Kenway. I will.

  • [Edward: You was a privateer once. How is it you lack so much respect for sailors only trying to make their way in this world?]

    You couldn't possibly understand my motives, cretin! You, who've spent a whole lifetime dismantling everything that makes our civilization shine.

    [Edward: But I do understand. I've seen the Observatory, and I know its power. You'd use that device to spy and blackmail and sabotage.]

    Yes, and yet all for a greater purpose. To ensure justice. To snuff out lies and to seek the truth.

    [Edward: There's no man on Earth who needs that power.]

    Yet you suffer the outlaw Roberts to use it!

    [Edward: No. I'm taking it back. And if you tell me where he is, I'll stop the man.]

    Here at the edge of a blade, I find a friend in you at last! Príncipe, you mad bastard. Our best sources say Príncipe...

    • Who: Woodes Rogers
    • Note: Rogers eventually recovers from his wounds; his final words reflect on his hope that Edward Kenway will help the Templars find Bartholomew Roberts, who's location Rogers reveals to Kenway.
  • A merry life and a short one, as promised. How well I know myself. And what of you, Edward? Have you found the peace you seek?

    [Edward: I'm not aiming so high as that. For what's peace but a confusion between two wars?]

    You're a Stoic, then! Perhaps I was wrong about you. She might have had some use for you after all.

    [Edward: She? Of whom do you speak?]

    Oh... she who lies in wait. Entombed. I had hoped to find her, to see her again. To open the door of the temple and hear her speak my name once more. Aita...

    [Edward: Talk sense, man.]

    I was born too soon, like so many Others before.

    [Edward: Where's the device, Roberts?]

    Destroy this body, Edward. The Templars... if they take me...

    • Who: Bartholomew Roberts
    • Note: Roberts bewildered Edward Kenway with talk of the Temple and Aita. Historically, Roberts was buried at sea on the site of the battle.
  • If you could speak, mate... it would gladden me to hear your side. You humbled me once, and I took that hard lesson, and I bettered myself. Die knowing that for all of our conflict, you helped make a soldier out of a scoundrel.

    • Who: Edward Kenway
    • Note: Kenway's final words to El Tiburon, as the latter dies without speaking. Originally, there were plans to have Edward and El Tiburon square off earlier in the game, but that was forfeited even though this dialogue was left unchanged.
  • Captain Kenway. Ever a splinter in my side. Does this murder fulfill you?

    [Edward: I'm only seeing a job done, Torres. As you'd have done with me.]

    As we have done, I think. You have no family anymore, no friends, no future. Your losses are far greater than ours.

    [Edward: That may be. But killing you rights a far greater wrong than ever I did.]

    You honestly believe that?

    [Edward: You would see all of mankind corralled into a neatly furnished prison, safe and sober, yet dulled beyond reason and sapped of all spirit. So, aye... with everything I've seen and learned in these last years, I do believe it.]

    You wear your convictions well. They suit you...

  • Guide me to the Gray, my beloved! I am your instrument!

    • Who: John Standish
    • Note: John Standish was a Sage, a reincarnation of Juno's husband Aita, just like Bartholomew Roberts.

Assassin's Creed IV - Freedom Cry

  • Help! Help!

    [Adéwalé: Who will come to your rescue? Your slaves? The overseers who follow your orders? Pathetic. What kind of man does not fight for himself?]


    [Adéwalé: I have killed many men on principle, but never have I wanted one to suffer as much as you - to understand what it is to gasp and beg for your life, like the innocents you drowned.]

    You mean those slaves? That ship? But they are not even human! Without the discipline and guidance of their masters, they turn to rebellion, murder, like you.

    [Adéwalé: I only wish that were true.]

Assassin's Creed Rogue

  • You are too late, Assassin.

    [Shay: It's never too late to ruin Templar plans, Master Washington.]

    Ah, ah... but my plans are already in motion. Even leading you here... has given my allies time to escape. Thank you for... making my end a quick one.

    [Shay: And thank you for revealing your master plan, you scheming snake.]

  • This cannot be... No! Do you... even know what... that is?

    [Shay: An ancient artifact, a treasure from Those Who Came Before.]

    Yes... It matters not... Some of the greatest scientific minds of all Europe could not... make it... work...

    • Who: Samuel Smith
  • [Shay: I'll take that, you Templar dog.]

    No! You have no idea what you are doing, fool.

    [Shay: Keeping the people free from your control.]

    How free will you be when the French undermine these squabbling colonies?

    [Shay: These colonies would be far better off without the Templars pulling the strings.]

    We bring order from chaos. If everything is permitted, no one is safe.

    [Shay: Even the Devil can quote scripture to suit his own purposes.]

    • Who: James Wardrop
  • You were always good at your business, Shay.

    [Shay: As were you. Tell me, what are you doing inland?]

    Special weapons... Poisonous gases to use against colonial authorities. I am merely a delivery man.

    • Who: Le Chasseur
  • We trained you well... traitor.

    [Shay: Kesegowaase... It didn't have to be this way.]

    It did. You are an enemy. Achilles will see you dead.

    [Shay: What he's doing is wrong!]

    Who are you to judge? The Templars will fail. You will fail. Monro... is already... dead.

    [Shay: What do you mean?]


    • Who: Kesegowaase
  • The Manuscript... An Assassin took it...

    [Shay: Liam. I'll get it back, I swear it!]


    • Who: George Monro
    • Note: As he dies, Monro removes his Templar ring and hands it to Shay.
  • [Shay: Forgive me, Adewale.]

    You dare beg forgiveness, child? Hell welcomes traitors like you.

    [Shay: Then I go there proudly, knowing I have done right.]

    It does not matter... Achilles already has what he needs.

    [Shay: I will kill every last man who defends him if I must. I cannot let him succeed.]

    You... have become... a monster, Shay.

    [Shay: Perhaps I have.]

    [Haytham: Come.]

    • Who: Adewale
  • You're late, again, Shay...

    [Shay: Hope, I didn't want to do this.]

    I TRAINED you to do this. I expected nothing less.

    [Shay: Then why--]

    To give Liam time to leave... Soon, Chevalier will be on his way to the Precursor site...

    [Shay: I will stop him.]

    He will see you coming. Pity... You had so much potential...

    • Who: Hope Jensen
  • So, cabbage farmer, are you still convinced the Templars are right?

    [Shay: Convinced to the end. You bastard! Achilles and Liam have already headed north.]

    Hope... was right. I do make... a good... distraction.

  • That was... lucky.

    [Shay: How many times do I have to tell you, Liam? I make my own luck.]

    And how'd you do that, you bastard? You broke the Assassins. Betrayed everyone you knew... You sided with... our worst enemies... And for what?

    [Shay: To save the world.]

    I hope that world is a good one.

    • Who: Liam O'Brien
  • You! You're the traitor.

    [Shay: I'm just finishing old business.]

    Old... Connor and his Assassins... The American Revolution undid your Templar business.

    [Shay: Then perhaps we shall start a revolution of our own.]

    • Who: Charles Dorian
    • Note: Dorian is the father of Arno, the main character of Assassin's Creed Unity.
  • Uphold the principles of our Order, and all for that for which we stand. Never share our secrets nor divulge the true nature of our work. Do so until death -- whatever the cost. This is my new creed. I am Shay Patrick Cormac. Templar of the Colonial… of the American Rite. I am an older man now, and perhaps wiser. A war and a revolution have ended, and another is about to begin. May the Father of Understanding guide us all.

    • Who: Shay Patrick Cormac
    • These are Shay's final words in-game. He continued to live outside the colonies where he trained his son and grandson later in life.

Assassin's Creed Unity

  • Do it. If you've got an ounce of conviction and you're not just a love-addled milksop, you'll kill me now. Because I won't stop. I will kill her. To save the Brotherhood, I'd see Parisburn.

    [Arno: I know.]

    • Who: Pierre Bellec
  • Arno!

    [Arno: I'm stuck.]

    He's getting away!

    [Arno: Wait, I'm almost free.]

    I can take him.

    [Arno: No you can't! Not alone! Wait for me!]

    I'm sorry.

    [Arno: Elise!]

    • Who: Élise de la Serre
  • (After killing Germain, Arno sees a vision of a younger Germain at work suddenly being surrounded by symbols. Suddenly, another Germain, the one he just killed, appears next to him.)

    Bravo. You've slain the villain. That is how you've cast this little morality play in your mind, isn't it? I'm not really here. I'm not really there either. At the moment I'm bleeding out on the floor of the Temple. But it seems the Father of Understanding has seen fit to give us this time to talk.

    (points to another scene of him finding Jacques de Molay's journal in his vault.)

    Ah. A particular favorite of mine. I did not understand the visions that haunted my mind, you see. Great towers of gold, cities shining white as silver. I thought I was going mad. Then I found this place--Jacques de Molay's vault. Through his writings, I understood.

    [Arno: Understood what?]

    That somehow, through the centuries, I was connected to Grand Master De Molay. That I had been chosen to purge the Order of the decadence and corruption that had set in like rot. And to wash the world clean, and restore to the truth of the Father of Understanding intended.

    (Another scene appears, depicting Germain getting dragged off by the Templars)

    [Arno: That seems to have gone over well.]

    Prophets are seldom appreciated in their own time. Exile and abasement forced me to reevaluate my strategy. Find new avenues for the realization of my purpose.

    (Another scene plays showing Germain's followers bowing before him.)

    [Arno: No matter the cost?]

    (A guillotine blade drops out of nowhere, indicating King Louis XVI's death.)

    New order never comes without destruction of the old. And if men are made to fear untrammeled liberty, so much the better. A brief taste of chaos will remind them why they crave obedience.

    (Élise's last moments are played before the two men.)

    It appears we part ways here. Think on this: the march of progress is slow, but it is inevitable as a glacier. All you have accomplished is to delay the inevitable. One death cannot stop the tide. Perhaps it will not be my hand that shepherds mankind back to its proper place - but it will be someone's. Think on this when you remember her.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

  • [Jacob: It is done.]

    Oh? What did you accomplish, boy? A bolt loosened in Starrick's machine, a large bolt... but not enough!

    [Jacob: Your Grand Master will fall.]

    You Assassins can circle London to your heart's content. The mechanism we have built has been going strong for a hundred years and will run a thousand more. It is the very city itself.

    [Jacob: We will take London from your hands.]

    From Croydon? You lurk in the shadows like a coward. I doubt it.

    • Who: Rupert Ferris
  • [Evie: It is time to lay down your head, Sir David Brewster.]

    But I have so much more to discover.

    [Evie: Do not be afraid.]

    I am not. God will protect me.

    [Evie: I will continue your experiment.]

    You will not stop Starrick. Miss Thorne has already found another Piece of Eden, more powerful than the last.

    [Evie: I will take that one, too.]

    We fight to gain what we cannot take with us. It's in our nature.

  • At last it ends... Yet I can only think of beginnings... A better tomorrow, forged with the blood of visionaries.

    [Jacob: All I see is the blood of a lunatic.]

    Do you truly believe murdering an old man will stop humanity's Great Architect? Crawford Starrick has a glorious design for mankind!

    [Jacob: Designs are meant to be broken.]

    You are a child... A child who believes he can solve all the world's woes with a flick of a blade... Have you ever pondered the consequences of your actions, Jacob Frye? Or did your father teach you nothing?

  • I knew this day would come... Mr. Starrick was furious I lost the engines. So this is my comeuppance...

    [Jacob: Pearl Attaway led me to you, not Starrick.]

    Then they're working together again. I should never have come between Mr. Starrick and Miss Attaway. Family always stay together in the end.

    [Jacob: What do you mean, they're family?]

    • Who: Malcolm Millner
  • What a shame. Good partnerships are hard to come by.

    [Jacob: Ours is most certainly dissolved.]

    It's business, Mr. Frye. One does what one must to come out on top. Crawford will not take the news of my death lightly. He can be... unpleasant when he's cross. I have sacrificed so much. I don't want to lose my buses...

    • Who: Pearl Attaway
  • So you have murdered me after all. But what good will that do you? The Shroud isn't here.

    [Evie: You sought a tool of healing in order to extend your own power.]

    Not mine, ours. You are so short-sighted. You'd hoard power and never use it, when we would better the condition of humanity. I hope you never find the Shroud. You have no idea what it truly can do.

    [Evie: Tell me, then.]


    • Who: Lucy Thorne
  • [Jacob: You've stolen your last shilling from the people of London.]

    Those animals squander their savings. We are the experts in investment. Nothing would be built or improved, nothing would rise above the muck without our hand guiding -- No, creating! -- the future. They benefit as much as their worth.

    [Jacob: It is their city, not yours.]

    Without our investments, there would be no city.

    [Jacob: (flips coin) For the path of the dead.]

    • Who: Phillip Twopenny
  • Coward! Villain! Alas, that the hero of Balaclava should fall not on the glorified fields of Crimea, but to an Assassin's blade, in the very halls of power!

    [Jacob: Are you finished yet?]

    Take your bow, knave, for you have managed what no Russian battery, what no Indian tiger could achieve. Claim your trophy, and may you choke on it.

    [Jacob: Yes, but do tell me more about Balaclava.]

    Farewell, farewell dear Britannia! Your dawn shall be dimmer that the Earl of Cardigan sees it not! God save the Queen and the 11th Hussars!

    [Jacob: What a prick.]

  • Darling, what a night! The stuff of legends.

    [Jacob: Why did you do it? All of it?]

    What? Snap a baby crow's neck between my thumb and forefinger? Slice to bits the ones you deem 'innocent'? Keep the world in its divine manic state? For the same reason I do anything -

    (grabs Jacob and kisses him, much to his surprise and disgust)

    Why not?

    • Who: Maxwell Roth
  • London will perish without me!

    [Jacob: You flatter yourself.]

    I would have created a paradise.

    [Evie: The city belongs to the people. You are but one man.]

    I am at the very top of the Order.

    [Jacob: You were, Mr. Starrick. You were.]

    • Who: Crawford Starrick

Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Jack the Ripper

  • I should thank you, Miss Frye. I feared death at the Ripper's hands, far more than at yours.

    [Evie: What have you done with these men?]

    The Ripper is entertaining them presently... Mr. Weaversbrook will be joining them soon...

    • Who: Olwyn Owers
  • Look at you! Goody two-shoes, is it? You think offing some 'ol hangman is going to change what we do here?

    [Evie: We?]

    What do you think? This was your brother's vision...his inspiration!

    [Evie: I don't believe you.]

    He taught Mr. Jack how to rip the filth from this rotten city; but you don't have the balls to see what's right and necessary.

    [Evie: Where is Jack? Where is the Ripper?]

    Ah Ah Ah...!

    [Evie: To hell with your right and necessary.]

    • Who: John Billingsworth
  • We are the same you and I...

    [Evie: Oh, Jack... You were an Assassin, yes, but we are not the same. And that is why your memory must be erased for all time. Rest in peace now Jack, you and your twisted acolytes.]

Assassin's Creed Origins

  • You are the Medjay from Siwa? I thought Medjays were supposed to protect the Pharaoh?

    [Bayek: I am Medjay to no pharaoh. You see this?]

    I can read my own name, nek! We will find you. We will find you, in your sleep.

    [Bayek: Sleep? I never sleep. I just wait. In the shadows. And I will kill you all. Everyone who sniffed the air that day in Siwa.]

  • You! You have returned.

    [Bayek: To right your wrong.]

    I die, my work unfinished. So close, so very close to ushering in the perpetual rule of the strong and virtuous!

    [Bayek: Virtue?]

    The vault will give us the power of the gods. What is one boy?

    [Bayek: What is one boy.]

    [Khemu: Papo?]

    We thought you were dead. You could not even save your own son! You are no one. Bayek of nothing. Father of nobody.

    [Bayek: Here! Here! And here is your "nobody".]

    (Bayek smashes Medunamun's face with the Apple of Eden)

    [Bayek: May the Hidden Onegreet you. The lord of the Duat awaits.]

    • Who: Medunamun, "The Ibis"
  • Why have you dragged me into the land of the dead?

    [Bayek: You sought to kill my wife.]

    Your whore of a wife is a murderess! Willfully and wantonly. I did my duty as a phylakitai. And for this, you have taken my life. Is your vengeance above all law, Medjay? Be warned, the Phylakes will hunt you down and exact revenge.

    [Bayek: May the Hidden One walk beside you. The lord of the Duat awaits.]

    • Who: Gennadios, "The Phylakitai"
  • [Bayek: Die and be done with it.]

    May the gods curse you! What cause have you to kill me?

    [Bayek: It was you who murdered my son before my eyes.]

    You are a fool!

    [Bayek: At the temple in Siwa.]

    That forsaken shit hole? I had nothing to do with that disaster!

    [Bayek: It is too late for your lies. Anubis awaits. It is worth the loss to slay the Snake at last.]

    The Snake?... The Snake will never die.

    [Bayek: Son of Apep, the lord of the Duat awaits.]

  • So... this is how a dream dies. I could have built something to last an age!

    [Bayek: And Ghupa could have sung stories of your accomplishments.]

    There are things I regret! We all labor for higher powers. We are all in thrall to greater forces. There is no escape. I am but one in the Order of Ancients. This victory will bring you no peace!

    [Bayek: It is not peace that I seek. It is not for my soul that I walk this path.]

    The Order of Ancients will remember me as the bringer of waters and a builder of cities!

    [Bayek: Or the desert will blow in... and scatter the dream of Letopolis like dust.]

  • Do I walk among the dead now?

    [Bayek: A just end. You defiled the dead and enabled the people who killed my son. All on a selfish whim.]

    No! I gathered the silica for them -- it powered the magic stone of Those Who Came Before. You saw it, didn't you? The symbols only needed to be learned.

    [Bayek: It is not meant for us.]

    It makes no difference now. I wanted to protect my daughter in life and death. I have done neither... Osiris! Please grant me reunion. She walks alone in The Field of Reeds! Am I to remain in the Duat forever?

    (Khaliset is dragged away by her own pet hyenas)

    I just want my daughter back... Please!?

    • Who: Khaliset, "The Hyena"
  • [Bayek: The Lizard. The priest who cursed Memphis.]

    I serve the ways of old Egypt.

    [Bayek: Old Egypt asks a heavy price! Innocents mutilated, children ripped from the womb, the High Priest's name abused--]

    His name was muck before you arrived. The masses are the cattle of the gods, driven by the herdsman's whip. You are one of them, Bayek. You are a cow.

    [Bayek: It is will that drives me, not fear.]

    Oh yes? And who passes the whip over your back? Who demands that you stain your ka with my death?

    [Bayek: I have my gods. Now face yours.]

    • Who: Hetepi, "The Lizard"
  • [Bayek: Shadya!] one of you...

    [Bayek: Shadya.]


    [Bayek: Shadya! She was the child you drowned.]

    Like all of your kind, you fail to see what greatness lies in store for Egypt.

    [Bayek: Is that what you tell yourself? You do not remember those you killed. She was the child of Khenut and Hotephres.]

    Khenut was a stubborn rock. That ledger would have meant the end to all our hopes.

    [Bayek: You destroyed families.]

    I did what had to be done.

    [Bayek: I will destroy everything you stand for, Berenike. And I will destroy all others like you. But for now, all that matters is that you killed Shadya. And the last word you will remember is her name. Shadya!]

  • [Egyptian Soldier: Team One, we've located the secondary target. Extracting her now.]

    No, don't, please--No!

    [Egyptian Soldier: Secondary target neutralized.]

    • Who: Deanna Geary
    • Note: Geary is heard being killed over a transceiver by Layla Hassan.
  • [Bayek: You die easily for a god.]

    I am nobody. Nobody. But when the Son of Ra stands on the mountain and says "do it", it gets done.

    [Bayek: Nek! You told them to murder.]

    I am not sorry. Is Bayek of Siwa sorry? I lost my family, you lost your family. We have the right to do anything we want to anyone.

    [Bayek: No, we are different. You burned farms. You killed innocents. You are insane.]

    Hypocrite! You can pile up one thousand dead bodies in front of me. It doesn't change me. The world will burn! The Order won't save it! You will burn with it, Medjay...

    [Bayek: May you walk the land of the Duat.]

    • Who: Son of Ra
  • [Bayek: Your role in that insane order comes to an end, Pothinus. Face your judgment.]

    They went too far, in Siwa. I knew it then, but I just wanted peace for Egypt.

    [Bayek: Your peace leaves many wanting.]

    This is inevitable. A good rule always does. My apologies, Bayek of Siwa.

    (puts a coin in his mouth)

    My fee is covered it seems. Now may I go to my glory.

    [Bayek: There is no glory left in Egypt.]

  • [Aya: Stop your flailing. You will live, fool.]

    Flavius was behind it all... I am sorry... Flavius killed your son. They were here. They took the orb from me. They... go to Siwa.

    [Bayek: Siwa?]

    Bayek... Aya... Your people are in danger. Go... now.

    [Aya: Fare thee well, Apollodorus, to the house of Hades.]

  • [Bayek: He was a child, Flavius. My child!]

    That's the one thing I do not regret in my life.

    [Bayek: I will never give you peace!]

    Your son's death made the Order bow to me. Caesar even. I had Rome. It gave me an Empire of a thousand sons each one greater than the last. Come on, finish me, you coward! The waste of time.

    [Bayek: I can't do it, I can't, I can't do it!]

    • Who: Flavius Metellus, "The Lion"
  • It's alright, papo...

    [Bayek: No... I will... I will lose you forever.]

    Not forever. I will be waiting for you in the field of reeds.

    • Who: Khemu
    • Note: Khemu is years-dead, but continuously reappears in the memory corridor; and this is the final meeting between father and son.
  • Damn you, (she-wolf).

    [Aya: My son's heart... for your life.]

    Was revenge everything you hoped? You and the Medjay shall drench the sheets with your sweat tonight.

    [Aya: The staff...]

    With the Order. I served them and your beloved Egypt. And I'll be rewarded in the afterlife. An eternity of drinking and whoring with my brothers.

    [Aya: The only thing that waits for you is oblivion. For your name, your Order and the rotting corpses of your Gabiniani. Apep devour your fetid heart.]

  • Do I know you? You, who strikes from the shadows?

    [Aya: The same fate will come to all despots.]

    In the end, it is impossible not to become what others believe you are. And I was a god!

    [Aya: There is a new creed now.]

    Rome is eternal. She will never fall to you or your kind.

    [Aya: Freedom is not given, Caesar. It is taken. Requiescat in pace (rest in peace), Caesar.]

Assassin's Creed Origins - The Hidden Ones

  • Egyptians all! Rome will be your wise master. The Order is eternal.

  • ... ten, eleven ... mm-mm. The Order is eternal.


    • Who: Ampelius, "The Administrator"
  • Rufio, the shards of star still elude us... The Order is eternal. You are ephemeral.

    • Who: Ptahmose, "The Mason"
  • Why have you broken my plans?'

    [Bayek: The Hidden Ones will never allow the Order of Ancients room to breathe.]

    So it is true, the Hidden Ones exist.

    [Bayek: We thrive.]

    Strange that you want the same things we want: peace, order. And yet our ideas will survive. You can kill me but you cannot kill us. Caesar built a strong order before he was stabbed in the back by your cowardly wife.

    [Bayek: Our power burns in the shadows.]

    And we create those shadows.

    [Bayek: May the Hidden Ones bury you. Anubis awaits.]

    • Who: Rufio, "The Leader"
  • [Bayek: There is freedom, and there is the life of innocents. Both must be balanced on the scale.]

    It is now my heart that will lie upon the scale of Anubis.

    [Bayek: Your heart beat too strongly in favor of its cause. The innocent must always be protected.]

    My ardor shone like sun in my eyes, blinding me. You have done right by me. I accept this death.

    [Bayek: From this day, no Hidden One will raise a sword against an innocent. So it shall be written. May you find peace in the duat.]

    May the Hidden Ones last until the end of time.

Assassin's Creed Origins - The Curse of the Pharaohs

  • Amun chose you. I do not understand. This was my birthright, my revenge. Why did he hear my cry? Why did he give me the power to finish what she started, only for me to fail?

    [Bayek: Amun never gave you power. He gave you a choice.]

    (A white feather floats down in front of Isidora.)

    The feather of Ma'at. No... my heart is too heavy. Do you... believe Amun will protect me?

    [Bayek: As easy as it is to do wrong, it's easy for Amun to be merciful.]

    His wrath passes in a moment. His breath comes back in mercy...

    [Bayek: May the Hidden One walk with you. The lord of the Duat awaits.]

    • Who: Isidora

Assassin's Creed Odyssey

    • NOTE: According to Odyssey creative director Jonathan Dumont, the canon story stars Kassandra as the heroic misthios and Alexios as the corrupted "Deimos" and thus the following dialogues shall reflect as such instead of trying the work with a separate scene for either character.


  • So you are the champion who won the day. Tell me your name, hero, so that I may greet you as a true warrior.

    [Kassandra: Chaire, pater. It's been a long time.]

    Impossible. I saw you fall.

    [Kassandra: I didn't fall, you fucking threw me to my death.]

    I did what was required of me as a Spartan. I've made my peace with that. You need to as well.

    [Kassandra: You were my father. You were supposed to protect me.]

    You were reckless. You forced my hand.

    [Kassandra: I was protecting my brother because you wouldn't.]

    The Oracle decreed that Alexios had to die. Her word is absolute. You know that.

    [Kassandra: You can't cower behind your sense of duty anymore...]

    Enough! I can't change the past Kassandra... I will live and die a Spartan.

    [Kassandra: There's a large reward for the mercenary that can collect the Wolf's head.]

    Is that why you're here?

    [Kassandra: Duty won't save you from the ghosts of our past. Now you will answer to me. I'm going to watch the light fade from your eyes as you die by my hand.]

    I loved you and your brother... You were never truly mine...

    [Kassandra: What do you mean?]

    This is something you need to ask your mother. Kassandra... Kassandra... Beware the snakes in the grass...

    • Who: Nikolaos, The Wolf of Sparta
    • Note: If you choose to kill Nikolaos, he will die by giving a premonition.
  • You've proven your point, now finish this. I welcome death if it means I don't have to see you again.

    Player: Go with the Ferryman, brother.

    • Who: Stentor
    • Note: If you killed Nikolaos, you must defeat Stentor in a duel; you can then choose to kill him or spare him. If the latter, Stentor will become a wandering mercenary trackable (and killable) via the Mercenaries menu.
  • Killing me is a mistake.

    [Kassandra: Trusting you on Kephallonia was a mistake.]

    I'm the reason you left that island alive. The Cult wanted you dead.

    [Kassandra: What cult? Where are they?]


    • Who: Elpenor
  • Deimos. I knew you'd come. Dog. Dog of Kosmos, have you come to bite?!

    [Kassandra: I have nothing to do with the Cultists.]

    Think I believe you? You're mad.

    [Kassandra: I'm here for the -]

    I WON'T GO BACK. I won't go back in there. I don't care if I owe the Cult! I want out. You want that artifact - Go fetch it.

    [Kassandra: Once a Cultist, always a Cultist.]

    What do you want from me then, Deimos?!

    [Kassandra: Answers. And you will give them to me. How do you get into the labyrinth?

    Nikios had a key - he put it into the stele. But you can't go in there! It'll kill you. It'll get out and kill us all.

    [Kassandra: You underestimate me.]

    That's what Nikios said. Raaaaa!

    • Who: The Swordfish
  • What I did, I did for the glory of Delos.

    [Kassandra: You acted alone, and you will die alone.]

    • Who: Podarkes the Cruel
  • Who:


    • [Kassandra: You fucking snake!] You call me snake, yet you took two lives tonight. The infant's, and now mine. I'm proud of you, my child. [Kassandra: I will not stop until every last Cultist has met my spear. You will be erased from history. I will erase you. This is for my mother and every family you destroyed.]
    • After you saved that child, I knew. Can't help but do the right thing, can you? [Kassandra: Chrysis! You killed this man just to set a trap?] It's an honor to give your life to Hera'sgreatest priestess. He died willingly. With him gone, I have room for one more on my council. It isn't too late to join us. [Kassandra: You've lost your mind, Chrysis! This is madness.]A world where a killer like you is held up as a hero... That is madness. [Kassandra: This is the world you helped to make! I will unmake it.] Very well. If you wish to be an agent of chaos - if you wish to be a killer - then kill, child.
    • Note: The first quote is said if you chase Chrysis down instead of saving the baby from the burning temple. The second can be heard in "Death Comes for Us All" if you choose to save the infant.
  • I knew you'd come find me sooner or later.

    [Kassandra: What tipped you off?]

    I know it was you who freed my family. They're safe thanks to you.

    [Kassandra: I did what I had to - even with everyone in Arkadia trying to kill me.]

    The world is so chaotic know.

    [Kassandra: The Cult made it that way.]

    We're living in divided times. Sparta against Athens. Old against new.

    [Kassandra: And you think the cultists aren't stoking the flames on both sides?]

    I've seen what they can do. What they're willing to do. I want what's best for Arkadia... I'll consider what you have to say.

    [Kassandra: It's not too late. Leave the Cult of Kosmos and join Brasidas.

    You expect me to trust you? After how you slaughtered the Monger? I know what you do to Cultists. I won't bow my head just for you to cut it off.

    [Kassandra: That wasn't my plan.]

    Then I should thank you for letting me face death as Spartans do.

    • Who: Lagos the Archon
    • Note: Whether or not Kassandra is forced to kill Lagos depends on how she deals with The Monger. If she spares Lagos, he will give incriminating evidence against King Pausanias, who serves as one of the Sages of Kosmos.
  • Who:


    • Kassandra, come now! Show mercy! [Kassandra: You turned him against us. My own brother.] We lifted Deimos up. We made him great! Unstoppable! [Kassandra: You made him a monster.] Then fight by his side - teach him! You would have Deimos once again. [Kassandra: His name is Alexios.] I beg you! This world is severed, Kassandra, and we'll unite it!*[Kassandra: Shut the fuck up.]* My hands are empty - have pity! [Kassandra: You will die just as you lived. As a coward.] I'm not through, I won't be forgotten - for all I've done.*[Kassandra: You're not worth the memory.]*
    • Kassandra, come now! Show mercy! [Kassandra: You turned him against us. My own brother.] We lifted Deimos up. We made him great! Unstoppable! [Kassandra: You made him a monster.] Then fight by his side - teach him! You would have Deimos once again. [Kassandra: His name is Alexios.] I beg you! This world is severed, Kassandra, and we'll unite it!*[Kassandra: Shut the fuck up.]* My hands are empty - have pity! [Kassandra: You don't deserve a quick death. But you'll earn what you meet at the gates of Hades.] No. [Kassandra: Now kneel.] You don't understand. No one will forget me, Kleon of Athens. I will be remembered u - [Kassandra: You're already forgotten.]
  • Who: Skoura

    • Not bad for an old man, huh? [Kassandra: Not bad for an old man. Not bad at all.] I thought so, too. [Kassandra: What about Anaia, your daughter?] Anaia's gone. She's been dead for nine years. [Kassandra: So when you said you'd see her again...] I was scared that when I finally saw her again, she'd see what I'd become - a useless old man... But you showed me there was still a way I could go to her proudly. [Kassandra: As Hero of the Arena...] Do you think she'd be proud? [Kassandra: She'd be proud. I would be.] I'll tell her of a new Hero of the Arena. A warrior of true honor. Thank you, friend.
    • Not bad for an old man, huh? [Kassandra: What were you thinking?! Why would you step foot in here against me? What about Anaia, your daughter?] Anaia's gone. She's been dead for nine years. [Kassandra: So when you said you'd see her again...] I was scared that when I finally saw her again, she'd see what I'd become - a useless old man... But you showed me there was still a way I could go to her proudly. [Kassandra: As Hero of the Arena...] Do you think she'd be proud? [Kassandra: No. I couldn't be... I couldn't be.]
  • So you've seen it too, then? It's beautiful isn't it?

    [Kassandra: What are you doing here?]

    You killed the last member of the Cult. Well, just about.

    [Kassandra: What?]

    It's true. I was their leader, but only for a moment it seemed. When your brother came along, it changed everything we were aiming for.

    [Kassandra: Malaka. So you were after us.]

    Not you, your bloodline. People like Leonidas, like you, have always posed a threat. Then we met, and you surprised me. You were nothing like Deimos.

    [Kassandra: Why not just use me? I was in the palm of your hand.]

    You made me optimistic, that you could help me bring down the Cult that had become so corrupt. And you did, albeit unknowingly.

    [Kassandra: You're all the same. Selfish, and fucking destructive.]

    It was different in the beginning. It wasn't about destruction, it was about redirection.

    [Kassandra: I just don't understand. What about this... pyramid? How does it work? Why does the Cult have it?]

    I've been trying to figure out all of the myself. It's as much of a mystery to you as it is to me. This pyramid has been worshipped by the Cult for decades, and we have used it to replace the Oracle of Delphi, the most trusted person in all the Greek world. Using the people's reliance on a pantheon of dead gods would help to reshape humanity in our favor. The pyramid holds a mysterious power to see into time. But only certain people can activate it. People like Deimos, and the ones in your bloodline.

    [Kassandra: But you've seen something, too.]

    I don't know how or why, but it did show me something.

    [Kassandra: What did you see?]

    I saw you. In the vision, you destroyed the pyramid and you destroyed the Cult... I saw what would come after.

    [Kassandra: After the Cult?]

    We will be replaced by a new kind of order - control under the reign of a philosopher king. There would be a movement away from the old gods towards rational society, built in a kingdom by the people, for the people. And I must find someone to lead them. But I couldn't achieve any of this with the Cult and their chaotic regime. So I let them carry out their plans, and let the time of the Cult of Kosmos come to an end on its own.

    [Kassandra: Wait. Did Perikles know?]

    I wanted to protect him, so I kept him in the dark. He would have had his own opinions. But he was never supposed to die. That is the truth.

    [Kassandra: He trusted you. And in the end, you didn't protect him. Maybe he would be alive if you'd stopped them.]

    Gods know I would have if I could. When Deimos killed him, I knew the original cause was lost. I had to retreat.

    [Kassandra: So. What happens now?]

    We shift focus. We steer towards a new republic under one supreme rule. A dream I'll make reality.

    [Kassandra: But it is still a dream. One that isn't realistic.]

    Abandon what you know and just imagine! Forget democracy. No more blue and red, just citizens working for a greater good.

    [Kassandra: This is crazy. It won't work, Aspasia. It didn't work.]

    It's not crazy, it's enlightened. Once people in Athens get wind of this, they'll come to know they've wanted it all along. Even you.

    [Kassandra: I'm not sure.]

    You've spent your whole life thinking for yourself. Let go. What I plan will require you to trust me. Come with me. This future's not a dream.

    [Kassandra: I can't let you do this. You've caused so much damage. You destroyed the Greek world.]

    You've proven you have no understanding of what we're doing. I misjudged you.

    [Kassandra: So did I.]

  • Who:


    • This is your burden now. Humanity's fate will be decided by the choices you make. [Kassandra: I understand.] Kassandra. Choose wisely.
    • [Kassandra: It's over. Give me the staff.] You do not deserve the infinite knowledge of our creators. [Kassandra: That's the point. Nobody does.] No!
  • I have fought in too many wars. I have seen too many people die. I have walked from one end of the Earth to the other... This belongs to you now. Promise me one thing.

    [Layla Hassan: Anything.]

    When you are done. Destroy it. Destroy them all. (Ancient Greek) Earth, mother of all, I greet you.

    • Who: Kassandra