Team:ETH Zurich/core/human-practices

Human Practices

Human Practices is a procedure to ensure the responsibility and benevolence of our project. To achieve this, we first identified globally relevant topics and decided to work on <a class="a-link-neg-margin" href="#nav-antibiotics-resistance/" onClick="aaa('nav-antibiotics-resistance/');">antibiotics resistance </a> by the means of phage therapy. Secondly, we brainstormed societal concerns that are linked to our project, whereas we identified <a class="a-link-neg-margin" href="#nav-clinical-application/" onClick="aaa('nav-clinical-application/');">clinical application </a>, <a class="a-link-neg-margin" href="#nav-patient-safety/" onClick="aaa('nav-patient-safety/');">patient safety </a>, <a class="a-link" href="#nav-biosafety/" onClick="aaa('nav-biosafety/');">biosafety </a> and <a class="a-link" href="#nav-regulatory-process/" onClick="aaa('nav-regulatory-process/');">regulatory process </a> as significant issues to consider, whereas the following questions arose among others:

  • How could our new method find an application in a clinical setting?
  • Is phage therapy safe for the patient and if not, what needs to be done to ensure its safety?
  • What happens if our newly created synthetic phages escape into the environment? Do they impose a danger on the ecosystem?
  • How is the use of phage therapy regulated today and what would be necessary to obtain a good regulatory framework in the future?

Next, we met with stakeholders from the clinic and experts in safety and regulations to discuss these questions and get some general <a class="a-link-neg-margin" href="#nav-project-feedback/" onClick="aaa('nav-project-feedback/');">feedback </a> to our project. Finally, we <a class="a-link" href="#nav-integrated-human-practices/" onClick="aaa('nav-integrated-human-practices/');">integrated </a> all our gained knowledge to improve the design of our project. Furthermore, we used our platform to <a class="a-link" href="#nav-public-engagement/" onClick="aaa('nav-public-engagement/');">inform </a> the public about phage therapy as well as synthetic biology in general and in return get some valuable feedback from society.


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