Team:Mingdao/Human Practices


The Purpose under Every Deed

We define Human Practice as a progress of evolution, which transforms our project into a better situation by receiving and giving back. By looking to our past and teasing out the most important threads--the experience we've had, the people we've been influenced by, the lives we've touched and the highs and lows we've faced, we've indeed made our project profound and meaningful. In brief, it's about "Sharing, giving and mutual interaction". Thus, we categorized our Human Practice into three major pieces “WHY-WHAT-HOW” for highlighting the importance of these roles. ”While most people plunge through their lives focusing on the what and how, they rarely takes the time to identify the one purpose, cause or belief that is at the heart of who they are.”, written by Simon Sinek, and indeed, we’re now following its steps to find out a practical guide for us to discover the purpose for every deeds we’ve made. We are going to guide you through our work-of-art, realizing that what we value the most are nothing more than “Sharing and Reciprocity”. We created integrated work and dialogues from human practices, education and public engagement. We also learned SWOT analysis and marketing our product through entrepreneurship.

Project Design

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Prototype Design

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Biotech Workshop

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Debate Conference

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SWOT analysis


Conclusion & Perspective

Every Deed Begins with a Purpose

All in all, it’s hard to deny that people still have concerns about our project. Convincing the public that our product is safety and security is a difficult task. For adults, based on their personal experiences, they recognize that mosquitoes bring nothing but disease and itching. So it might came upon a bad impression for them, however, they did support us to do more and are eager to know what our final product is. For primary school students, they are quite young and don’t have too much concerns about safety, they prefer a natural bite more than a scared syringe. Promotion and propaganda for GMO products as well as realizing the way to spreading HIV infectious diseases play an indispensable role within our project. Moreover, because of the survey, we came up with our applied device, which keeps mosquitoes secure in a cage as small as a matchbox. And combined with the other experiences, we’ve come up with an idea of peeling off mosquito wings for preventing escaping. Our product hasn’t come true, our journey never stops, every deed begins with a purpose, and the purpose makes our life meaningful.
