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<h1>Composite Parts</h1>
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A composite part is a functional unit of DNA consisting of two or more basic parts assembled together. <a href="http://parts.igem.org/wiki/index.php/Part:BBa_I13507">BBa_I13507</a> is an example of a composite part, consisting of an RBS, a protein coding region for a red fluorescent protein, and a terminator.
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<p>New composite BioBrick devices can be made by combining existing BioBrick Parts (like Inverters, Amplifiers, Smell Generators, Protein Balloon Generators, Senders, Receivers, Actuators, and so on).</p>
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<p>This page should list all the composite parts your team has made during your project and include direct links to your Parts main pages on the Registry. <b>You must add all characterization information for your parts on Parts Main Page on the Registry.</b> You should <b>not</b> put characterization information on this page. Remember judges will only look at the first part in the list for the Best Composite Part award, so put your best part first!</p>
Copyright &copy;<script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear());</script> All rights reserved | This template is made with <i class="fa fa-heart-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> by <a href="https://colorlib.com" target="_blank">Colorlib</a> | Modified by GSU iGEM
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<h3>Best Composite Part Special Prize</h3>
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<p>To be eligible for this award, this part <b>must be well documented on the part's Main Page on the Registry</b>. If you have a part you wish to nominate your team for this <a href="https://2019.igem.org/Judging/Awards">special prize</a>, make sure you add your part number to your <a href="https://2019.igem.org/Judging/Judging_Form">judging form</a> and delete the alert box at the top of this page.
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<b>Please note:</b> Judges will only look at the first part number you list, so please only enter ONE (1) part number in the judging form for this prize. </p>
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                            <p>Tel: (+1) 404 413 5344</p>
                            <p>E-mail: igemgsu@gmail.com</p>
                            <p>Address: iGEM 50 Decatur St SE, Atlanta GA 30303<p>
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Revision as of 21:18, 9 October 2019

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