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<p>Each team will make new parts during iGEM and will add them to the Registry of Standard Biological Parts. The iGEM provides an easy way to present the parts your team has created. The <code>&lt;groupparts&gt;</code> tag (see below) will generate a table with all of the parts that your team adds to your team sandbox.</p>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://2019.igem.org/Template:SEU/STYLE?action=raw&ctype=text/css"/>
<p>Remember that the goal of proper part documentation is to describe and define a part, so that it can be used without needing to refer to the primary literature. Registry users in future years should be able to read your documentation and be able to use the part successfully. Also, you should provide proper references to acknowledge previous authors and to provide for users who wish to know more.</p>
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<p>Note that parts must be well documented on each part's <a href="http://parts.igem.org/Main_Page">Main Page on the Registry</a>. This documentation includes all of the characterization data for your parts. <b>The part's data MUST be on the part's Main Page on the Registry for your team to be eligible for medals and special prizes pertaining to parts.</b> <br><br>
This page serves to <i>showcase</i> the parts you have made and should include links to the Registry pages for your parts. Future teams and other users and are much more likely to find parts by looking in the Registry than by looking at your team wiki.</p>
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              <h1 class="entry-title">Parts Overview</h1>
            <div class="art-content">
              <p>This project is based on one of our previously published article [1]. Artificial intelligence is one prevailing research field in recent years, but most of the implementations are on traditional silicon-based computers or chips. Is it possible to use biochemical materials to implement such systems? Our previous paper provides one possible method, but it is validated by only simulations. In this project, we aim to implement such a system in wet experiments. Also, to aid the design of such systems, we will develop a small software to automatically generate required DNA topological structures. </p>
              <p>In our system, the concentrations of some input DNA species will be regarded as the input to the neural network. Some mathematical calculations are performed in solutions (weighted summation, activation, etc.) and the output of the neural network is the concentration of some certain DNA strands, similarly. </p>
              <p>There are various possible applications of this technology. For example, as it utilizes only DNA, a type of bio-friendly material, with small modifications it may be integrated to other biosystems to create biochemistry robots.</p>
              <p><a class="example-image-link" href="images/kids1.jpg" data-lightbox="example-set" data-title="Click the right half of the image to move forward."><img class="example-image" src="images/temp.jpg" alt=""/></a></p>
              <p>DNA strands have been proved a powerful medium to perform computation. Previous researches [2], [3] have shown some interesting applicatoins of such materials, which implemented a "probabilistic switch" and a pattern recognition machine, respectively.</p>
              <p>In this project, we plan to utilize a similar approach to conduct our experiment, implement a neural network using biochemical materials and validate our previous theory.</p>
              <h2><a class="example-image-link" href="images/kids1.jpg" data-lightbox="example-set" data-title="Click the right half of the image to move forward."><img class="example-image" src="images/temp.jpg" alt=""/></a></h2>
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<h3>Adding parts to the registry</h3>
<p>You can add parts to the Registry at our <a href="http://parts.igem.org/Add_a_Part_to_the_Registry">Add a Part to the Registry</a> link.</p>
<p>We encourage teams to start completing documentation for their parts on the Registry as soon as you have it available. The sooner you put up your parts, the better you will remember all the details about your parts. Documentation includes the characterization data of your parts.</p>
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<p>We have a created  a <a href="http://parts.igem.org/Well_Documented_Parts">collection of well documented parts</a> that can help you get started.</p>
<p> You can also take a look at how other teams have documented their parts in their wiki:</p>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:MIT/Parts"> 2014 MIT </a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Heidelberg/Parts"> 2014 Heidelberg</a></li>
<li><a href="https://2014.igem.org/Team:Tokyo_Tech/Parts">2014 Tokyo Tech</a></li>
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<h3>What information do I need to start putting my parts on the Registry?</h3>
<p>The information needed to initially create a part on the Registry is:</p>
<li>Part Name</li>
<li>Part type</li>
<li>Short Description (60 characters on what the DNA does)</li>
<li>Long Description (Longer description of what the DNA does)</li>
<li>Design considerations</li>
We encourage you to put up <em>much more</em> information as you gather it over the summer. If you have images, plots, characterization data and other information, you must also put it up on the part page. </p>
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<h3>Part Table </h3>
<p>Please include a table of all the parts your team has made during your project on this page. Remember part characterization and measurement data must go on your team part pages on the Registry. </p>
<groupparts>iGEM19 SEU</groupparts>

Revision as of 11:00, 29 August 2019

Parts Overview


This project is based on one of our previously published article [1]. Artificial intelligence is one prevailing research field in recent years, but most of the implementations are on traditional silicon-based computers or chips. Is it possible to use biochemical materials to implement such systems? Our previous paper provides one possible method, but it is validated by only simulations. In this project, we aim to implement such a system in wet experiments. Also, to aid the design of such systems, we will develop a small software to automatically generate required DNA topological structures.

In our system, the concentrations of some input DNA species will be regarded as the input to the neural network. Some mathematical calculations are performed in solutions (weighted summation, activation, etc.) and the output of the neural network is the concentration of some certain DNA strands, similarly.

There are various possible applications of this technology. For example, as it utilizes only DNA, a type of bio-friendly material, with small modifications it may be integrated to other biosystems to create biochemistry robots.


DNA strands have been proved a powerful medium to perform computation. Previous researches [2], [3] have shown some interesting applicatoins of such materials, which implemented a "probabilistic switch" and a pattern recognition machine, respectively.

In this project, we plan to utilize a similar approach to conduct our experiment, implement a neural network using biochemical materials and validate our previous theory.