Difference between revisions of "HQ"

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<b>Location: </b>Germany
<b>Location: </b>Germany
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<b>Region: </b>Europe
<b>Region: </b>Europe
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  <b>Nominations: </b>Best Environment Project<br>
  <b>Nominations: </b>Best Environment Project<br>  
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  <b>Awards: </b>-
  <b>Awards: </b>-

Revision as of 19:08, 20 November 2019



This page contains the list of HQ pages and resources used in 2019.

Code wishlist

Here you can add classes or special requests for css/jquery you would like to have in 2019

  1. Different colors for the decoration class
  2. Code documentation for creating div with centered text -AES

2019 pending template update

Ana's to do list for 2019 code

  1. Add social media links to the bottom of the menu
  2. Fix nesting font sizes ol/ul
  3. Finish code documentation


Institution: Aachen University

Location: Germany
Region: Europe

Section: Overgrad
Track: Environment

Parts: parts/Team:Aachen
Wiki: 2019/Team:Aachen

Medal: Gold
Nominations: Best Environment Project
Awards: -

Plastractor - extracting microplastics from fluids via magnets

Nowadays the problem of microplastics in fluids like drinkable water is a huge topic with a lot of new publications and studies about the amount, types and risks of it for animals, environment and humans. The `Plastractor` is a device which shall extract microplastics from fluids easily via magnets. Therefore the bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum `magneticum` was obtained. It is genetically modified to build magnetosomes; small magnetic and vesicle-like particles, with plastic binding peptides on its membrane. For modification we use E. coli BW29427 which transfers the needed plasmid to Rhodospirillum rubrum `magneticum` via conjugation. Two different plastic binding peptides are used, `Tachystatin A2` (TA2) and `liquid chromatography peak I` (LCI), fused with two different fluorescent proteins to enable the detection of the bound particles. Thus the device will be able to extract the plastics that are bound to magnetosomes and detect it by fluorescence.