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Firstly, to facilitate the analysis and calculation, all cells was described as spheres corresponding to their corresponding volume equivalent diameters de under the engineering concept (Hypothesis 1). The equivalent diameter$^{[2]}$ is expressed as follows:
Firstly, to facilitate the analysis and calculation, all cells was described as spheres corresponding to their corresponding volume equivalent diameters de under the engineering concept (Hypothesis 1). The equivalent diameter$^{[2]}$ is expressed as follows:
$$d_e=\sqrt[3]{\frac{6*V_p}{\pi}} \eqno{(1.1.1)}$$
Vp: the volume of cells.\\
Vp: the volume of cells.\\
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$$\frac{\partial c(z,t)}{\partial t}=D*\nabla^2{c(z,t)}\eqno{(1.1.2)}$$
$$\frac{\partial c(z,t)}{\partial t}=D*\nabla^2{c(z,t)}\eqno{(1.1.2)}$$
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Revision as of 08:10, 20 October 2019

\noindent\rule[0.25\baselineskip]{\textwidth}{1pt} Firstly, to facilitate the analysis and calculation, all cells was described as spheres corresponding to their corresponding volume equivalent diameters de under the engineering concept (Hypothesis 1). The equivalent diameter$^{[2]}$ is expressed as follows: $$d_e=\sqrt[3]{\frac{6*V_p}{\pi}} \eqno{(1.1.1)}$$ Vp: the volume of cells.\\ Secondly, the simple diffusion will reach a equilibrium state as both intracellular and extracellular concentions of inducers are the same. Since the cell volume in the solution occupies a so small proportion that the diffusion of inducers into the cell does not greatly affect the concentration in the whole solution. Therefore, it can be considered that the concentration of extracellular inducers is nearly unchanged (Hypothesis 2).\\ Meanwhile, Fick’s second law$^{[3]}$ shows: $$\frac{\partial c(z,t)}{\partial t}=D*\nabla^2{c(z,t)}\eqno{(1.1.2)}$$