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(Replaced content with "{{Tsinghua-A}} {{Tsinghua-A/baseCSS}} <html> <p> hello world for css config </p> </html>")
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<meta charset='UTF-8'><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width initial-scale=1'>
    hello world for css config
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<div  id='write'  class = 'is-node'><p>This year we are exploring the area of DNA data storage. We built a model of the in vitro process from DNA synthesis to sequencing to get a quantitative understanding of errors introduced in DNA information channel,  and tried to use hierarchical primer and omega primer in PCR to provide flexible retrieval mechanism. On the basis of these, we developed program running in silico for data encoding and encryption with improved fountain code and chaotic encryption, image similarity and hierarchic retrieval with CNN and PCA, and file indexing and modification. To demonstrate our design, we synthesis 12K DNA sequence into which we encode Tsinghua Bamboo Slip, quotes from Assassin Creed and other contents(130KB in total). Integrating multiple parts of our project, we also built a software to simulate the whole DNA data storage system and tell people what&#39;s happening with animation.</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div>

Revision as of 12:38, 25 September 2019

hello world for css config